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Everything posted by XJPSX

  1. It will not go ahead period. They can’t even manage a law to determine if pot is is illegal or not. It will also effect a lot of wealthy Thais more than the average expat.
  2. Actually running these operations is not as easy as one would think. There would be a long trail for them to follow if they don’t get paid off beforehand which is likely the case
  3. That would have already been taken.
  4. I will say a prayer for him. In Thailand you can buy ANYTHING. Oh I love this country
  5. Music doesn’t worry me much compared to the smell of a driver that has just wolfed down an Isaac garlic seafood spicy noodle soup. Incentivised me to buy a car 8 years ago…haven’t looked back since.
  6. Hopefully you have kicked on since then.
  7. The top .01% in most things get paid well. The market determines his rate and good on him.
  8. Triple Cats should be your first stop.
  9. They can’t pull the pin on this now. 20% of BKK retail would be empty if this happened. Some of the money retailers have invested on their Fitout’s to sell weed is indicative of the margin they make….even though there are so many of them.
  10. You couldn’t script this stuff.
  11. Why would they. It is within Thailand’s (not the consumers) best interest to ensure a majority on the cars on the road are made in Thailand. Years ago the government’s initiative was to be the most successful car manufacturer in Asia and incentivised the Eastern Seaboard region. The govt wants 100% of cars on the road to be made in Thailand and if you want to opt against a local purchase they have set duties on imports accordingly. I paid 50% more for my imported car than what I can buy it for in my home country, but that’s my choice. Maybe not a good one ! Countries like Africa should capitalise on the used Japan market but often countries like this are too corrupt to even facilitate such a process. I have a friend that imported a Ford Mustang and never cleared it as the red tape and fees were 3 times the value of the car. My guess is that it is sitting in a Thai’s muscle car collection somewhere
  12. Who cares…bit late for opinions now with dispensaries outnumbering 7-11 within a year!
  13. Hope he starts with the Police first. The biggest of them all….on street level anyway.
  14. Probably because they don’t have as many scumbag tourists. Pretty simple.
  15. I bet they ride Around together on Tony’s Harley. They would be considered normal in Pattaya.
  16. No wonder the country has gone to the <deleted>e!
  17. Law is the law just to refresh your mind. She is still considered a minor and he should have known better.
  18. Sets a nice precedent for the country doesn’t it. I will remember Thaksin next time I pay the traffic cop 400thb for absolutely no wrong doing. You cannot blame people in uniforms here for grabbing what they can, when they can when the country’s highest leadership behaves like this.
  19. No different to any other youths with a few beers in them from any other country.
  20. The only thing the Thais did wrong was run away. They would likely all be on video anyway. They run from their fights just as they do from their pregnant girlfriends. They need to take some responsibility some of these guys.
  21. Act 4 will be that he will choose to run for parliament again. Sad part is this sets a poor example for every public servant. They will only scam the system even more.
  22. Why else would he fly in on his gulfstream….definitely NOT to be incarcerated.
  23. He is working towards home detention which will then gradually see him cruising the streets. Thats the least his mates could do for him.
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