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Everything posted by Wandr

  1. Wandr


    I went to this place a few years back. I don't remember the name of the doctor/optometrist I saw, but she didn't even have a clear idea of what pupillary distance was. She said it could only be marked on glasses. I had asked for my measurements. I didn't use her prescription because I had no confidence in her knowledge. Thailand is a terrible place for optometry. Going to opthalmologists won't help - they know little about glasses. Some won't even try. Good luck. I ended up getting checked in my former country.
  2. I am looking for recommendations on an ENT specialist in Chiang Mai. This is NOT for hearing issues but other matters. After talking to (and reading about) people and their experience at Chiang Mai Ram, I would really like recommendations about doctors from other hospitals, or private clinics. Thanks!
  3. It's about what I was told. After the initial exam (which cost 2000 baht) I was quoted 48000 to 50000 baht for the monofocal lens. On the day of the procedure the bill actually came to almost 53000 baht - I did not enquire into the reasons because they had told me the quote was not exact. Pre- and post op exams are not included and, in my case, brought the cost to about 58000 baht. I still have the 6-week exam to go to. A bit of venting here. Sriphat is run like a private hospital, and they try to gouge you - or maybe that is how their software works. I had to ask the nurse for an alternative eye drop because the prescribed drops were not available. Buying from the hospital, they were adding a 100-baht nursing charge just for getting the name of the new drops. I protested and said I would get it elsewhere, upon which the nurse wrote it on a piece of paper and I bought it at Fascino. 100 baht is not a huge amount when you have spent 58000, but it shows the mindset, and makes you wonder what other unfair charges they have slipped in.
  4. There is no one answer, because people are different and their needs are different. But, my information is that most people try to get their distance vision as close to 0 as possible, and use reading/computer glasses for closer stuff. My case was not typical because of the Queen Sirikit Hospital screw-up, so not much use to you getting into it. There are variations that you will just have to find out one way or the other. Doctors can help, but they don't take the time to go into detail, especially when we don't know what questions to ask. Sites like these can help - I think there was some useful information in this thread. But use caution. And beware of the stuff that people leave out. Consider Longwood50's post. I am sure he meant well, and he provided useful information, but when he recommended monovision he did not mention that loss of depth perception is an inevitable effect. This is very important - I could not even park a car without getting out once or twice to see how far I was from obstructions. I could not tell small bumps and depressions in the surface - enough to trip. Even the doctor who suggested monovision to me did not mention it - she may have later, I don't know. Consider the possibilities. If you have time and money consider the suggestion of trying contacts first. If you do close-up work all day, then maybe you want to correct for close distances and use glasses for far? I will suggest choosing the doctor and not the hospital, if you can afford it. While this is a simple procedure, especially with monofocal lens, there are enough screw-ups and side effects to require using some caution.
  5. It's great that monovision works for you, but most people should beware of it. My doctor in the US says most people don't like it and advised against it. I was offered - recommended actually - monovision at Sriphat, but I refused. I have met two people who had it done and neither one likes it. For one thing, you lose depth perception with monovision. There are other sensory effects also. If you can test with contacts, as suggested above, it will be good. Otherwise think deeply about it. If you drive a bit, for instance, it's not for you.
  6. Right
  7. Wandr

    Gold shop

    There shouldn't be. The Thailand Gold Traders Association publishes buying and selling rates, and that's what you are supposed to get. There is a 100 baht difference between the two, per baht weight. In Bangkok it has never been an issue - gold shops give the published rate. In Pattaya they never do, but then Pattaya is a place whose mantra is 'cheat whenever possible '. In Chiang Mai I am finding it's a mix. Some shops try to extort more than the rate. They will either claim the rate has gone up, or try to take extra. I just walk away. I did business at a shop today that behaved professionally. If anyone is interested, it is in the last right soi off Chang Moi Rd heading to the river, with a 7-11 on the corner. There's a row of gold shops on the right. This is about 100 m in, and has a board with two galloping horses.
  8. I had it done recently at Sriphat. Monofocal lens with no astigmatism correction needed. Total cost including pre- and post-op exams came to about 58000 baht. But a far better experience than Queen Sirikit in Sattahip, which botched it and left me needing a second surgery.
  9. Wandr

    Gold shop

    Does anyone have experience of a gold shop that sells gold bar at the legal Gold Traders Association rate? If so some directions will be appreciated. By legal rate I mean at the same rate as published by the GTA, with no markup. Thanks.
  10. Wandr

    True vs 3BB

    Is the True package that includes home internet, plus phone internet and calls, worth getting? I have used 3BB for years but True has a compelling offer. For those who have used True home internet, does it work smoothly without outages? And do they block using movie or sports apps?
  11. Is there some place in Chiang Mai where old eyeglasses can be donated? I have a bunch of them, with decent frames, and the frames can be useful given the high prices here. Maybe the lens too, I am not sure about that though.
  12. That's what I am finding - blood test shows the pills haven't changed the reading. Why is the gel a pain? Messy? Gel seems to be preferred by many in the USA because they don't cause huge swings like the shots do.
  13. I checked. I was told that the imported pills have not been available in Thailand for two years. Still waiting to hear if people have had satisfactory results from the Thai oral pills and in what dosage.
  14. Thanks.... A few questions: Why are you recommending against the Thai product. I ask because I have found Thai generic drugs to be fine and effective. Where is Andriol available? Drug stores have only come up with the Thai product.
  15. He is not in this country. If you don't have an answer to the question then just keep quiet.
  16. Have people tried the oral testosterone sold in Thailand? Two brand names are Testos and Testocaps. My question is whether they work and in what dosage. My doctor is not too keen on injections because of the big ups in testosterone levels. He recommends gels but they seem to be hard to get. The pills are also easy to take and preferable - assuming they work.
  17. I need this in one eye. Since the surgeon who did the other eye botched it (had to get subsequent surgery) I am being cautious. The first surgery was not in Chiang Mai, but in the south east. I am considering a Dr Paradee, at Sriphat. Any opinions about the surgeon or the hospital, or anything in general? If the opinion is inflammatory then maybe send me a message instead? Thanks much, I am understandably apprehensive.
  18. I know there is a dentist request every few weeks. As far as I can tell, the answers point people to one of the bigger outfits, where several dentists work for a company. I am looking for a dentist - or two - who works independently but has all the necessary equipment. Somewhere in central Chiang Mai, and towards Hang Dong, will be fine. If someone knows of such a dentist - especially with good experience with crowns - I will appreciate it if they can post it.
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