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Posts posted by friendofthai

  1. 6 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

    In any normal country, certain people would be held accountable for such a vaccine fiasco, and dismissals would be inevitable. 

    But here, with his "whatever will be, will be" attitude, things will continue, and things will get progressively worse.

    Nothing short of shambolic by this unelected regime.

    It is strange to see that all countries in the world except the United States are to blame for the fact that the United States produces a non-transportable vaccine.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 2
  2. 2 hours ago, robsamui said:

    Erm . . . remind me again . . . where exactly did this mysterious supervirus suddenly appear . . . ?? What country did it 'escape' from?
    (nod, nudge, wink)

    It is hard to determine. Because immediately after the virus was found in China - we saw that all the other countries in the world began to perform their own investigations: "Hey guys! This is not China! We have found the evidence that we are the true origin of the virus!" (nod, nudge, wink)

    • Confused 3
  3. It is necessary to get 1-2 jabs per year to be safe. So we will have to wait about 6 months to get a mRNA jab every year. It is too much.
    We can only choose between AZ and Sinovac. What to choose? You should compare 2 counties in Europe:
    1. UK is using AZ. 9-10k of new COVID patients per day.
    2. Hungary is using Sinovac and Sputnik V. 0 new COVID patients and 0 new COVID deaths (06/19/21 and 06/20/21).

    One should think twice and make a hard decision between being a patriot and being a survivor.

  4. 1 hour ago, WaveHunter said:

    ..and we all know the stellar history China's government (the CCP) has for presented the transparent facts LOL!

    China does not think it is a colony of the West. So your neocolonial "19th century style" claims look strange in the 21th century. In the new free world if you want to get something from another country - you should give something that the other country is interested in. Russia and China are very interested to know what experiments with viruses are being carried out in American military bio-labs.

    • Confused 1
  5. On 6/15/2021 at 1:51 PM, placeholder said:


    4 week ago the UK only had a slightly bigger percentage of its populace vaccinated than did Hungary.

    UK had 55.5% with at least 1 dose and 31.3% fully vaccinated.

    Hungary had 49% with at least 1 dose and 28.4% fully vaccinated.

    Yet hungary had about 20 times more death 4 weeks later than the UK?

    UK had 1529 cases reported 4 weeks ago.

    Hungary reported 868

    I guess that means that the Russiand and Chinese vaccines in use reallly stink at preventing death. Or, just possibly, Hungary's reporting of cases is suspect.


    The most recent data shows that my suggestion was right. And now we see 0 deaths for the last 2 days in Hungary. And 20 deaths in UK. It is very sad that people have to die just because their government can't buy the good vaccine from Russia or China.

  6. The official Chinese answer to all these claims is here:

    "I'd like to stress that if the United States truly respects facts, it should open the biological lab at Fort Detrick, give more transparency to issues like its 200-plus overseas bio-labs, invite WHO experts to conduct origin-tracing in the United States, and respond to the concerns from the international community with real actions. We hope certain U.S. politicians can respect science, act with due conscience, stop shifting the blame or playing the political game, and fostering a favorable environment for international cooperation on origin-tracing and combating the virus, which is what they should do at the moment."



    • Like 1
  7. 32 minutes ago, placeholder said:

    I am quite convinced that Sputnik is an effective vaccine as I've already stated. But Russia took a gamble with peoples' lives in order to score a propaganda victory.. And that's unforgiveable.

    Have you ever think about what could have happened if any severe side effect had found during live trials of mRNA vaccines? The technology is totally new. So anything could have happened. In the worse scenario people had not got any vaccine because of endless cancellations and delays. This is true gambling with people lives. Russia and China, on the other side, prefer to use only time-tested safe approaches (like adenovirus or inactivated virus) to be sure that people will get their jabs.

    • Sad 1
  8. "Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine not yet approved in Thailand due to lack of data"

    The need of passing through a political scandal is by far more important reason to wait. This is the price of using the first class vaccine that really stops COVID. Brazil, Slovakia, Hungary and other countries has paid this price already. Many politicians have lost their jobs because of this. They are brave people that sacrificed themselves to save people lives.

    • Haha 1

    14 hours ago, placeholder said:

    So you're claiming that one of the major reasons for phase 3 trials isn't to to test whether a medication is safe? 

    Utter nonsense. As for Putin giving it to his daughter. That's what he claimed. 

    I think Russia's gamble with innocent people's lives paid off. It looks like it is safe. But that's no excuse for violating scientific safety protocols.

    I am in a Thai coffee shop now. I see 2 kind of sugar bags here. I see that most people choose the small brown sugar bags with regular sugar which has never passed neither "Phase 2" nor "Phase 3". And only one customer has chosen a small blue bag of chemically synthesized sugar that has passed "Phase 2" and "Phase 3". Of course the regular sugar brand has passed a small subset of tests to ensure its safety.
    People choose the thing that are time-tested in the coffee shop because time is the most reliable tester. Much more reliable than all these "Phase 2" and "Phase 3" testers. That is why people choose Sputnik V based on the ancient adenovirus technology rather than the sci-fi mRNA things. Ancient things require much less testing to ensure their safety. It would be strange if Putin had not used this to win the vaccine diplomacy race.

    • Haha 1
  10. 19 minutes ago, Comrade said:

    I'm sure 65% is bs. We take many vaccines throughout our lives. i don't know any person who was anti-vaxer, but of course they exist

    If you ask anyone - are you an anti-vaxxer? Most people will say NO! After that you should ask - Why haven't you got your jab? And you will hear one of the standard stories from the anti-vaxxer websites. The Gold medal will be given to "The tale of deadly adjuvants" :

    People will say that they are not against vaccines but the producers of the vaccines MUST provide them with 10000000000 proofs that they are not using deadly adjuvants.
    The Silver medal will go to "The Tale of deadly chipization". People will tell you that they are not against the vaccines actually. They just want 10000000000 more certificates that there will be no micro-chips in their jab.
    The Bronze medal will go to "The Tale of corruption in medicine". You will probably see a person that "are not against vaccines actually", he just need  10000000000 more proof that he will not be a laboratory mice for medical trials of dangerous medications from the US or Europe.
    I am so tired of all these tales and the phrase "I am not against vaccines actually"...

  11. 29 minutes ago, Zikomat said:

    Where did you get that number from?

    Not sure that I can find any numbers in the western sources - but I will try to. There are many opinion polls with the result of 60-70% of Russians that decided to not get ANY vaccine. You can find these data in English versions of Russian media resources.
    I am from the Novosibirsk region and have had hard times trying to convince my parents, sister, friends school teachers etc that vaccines are not garbage, they really save lives and they should go and get their jab. The common opinion of the society is that vaccines are dangerous and bad things.
    There is a lottery among those who has got their jab already. 5 new cars every week in Moscow. Just get a jab and get your new car. It`s a shame to say that people still don't want to get vaccinated and even such tricks don't work.

    • Like 2
  12. 15 hours ago, placeholder said:

    In June, Hungary so far has recorded 230 covid deaths. The UK has 84. But on the other hand, the UK has about 7 times more people than Hungary...oh wait a minute that's not a mitigating factor. That makes it worse. So if Hungary had roughly the same population as the UK and kept its same rate of covid deaths that would mean it would have more than 1600 deaths compared to the UK's 84. Hey, it's only 19 times as much. I guess if the goal were to have more deaths, Hungary would be way ahead. Go Hungary!


    Those why die today caught COVID about 4 weeks earlier. Yes, 3-4 weeks earlier UK looked much better than Hungury. Because not enough people were vaccinated. But on 06/13/2021 and on 06/14/2021 we see:

    7319 and 7606 new cases in UK.
    0 and 255 in Hungary.

    Looks like the vaccines from China and Russia are much more effective than the western ones.

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