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Posts posted by Nemises

  1. 1 hour ago, Dan O said:

    How many news articles have there been every month where a motorist mows down a pedestrian at a cross walk where they have the right of way and traffic has a red light? It just doesn't work here.

    Absolutely 100% true…. and here’s video proof!


    Right at the start of video look for the 23 seconds left on the clock that the pedestrian has to safely cross the road with the traffic on a red light. 


    • Agree 1
  2. 1 hour ago, KhunLA said:

    If I saw it coming, and couldn't quickly get out of the way, I'd simply jump up off the scooter platform, as high as I could, and hope I clear the front grill of the vehicle, and hopefully most of the windshield.  Anything being better than full impact or going underneath.


    If you really want a what if solution.  Or I'd be wearing one of those instant inflate wearable airbags.  Another what if solution.   Both without using my superpowers :coffee1:


    There ... HAPPY NOW

    Although, since there, up front, all by myself, then getting out of the way, would be quite easy.  No real thought involved, just turn the throttle as the E-MC has instant torque ... go left/right, and out of way.   I await the next what if ...


    Can we get any further off topic.  Now stop beating that horse, IT's DEAD

    You said “bye bye” but YOU keep coming back lol. 😂 

    Thanks for FINALLY answering! Good luck with that high jumping!!! That’s hilarious 😂 


    Stay safe ..or in your case …stay fit!

  3. 13 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

    Can't answer 'what ifs'  as all different circumstances.  Surprised you didn't ask, 'what if you saw a plane crashing towards me"  BYE BYE



    Oh dear. A motorcyclist boasting about "40+ years experience" can't answer what to do when at a red light without cover! Too funny.


    BYE BYE!

    • Sad 1
  4. 58 minutes ago, Moonlover said:

    And amazingly, most of are still around to tell of our experiences. I've been riding here for 10 years now (with an overall total of around 30 years) I have no qualms about riding here, in fact I enjoy it.


    If it doesn't appeal to you that's fine, but please stop carping on about other peoples lifestyle choices. It's non of your business. Do you criticize sky divers, downhill skiers or SCUBA divers?


    Calm down. Simply asked a question about a motorcycle red light situation. Didn’t realise a question would ruffle so many feathers! 

    Have a nice day ✌️


    And stay safe!




  5. 21 minutes ago, stoner said:


    i don't want to be a negative nancy here but he also said that in 23 years riding here he has never had an owie. 


    so clearly it isn't so common in his experience ? 

    No one said otherwise! The question was simply: how does ‘40+ years experience & commonsense’ save someone on a motorcycle stopped at a red light when you stopped to the extreme left , have no cover and are hit from behind from a fast-moving heavier vehicle?”. 


    • Like 1
  6. 4 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

    Give it a rest ... enough with the 'what ifs'


    23+ years of driving scooters in TH, and never an oops ... I must be doing something right.  What I'm not doing ... is living in fear.  


    Stay home, order everything delivered, and we'll all be fine ... NO THANKS

    Stopping at a red light without cover is hardly a “what if” … it’s common!

    Appears your “40+ years experience and common sense” won’t save your life in this common occurrence. 

    Stay safe!

    • Haha 1
  7. 14 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

    . What if, I lived in fear my whole life, and didn't enjoy living every aspect that I could.  That would kill my spirit and me, so why bother 'living' at all.

    Yes but the question was about how your “40+ years riding experience and common sense will help keep you alive” in that particular situation you were given. 


  8. 41 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

    Again, just use common sense, and be aware of your surrounding.   Use your damn mirror when stationary, and place something, other vehicles in between you and approaching traffic.   Along with don't block yourself in, and always try to have an escape route.   Probably why TH has the 'green' section at intersections reserved for scooters.  Although I prefer not even to be there, if can be avoided, in case someone has an oops and crosses over.


    Although, if in front, and see something coming, may be able to get out of the way.


    There's 2 ways for me to go to the park & surf every day.  I take the long way, 1 km more & slower, as I don't want to sit at intersection for a long time, and no fast traffic should be coming up behind me vs sitting on hwy # 4, which would be shorter & faster, but at a major intersection, with traffic buzzing by, both directions at 90+ kph, and sh!t does happen at times. 


    I even go that way when driving the car, and simply common sense, and defensive driving to me.  If you're not looking in your rear view quite often while driving, especially when stationary, then you're not using common sense or driving defensively.  I want to know what's around me all the time, JIC.


    Kept me alive and fairly accident free this long.

    Thanks 🙏


    So, for example, you are stopped at a red light - just you, no other bikes or cars for “shelter”. 

    You have done the sensible thing and stopped your bike to the extreme left of the road - with no escape route possible on this particular occasion due to cross traffic or whatever.

    A distracted, speeding ute driver (common on Thai roads) still manages to slam into the back you - but you survive!

    How do you avoid this from happening again?



  9. 23 minutes ago, KhunLA said:
    3 hours ago, Nemises said:


    Been riding almost daily for 40+ years, and more than half of those here in TH.   Defensive driving and a bit of common sense will keep you alive, or at least increase your chances.

    Agree about using common sense etc, but curious to know how you defend yourself against a heavier, thus deadly for you, vehicle from slamming into the back of you? (Which is common, more so these days, with every 2nd Thai driver playing on their phone…who isn’t already drunk, drugged, speeding etc.)



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  10. 9 hours ago, Gknrd said:


    People should know how bad it is.  Not just the good. 

    Right now 40-44 C.  Air unbreathable. haha fact.  

    Hence Shi$$ hole. 


    “Right now 40-44 C.  Air unbreathable. haha fact.”



    Air conditioners and air purifiers are available in Thailand. Haha fact. 

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