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Everything posted by SMG96

  1. Kiwithl - Tks for making contact Very few of the tracks I ride are shown on maps but I've been able to find my way around using TerraMap app , works with out phonesignal and records trails so you can build your own map. My bike is not road legal and anyway I have no interest riding on the road There are endless trails around here (Ban Khok Nok 24km NW of Suwannakuha) from wide flat gravel roads to steep, loose, rutted tracks and some singletrack too... all built by the locals to access their rubber plantations etc and what little bit of forest is left . I've got some good 2 hour 50km loops with around 1300 meters of climbing. Still lots more to discover Nobody seems to mind if your sensible slow down when you see people, and stay off their farmed areas where they may have water pipes. There a group of young local lads riding around here but they tell me they prefer to ride in rainy season , went out with them once around New Year, seem like a decent bunch.
  2. Are there any dirt bikers/ trail riders in the Nong Bua area.. I spend winters near Suwanakhua .. last year started riding a KLX230R around the endless rubber plantation access tracks Would be great to join up with other riders if there are any in the area
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