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Posts posted by BangkokBaksida

  1. "Thief Somsak "Boy" Satipha, 32 is in custody. He said he needed money to pay his rent. "


    Did Somsak consider the possibility that his victim also had rent to pay?  Anyway, at least he doesn't have to worry about paying HIS rent now.  (I am assuming that it is not necessary to pay rent while staying in a Thai jail, although I suppose anything is possible in Thailand.)

  2. 13 minutes ago, KhunBENQ said:

    Except you have stash of cash to throw in/put at risk for "the new 10 yr" visa you should better forget it. I can not remember a single report about someone actually having gone this path.


    If you are over 50 yr and have proof of income/funds for the Non O-A then go this route.

    Gives you almost 2 yr of stay with just one single border run and no obligation to put money in a Thai bank account or whatever.

    The elite visa is an option for the wealthy under 50 yr old.


    Would this Non O-A visa be doable for someone legally working and living in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam but wishing to visit Thailand for, say, a weekend every month or two?  I am over 50 years old and have over 800,000 baht in my bank account in Thailand as well as in my account in Vietnam.  Thanks very much.

  3. I personally know of an young American man who was drugged and thrown off the balcony of his high rise apartment in Bangkok by his Thai bar girl wife and her drug dealer boyfriend.  The Thai police had no interest in pursuing her.  But when it's a Thai who goes over the balcony, it's a different story.  I'd be interested to know how many Thais have ever been convicted of killing farangs in this way.  Probably close to zero.

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