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Posts posted by Spike1938

  1. Although I am 85 km from Phitsanulok I get there fairly often.

    Would really appreciate location of shop and contact details possible.

    I have 6.5 planes ready to fly as I enjoy building them and repairing them as much as trying to keep them airborne.

    Just a note: I am a licensed private pilot, which I don't get to use here in Thailand as there is no airport near me (Phitsanulok is nearest)  with an instrument rating as well. And rentals, as far as I can tell, are very expensive. I find keeping an R/C airplane in the air harder than the real thing.

  2. I got my retirement visa in Dec. with more than 800k in bank, No problem.

    I am scheduled to apply for extension on Mar. 3. ( Immigration was kind enough to extend to Mar because original visa expired on Jan 3rd. I just applied early in Dec.)

    Due to health problems I have had to draw down my account to about 540,000.

    Can anyone advise me what documents I need to provide for the extension?

  3. 14 minutes ago, kingstonkid said:

    All very cute all very braindead.  Let's face it all they care about is being cute.  I worked with teachers like that they are right out of school and think that being beautiful and being a friend to the students is all they need to do.


    They have no skill other than their beauty.  


    To me, they would be better used on cowboy than in a classroom.


    Sorry to be scrooge but.

    Just because they are beautiful doesn't mean they are "braindead". My niece could be in this article and I assure you that she is smart and very dedicated to her students. You are indeed a Scrooge.


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  4. This administration including John Bolton as well as the CIA are acting primarily in behalf of the oil companies. Iran sits on the third largest reserves of oil in the world and they are nationalised. Exxon, Total, BP are anxious to get Iran destabilised so they can get their hands on what they consider is "their oil". Same for Venezuela who has nationalised the largest oil reserves.

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  5. 1 hour ago, TonyClifton said:

    Trump wants a wall.  We the Citizens of the United States of America want a wall.  The Democrats are just going to throw temper-tantrums until they have to give in.  


    When Obama removes the wall around his house in DC then the Demorats can negotiate something different.


    Good luck with that.

    Polling has shown that most American's do not support a wall at all let alone one that Mexico will not pay for. Obama's wall (a fence around private property) and a wall along a national border is an apples and oranges argument.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 4 hours ago, Srikcir said:

    May 2017 - After Trump calls for a government shutdown, White House pins the blame on Democrats

    January 2018 - Trump blames Democrats for government shutdown

    March 2018 - Trump is threatening to shut down the government — and blame Democrats for DACA

    Now Trump can only blame himself.

    But you know self-incrimination doesn't last long with Trump. Maybe he can blame the next shutdown on the 700+ immigrant children that his government lost.

    Or he can blame Mexico for refusing to pay for an unneeded wall. I hear there are new factories starting up in Mexico to make 11 foot ladders.

    • Haha 1
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