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  • Birthday 09/15/1977

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  1. I don't know what it is about Nazis lately. Most of my wife's side of the family in the US are Trump voters and starting believe Hitler was maybe on to something and got a raw deal. Their reasoning is that he must have been if Nazis are so universally hated by the left.
  2. Others have posted the top end speed. I've attached the specs from the manual. If you can't read it let me know what measurements you'd like to know. I'm well below 6ft so it makes it hard for me the gauge what a six foot person will look like on it. I will probably find a way to add some extra storage container to the back. The torque is probably what makes this fun for me. At 336nm its over 150nm more than a Suzuki Hayabusa. You can find some recent videos of it on youtube is you search FW07.
  3. I apologize I didn't notice you were the same person adding a legitimate post above it. Every time I post about motorcycle and scooters in a forum there are always someone that just wants to tell me I have a death wish or that should buy a car or crotch rocket if I want a real bike. I tried to delete the post but I once. I noticed but I can't figure out how to delete here or if you can.
  4. With government subsidy it currently is discounted to about 150. Still a little more than a 150/160cc ICE scooter but fully worth it for me.
  5. I ordered this 6000w electric scooter(Felo FW07) at the recent motor show here and received it last week. Before the motor show I had previously test drove it on the motorsport park track near Suvarnaphumi was happy with the acceleration, brakes, and handling around the track. It is able to get me from Bang Yai Nonthaburi to downtown Bangkok and back easily on a charge which was the main ability I was looking for. It also doesn't look that goofy. It has type 2 charging so it can share the wall charger I use with my plugin hybrid Volvo. The biggest minus for me is probably the storage space. There is barely room for paperwork under the seat. Later this year I will probably pick up a used Yamaha TMax 560 to complement it and allow for longer trips with a better bump absorbing suspension.
  6. To be fair you left out "by xmas" meaning that it will about at 200 pages in a little over two more months which isn't unreasonable considering it only started a little over a month ago. It will take a few more news items about the taxation to keep this thread lit.
  7. American digital nomads that are working remotely outside of the US for a specific period of time can deduct up to 120k on their US taxes. This doesn't work for most forms of passive income though. Nonetheless its possible in some cases to get them off your back for the majority of your federal taxes on regular income except for social security and medicare which you still must pay.
  8. You can't scrub it from the wayback machine. You can see yearly snapshots of the faqs and privileges going back to 2003. I checked one for 2019 and unsurprisingly I am unable to confirm your claim. https://web.archive.org/web/20190601000000*/http://www.thailandelite.com
  9. It probably came from this site thailandelitevisas.com: But thats not the official thailand elite website and I can't find this claim on the official site so take his claim with a huuuuge grain of salt.
  10. Volvo XC40 PHEV.
  11. At least Obama tried to make good on his campaign promise to end this Bush legacy. On his second day in office Obama issued an executive order to close Guantanamo down within a year. The right wasn't on board with this plan at all and congress thwarted most of this. Donald Trump also made it clear he apposed it. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/obama-failed-close-guantanamo
  12. I hope the BlankPink concert I hope to attend next year in Bangkok has none of the same crowding issues. The group has become even more popular since their last visit.
  13. I brought a Specialized carbon-fiber mountain bike in a quality bike bag for the cool season one year. The bike got stuck in one of my transit countries and had to even tell baggage claim at Savarnabhumi what was in it. The bike arrived the next day and they delivered it right to my condo making it even easier despite the initial stress of it not showing up at baggage claim initially.
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