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crystal sauce

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Posts posted by crystal sauce

  1. 36 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I never saw any capital punishment in Saudi because we were warned to stay away from the mosque on Fridays, which is when they carry out punishment. But it was common knowledge that they killed homosexuals. 

    From Wikipedia.

    LGBT rights are not recognized by the government of Saudi Arabia. The Saudi social mores and laws are heavily influenced by Arab tribal customs and ultra-conservative Wahhabi Islam. Homosexuality and transgenderism are widely seen as immoral and indecent activities, and the law punishes acts of homosexuality or cross-dressing with execution, imprisonment, fines, corporal punishment, or whipping/flogging.

    There are laws against homosexuality but never implemented as far as I know.

  2. 8 minutes ago, Emster23 said:

    In related art subject, the cross walk light near JB Condo functions.... correctly too! Been there a couple of years, previously for all of one week. Still use crossing guys during busy times, as many drivers just ignore such lights.

    I like crossings roads in Thailand because it is adventurous you have to be aware 360 degree around you.

  3. 7 minutes ago, stanleycoin said:

    Im not against a roundabout, 

    im  against the idiots that  refuse to use it in the correct way.

    That's 99% of Thai Drivers / Riders.

    A roundabout requires a thought process to navigate one,

    this is to much of a challenge for 99% of Thai Riders / Drivers.

    Me first get out the way !!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    Why do you live with them!

  4. 5 hours ago, rkidlad said:

    I'm used to motorbikes riding on the pavements. I don't agree with it and I'd love to see them being fined, but I'm totally used to having to be aware of them on pavements. 


    The other day I'm walking and I can feel a motorbike is behind me. I'm walking though a narrow gap where the bike can't go around me. Now, I'm not stopping and stepping to the side to allow the bike through. The rider can wait til I'm through and then go past. But no! The woman on the bike honked at me. I rarely get angry but that really p***** off. I turned around and pointed at the pavement. I shouted in Thai "this is for people walking and you're not allowed to ride on it" which is 100% correct. She just apologised and sped off. 


    I'm used to bikes on the pavement, but I get very annoyed when they speed or think they have right of way.


    Riding bikes on the pavement is illegal. There are signs warning of 5000 Baht fines. It's dangerous and inconsiderate of others. 

    So, don't get p***** off again when somebody honks you again if like driving on side walks!

  5. 7 hours ago, spiderorchid said:

    Well as a newbie, you are off to a real good start in this country. That is if you actually live here which I doubt. If not, you should understand this country is run by the military and they are not mafia. Something different altogether. For me , I agree with another poster. You are young, you have little experience but you do have a lurid imagination.

    I also note that you did not even attempt to qualify your paedophile accusations. You need to have some hard facts before you throw that accusation around. 

    The dirty juvenile sex trade does not exist openly, it is a filthy underground trade. If it existed openly, it would be closed down. Fantasy person. You need to drink more sauce

    Oh I can feel it up in the air :coffee1:

  6. 7 hours ago, spiderorchid said:

    I am not sure what country you saw males with sexual partners as juveniles. I have travelled a lot. Never saw paedophilia.

    Heard about it, read about it, sometime offered it. But never out in the open.

     So you can state when and where, what you did to stop it. Because I know in Thailand, if paedophiles were operating openly, ..Or a lurid imagination. 

    More than that, you report it as if it was common for all falang to see and accept. 

    Or maybe you "saw" it in your own country.

     I discussed this with the uncle of my wife. He spat on the ground and pointed to his machete. I have never seen a man of 78 who can wield a potential weapon with such grace and ease.

    You are a newbie and I welcome you but not your lurid imagination.

    Next time I will report it to the management but not the police sorry it is not my business to get involved with the law in a country run by mafia police.

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