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Mad mick

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About Mad mick

  • Birthday 08/07/1954

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  1. Nothing new in Phuket or Koh Samui you won this or that investment scammer Thailaland let alone rest of the ???? been going on forever ???????????????? & dumb ass buy into it Greed
  2. Saudi nothing will happen ???????????????????????????? RTP & Immigration + Thai Government Ties with Saudi
  3. So how does the CCP Criminal Organisation go under Emporer Xi ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  4. moved to ???????? so you can stay upto 3 years on tourist visas and renewal on any island local immigration office, so easy Thailand finished after coup d'etat 2014 mob seized power dismantled the country
  5. was never ever in history part of China CCP Criminal Organisation ????????
  6. As said Jaunta coup d'etat military are ????% CCP Emporer Xi ???????? Criminal Organisation Own Thailand ???????? Vasil State Laos , Cambodia, Burma/Myanmar, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines ???????? 50% 50% gone thanks to Ex President Duterte puppet of CCP, Solomon Islands Sr Lank South Africa, Pakistan, Congo ++ Afghanistan, Russia sold Ukraine Putin now a puppet, US Biden family, Australia , NZ God help us All under ther tyrannical regime look how they treat there own people in China , Hong Kong ummm what wonderful ???? destroyed Freedom ended under b_ Covid lockdowns by all Western democracy countries
  7. Only stupid Jaunta is the problem past 10 years , making visas ridiculously hard, l chose live Philippines coz this bs red tape CCP Criminal Organisation owned Thailand via Millatary lived in Thailand many year was so easy to get or renew visas multiple re-entry Since 2014 Country gone Backwards Don't want you money Go where you're welcomed Only people suffer here are Thais , Yes agree l with fraud +++criminals no payments of bills etc, happens ???? wide CCP is biggest criminal organisation in the world They are more than welcome in Thailand & good proportion of Asia Corrupt politicians ????????????????????
  8. Good for Thailand Thaksin was unanimously elected outed by unelected tyrannical Jaunta coup d'etat Bring home back & his sister for all there slight miss deeds on avoiding taxes selling his mobile company in Singapore all those years ago as PM of Thailand was mot good ! He Thaksin was far better than those criminals Jaunta who seized power by the gun ruining the country ever since Separate millatary from Government only way forward for Thailand land of Coups , People need freedom & economy in better stable shape.. Put smiles back on Thais faces , & go back to easy assess for expats to retire in Thailand get rid of all the buearacy burden on expats Rred tape , house registration, red or yellow book bs since 2014 county's more like communist CCP ???????? Criminal Organisation , Vasil State
  9. Belt & Road iniative in full swing CCP ???????? Criminal Organisation Thailand Sold ????
  10. Might as well open makes no difference All you do stock up the day before have bbq & chill ????
  11. ???????????? So funny not just foreigners ! Thais do same including woman so drunk in broad daylight ????
  12. Nothing beats CCP Criminal ???????? Organisation wherever they go total destruction and devastation belt & road iniative Sri Lanka , Solomon Islands, Africa , Cambodia, Pakistan, on & on they reak havic all devastating all in their path ????????????????????????Thailand next to fall Vasil State
  13. New ???? Order full swing ! covid Did lot for freedom ????????????
  14. actually better leave in until surgically removed, first Aid make donut bandage around it , off to hospital, at least calf not heart ☺️
  15. Absolutely ???? % correct ! Not just Thailand Phamacutical monopoly, alcohol Amazon +++++ Blackrock, Vanguard etc,. Billy Goat is one of the best monopoly players ever along with his mates unamed as you get banned here easy with facts W_O , W_F etc,. vaxx proved all to me + lockdowns we are just pawn slaves in this game of elites & corrupt politicians ???? dominance .
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