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Orton Rd

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Posts posted by Orton Rd

  1. Job and Joy left Nopporn SIlver Gold company years ago and went to Sangravee Entertainment where at least they were allowed to make good quality mv's. Photo is them on chung tang seang tong show 2007 where we presented them with a photo. Always under appreciated they were one of the best morlam acts in the country.




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  2. Turning off what is keeping him alive is the last thing a Hospital here will do unless payment stops- he is income to them and they will be happy to see him suffering as long as the money is coming in. End of life should be helped along with as less pain and discomfort as possible, not prolonged for profit.

    • Like 2
  3. 5 hours ago, chash said:

    Until card readers disappear a point to note. 

    A couple of years ago I needed to use my reader card for the first time for ages. A really dim message came up on the screen saying something like " Replace the battery". I tried to unscrew the tiny screw that held the reader together but it was stuck. Tried oil - no good. Eventually someone advised me to go to the watch repair shop. The guy did the job and replaced the battery. Bank transaction completed. 

    Worth a check. 

    There is no need to unscrew anything to replace the battery, it's in a draw pulled out at the back on the bottom right

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  4. 4 hours ago, kingdong said:

    so the over 2 million migrants from the eu have made no impact on britains housing stocks?

    Then there were all the illegals Blair turned a blind eye to. My mate in the UK married one to help stop her being deported. When arrested she had a ni number not entitled to, a job amusingly working with refugees and a housing assoc flat not entitled to. When arrested they let her keep the property, how she got a good place in a few months when even then in the 90's legitimate singles had to wait for years in London is a mystery. After 3 years she took the 16k to move out of a place never entitled to and bought her own flat now worth over 300k. Not surprising France is full of Africans like her waiting for their chance.

  5. 1 hour ago, marcusarelus said:

    If Obama (the greatest President since Lincoln) couldn't solve the gun problem(he had 8 years) it's time to try something else.

    Obama was almost as poor a President as Lincoln, but at least he did not declare war without Congressional approval, close down newspapers and lock people up without trial like Lincoln did. Lincoln was responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands all in the pursuit of preserving his precious Union.

    • Confused 2
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  6. Thais sometimes change their name hoping their luck will get better, it did for this singer. I still call her Rose Buntrern, never could get used to what she change it to. After she did she had this big hit, still a concert favorite. One of the nicest singers and certainly the best signing albums and photos, love her to bits.





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  7. 9 hours ago, elliss said:


        Me too, recently I had letter from Nationwide,  posted to my daughters UK address. 

          Reckon , i need to pay community poll tax , ouch ..

          IT , Big Brother, knows all , soon..




    Only the home owner pays the community charge, register on the electoral roll.

    • Confused 2
  8. One for this time of day, it means meet you in the evening, or along those lines. Deang Jittakorn from Khon Kaen sadly no longer with us. One of his fellow singers told us once she bought 4 beers, put them behind the stage and went off for something to eat. When she got back he had drunk the lot, a man after my own heart! Got the album but he was not very good at signing them. Lovely backing track.



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