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About Marley01

  • Birthday 11/11/1954

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  1. Do what they did in China to corrupt police and officials, start executing them. Worked a treat
  2. I was waiting for it, my weekly dose of humour from the RTP. They never let you down. good old RTP
  3. What a load of croc. I have contacted Thai about when they would recommence flights to Perth and told bluntly, we have no intention of this flight anymore as they don’t have the planes
  4. Picked a bad time to invest in personal hygiene products
  5. Just when you think these guys can’t say anything more ridiculous, they come out with a doozy.
  6. I’m starting to like this guy. I forgot how I used to wake up and watch the news every morning and start my day laughing my head off. I reckon with comments like this, those times are back
  7. So much for the will of the people. What a bunch of back stabbing grubs this party is
  8. Oh come on. Who didn’t know that this corrupt regime would never allow the will of the people in this election. Let’s see these morons save face now with the rest of the world reporting this farce. I think everyone knows what the end result will revert back to.
  9. Was at the first bar on the left as you walk into walking street. Paying for drinks as I went. As I was leaving they tried to give me a long bill for drinks I had not consumed. Local copper and tourist police outside were obviously in on it. Pommy tourist cop said if you don’t pay they will take you to the police station. I began recording and hopped into the back of the pickup and said let’s go. Pommy cop said, fair play was worth a try and let me go.
  10. Probably, stop being a dick
  11. These guys have got no flaming idea. they complain about the fall in tourist numbers and then they put alcohol restrictions on for what? An election that everyone knows what the result will be. I will be elsewhere and I think there will be a few peeved off tourists. Time to get into 2023 thailand
  12. I was at Kohn Kaen airport when the usual farcical police escort rolled up and a group of what looked like normal tourists hopped out. Police came from everywhere carrying the passengers bags and one even went and got a coffee for one of them. Was a real keystone cops caper. Also the immigration officer in uniform picking me up from the gate when I pay for fast track. That I didn’t mind, got me past all the other fasttrackers
  13. Gotta hate those exoplanetarians. Viscous mob, them lot.
  14. Looks like the Police Commissioner wants his share, too
  15. We have an Embassy??
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