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Posts posted by johnray

  1. It started with a brief closure.  I got a message saying 'we will be shut for a few days' in March.


    Then the months dragged on.  I have spiraled into crippling debt and had to move to cheaper house.  The move was done with one car plus my girlfriend's boss has an office full of boxes at our house (he did a runner back to India and left her with all the stock)  He rarely pays her in full and has missed multiple salaries.  The new house has no AC, no kitchen, no water filter and just one fan.  On top of this I have the university tapping me for money soon.  20,000 bhat (maybe more up to 40,000).  I've never sweated so much in my life.  Getting through 4 tshirts a day.  Now the work is done though.


    So I got interviews from another school.  The interview was done via a line call.  Over the months 5 teachers have dropped out of the line group.  Most saying they have gone back to the UK.  A few saying they have better offers.  A lot of the teachers are fighting the time limits on visas and the promise of employment.  Also they are trying to take the TOEIC / medical certificates / police checks within the short time and with no income.


    The schools seem to be desperate now for teachers as a lot of them have left already.  The schools are bending the rules quite a bit and accepting teachers with no degree and have a 'just turn up and teach' attitude.


    The teachers were Russians, Turkish, French, Filipino and more.  Two British guys.


    I have started my own online teaching set up on Zoom and have 2 students,  I'm waiting for a call back on 3 more students.


    200 bhat per hour for one family.  The other family asked for 100 bhat per hour.  Barely enough money to buy food.


    As far as the other staff and receptions they have all tried to start their own business.  Selling, home made items.  I get regular updates on social media with them promoting products.  It's clear they have just taken a photo of something in their house.  Very sad times.


    The date has changed many times but the latest opening date is some time in July.

    • Sad 1
  2. You all believe Donald Trump.  It's hilarious.  A nation with a history of dropping viruses on their own people and a recent history of wanting to destroy the economy of China and yet you all think the virus comes from a market in Wuhan.  I think that's called a suspect with the motive means and opportunity.


    I would even go as far as saying Prince Charles, Boris Johnson and few other celebs are playing their parts and faking the illness.  Why would anyone trust the US government?

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  3. How convenient.  Just when the rich are starting to feel it there's a sharp drop in cases.  Better send the peasants back to work.


    But they already decided a month ago everything will be better by the 15th of may.  How did they know?


    My girlfriend said a fortuneteller told everyone.

  4. wat suan kaew is amazing.  the place is huge.


    theres one huge building for furninture.  one has 6 floors of electronics.  one are for random stuff.  theres always huge piles of things just scrapped off the back of a truck.


    then there is a more vintage and retro section.

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