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Posts posted by cacahootie

  1. 6 hours ago, DipStick said:

    Have a look at Harbin in NE China. Snow and loads of ice carvings

    lol.  I visited Harbin for the ice festival in 2007.  Perhaps it's different now, but at the time I'd describe it as patently unsafe.  Staircases made completely of ice with no traction surfaces and blood stains frozen into at least a few slides and staircases.  It was a sight to behold, that's for sure.  I was treated as first class royalty as a lowei too - to the front of every line.  The Russian island was pretty neat, and there's snow/ice activities on the frozen river that could be fun with kids.  The food was unique for China, grilled fatty meats and delicious flatbread, very memorable and delicious.


    Personally I enjoy very cold weather - I go camping in Colorado down to -30 at least once a year (when I lived in the states), so I didn't find the cold to be bothersome.  But we were scammed mercilessly there too.  Absolutely mobbed by scammers as we exited the train station.  Flew back to Shanghai on a domestic airline and it was sketchy at best.  I'm sure things have changed a lot since then, but I'd just as soon not go back to China, Harbin included.  There's better options unless you consider the ice festival to be a must see - in which case I'd strongly recommend crampons (jk - smashing up the ice would probably not be appreciated).

  2. I'm making a trip next week to Vientiane to apply for a visa.  I'm hoping to get a low queue number this time (apply Tuesday pick up Wednesday).  I'd like to go straight to Vang Vieng after picking up my visa.  I'm wondering if anybody else has done this and has any advice beyond the generic.  I'm perhaps even willing to hire a private taxi if the cost is not completely unreasonable.  Thanks in advance.

  3. 10 hours ago, Isan Farang said:

    I purchase my Beer Lao from Macro and the box has a sell by date, can you elaborate what skunked crap refers to ?

    Every time I've purchased Beerlao in Thailand, it has not tasted right and has given me a headache after a few.  If beer is stored in the heat or exposed to sunlight it will do bad things to the beer and it tastes wrong.  We had a weird batch of Singha recently from 7-11 that made both my girlfriend and I quite sick (drinking less than we normally would), so it's not like it's only Beerlao.  It's just that every time I've bought Beerlao here it's been skunked.  Of course, I have only ever bought it by the bottle at little c-store shops, never from Makro.  I assume Makro has better storage and I doubt they're letting it sit around for months, so perhaps it's worth giving it a shot.  Doesn't address the fact that it's like 2x as expensive as it is in Laos though.

  4. 1 hour ago, thaiguzzi said:

    I agree with your upcountry Laos thoughts.

    But I disagree with your thoughts on Vientianne. IMHO, it is my favourite city in SE Asia, and I prefer it to any city in Thailand.

    To each their own, I suppose it's a matter of perspective.  I double checked with my GF, when we were there in May everyone was definitely asking 400 baht for a baseline on a Tuktuk, but we stayed right next to the consulate, which was not in the city center, so perhaps that's the reason.  I live in BKK, so I've got the international food options aplenty just in my neighborhood, and even moreso if I want to venture down to Sukhumvit.  The beer was cheaper, and Beerlao is actually good there (as opposed to the skunked crap we get here).  I live out in Min Buri, so I have tons of great Thai restaurants all over and so I'm a little spoiled on the food front, and my girlfriend cooks awesome Isaan food.  I went to Vang Vieng a few years ago (after they tamed the river somewhat) and I enjoyed it there quite a bit more.  Good Lao food, laid back city, more reasonable prices (and I had a 250cc dirt bike, which added to the enjoyment factor).

  5. 1 minute ago, roundtheworld said:

    Haven’t been there for a year but the last two times I went there took advantage of the ‘ express ‘ form system.

    When I went in May I tried to avail myself of such a service.  The table as you describe is still there, but they just looked at me like I was an alien when I asked about express or submitting the form there.  Maybe I just wasn't phrasing it right, but I tried and was not successful.

  6. Regarding visiting Vientiane, I'd say don't bother.  If you want to visit Laos, that's basically the least interesting place to go (imo).  It's a pretty French city, but the prices are much higher than Thailand, there's a solid "fleece the farang" vibe there (400 baht for a tuktuk is the going rate, hard to get them to come down even with an Isaan person doing the negotiating).  Food prices are about 2x what they are in Thailand and not nearly as good, as for instance, Khon Kaen.  It's a hassle getting across the border, getting into town, etc...  My girlfriend (Isaan) never wants to go back to Laos now.  Upcountry Laos is really amazing and beautiful, the nature is spectacular, but that's a trip in its own right, and the Lao roads are even more bonkers than Thailand.


    As far as Khon Kaen goes, I often dream of going back just to go to Ton Tann market.  Amazing food, cheap beer, Chang girls running around, absolutely massive assortment of food stalls.  Food heaven in Thailand, imo.  You'll want to spend the night in KK after that, as you'll be in a food & drink induced stupor afterwards.

  7. If it's not just a round trip ticket on the same airline, the airline itself may want you to have printed copies.  In the past, I tried to pull that same schtick at Singapore, and I was forced to go to a little information kiosk and have them print out my stuff before the airline would let me check in.  It's best just to have your ducks in a row rather than fiddling with a device and possibly testing the patience of an IO.  If they're asking to see your info, you're already on the wrong side of the curve, no use exacerbating your problem.

    • Like 2
  8. I applied on a Monday around 10:15am.  The line to drop off (maybe 10-15 ahead of me) wasn't bad once I finally figured out where I needed to be.  I was #490 to pick up, so I didn't get my passport back until around 4:40, iirc.  This was in May.  At least the pickup is in order, so you can estimate your time based on an average of queue numbers served over a period of time, so you're not battling standing in a free-for-all like at some other consulates.

  9. 90% of the time the driver uses the map and there's no problems.  10% of the time the driver can't understand how to use GPS, and in my experience 100% of the drivers that can't understand the GPS also don't understand English.  I had one particularly bad one where he spent 20 minutes talking to an AirBnB host trying to get directions, got frustrated and just started driving in the general direction, and I had to guide him using my GPS for the rest of the way, but he didn't trust my instructions while also not knowing where he was going... that one was a major headache.  Overall I've had good luck and prefer Uber when I can't fully explain where I want to go.  Otherwise, taxis are cheaper and more convenient most of the time.  For instance, going to the airport I always use a taxi, but returning home is always Uber because I live on a short Thanon in the boonies, so saying my Thanon and Soi usually just elicits confused stares.

  10. 1 minute ago, MaeJoMTB said:

    Every office has it's own rules, just try a different Amphur office.

    The office I used just had 2 office staff witness the documents, but others refuse.

    15 day limit? are you sure, I had 3-6 months validity few years back when I did it.

    That was the point - OP had recent experience with an Amphoe office that's relatively convenient for me to get to, so I was asking about his experience there.  Yes, I can just go try a different Amphoe, but my girlfriend doesn't like arguing or negotiating, and she gets frustrated by dealing with these things when they start throwing up roadblocks, so I'd rather not go from office to office and compound her anxiety.


    Regarding the 15 day limit, reports are that the MFA requires you have 15 days or more remaining on your permission to stay in order to legalize a document.  I'm on the tail end of a 60+30, so I have 4 days until I'm within the no MFA legalization window.  Besides, I paid 2020 baht for a translator to do the translation + legalization of my affidavit and I'd rather not spend that again for a passport copy unless truly necessary.

  11. On 11/3/2017 at 2:01 AM, HomeinThailand said:

    Hope this may help.  I realize every experience is different. 

    Did you need 2 witnesses or an interpreter?  My girlfriend and I went to Khlong Samwa Amphoe last week (with my MFA-stamped affidavit) and they gave us a runaround, need interpreter, need MFA-stamped passport translation, but we won't do it, must go to Chaiyaphum (where my girlfriend's tabien baan is registered).  I have an embassy appt tomorrow for a passport copy, but if I don't have to go through the MFA rigamarole for that also, it'd help a lot.  I'm 4 days out from the 15 day limit for legalizing documents, so I need to either get it done or wait until I do a visa run.

  12. On 8/29/2017 at 8:30 PM, Inquisitorial said:

    Has anyone been yet?.  Would be good to get some feedback if the trip is worthwhile 

    I stayed in an AirBnB right next door for a couple weeks about 4 months ago.  Suffice to say, ShowDC is a joke between the girlfriend and I.  I got food poisoning the first time I went to the food court.  The mall is usually uncomfortably empty, except for big groups of asian tourists.  The restaurants are somewhat unique, but overpriced compared to the standard offerings.  We didn't avail ourselves of any of the tourist perks, somewhat unfortunately in retrospect.  Personally I wouldn't go out of my way to go back.  There were a good number of coffee shops though, so we did visit often for that reason.  It's definitely nice inside.  But it's really not aimed at locals at all, it's aimed at people who don't know better who are duped into paying the high prices at the stores.

    • Like 1
  13. As far as Penang is concerned for a single entry, 90 day Non-O based on marriage, what is required for proof of income?  Assuming a person has a job, let's say in the USA, would recent pay stubs suffice (even if this person has been living in Thailand for most of a year)?  How about a prior-year tax return?  Would an affidavit from the embassy work?  I know Savannakhet doesn't require proof of funds for the same visa, but getting there is a PITA compared with Penang, and I'd rather spend time in Penang than Laos, and I'd rather not pay the $35 and take up a full page and a half for a 2 day trip.

  14. I was there today - oh my lord was the line long.  I've been to CW a few times for extensions now, and I have never seen it so long.  Yesterday, I went at about 1pm (various factors delayed me), got a queue number for TR extension, #190... when I went to the area the sign said currently serving #64.  I did the math and decided to come back today.  Today, got there at about 8:15, and the line went all the way to the east entrance of the building and looped back around, truly crazy.  I was #26, it took 25 minutes to get a queue number and I finally received my passport at about 11:30.  Things have really slowed down there from what I experienced in the past.  Setting aside the holiday aspect, the processing time was nearly an hour between the application being reviewed and receiving my passport, and they were more stringent than before, this time wanting the Moobaan name in addition to my full address.  Som nam na for waiting until nearly the last minute to do the extension.

  15. 2 minutes ago, danea83 said:

    The country is competent enough, as they could have issued temp. papers within a week (or even less, according to other sources), but the OP needed to show valid flight ticket, which he did not, as he did not have money. For some unknown reason he decided to wait a month (for what?) and then another 6 spent on raising money from family and friend on flight ticket.

    One does wonder how did he pay for food and loggings, and surely it cost more than 20.000.

    And even if he did not lose his passport how was he planning to go back as he did not have any money to begin with. But that’s a rhetorical question

    It seems to me, passport issues have nothing to do here, OP had nice vacation and now he’s just trying to get money from strangers to cover his overstay.


    You're obviously confused.  OP hasn't asked anyone here for money, and OP is a "she", not a "he" as your skimmed reading of the thread has missed.  I don't see the value in chiding a person based on your (obviously) limited understanding of the situation.  Yes, it seems like part of the story is missing here, but the fundamental question remains valid.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  16. 4 hours ago, JackThompson said:

    To future readers in similar situations - first priority is "Fine Money" for immigration - which can be combined with a cheap ticket (~1000 Baht and up) to somewhere close (not Laos, though - they won't let you board with an overstay).  Then, figure out the "flight home" money problem from your new temporary (or maybe permanent) home.

    If you speak English well, consider teaching it in Cambodia - where a $35 "ordinary" visa is extendable indefinitely in-country, and can be combined with an easy-to-get work-permit.  Working in Cambodia can not only cover one's living-expenses, but could even pay for the home-flight, if one is willing to live-cheap for awhile.

    In the case of only an overstay, that works.  However, OP doesn't have a valid passport, meaning the only option is to travel home, probably on the flag carrier of their nation of citizenship.  If your country doesn't have a flag carrier (or they don't fly to Thailand) and your chosen airline refuses to board you with an ETD instead of a passport, who knows...  I've heard stories of people with a layover being detained in the transit country for not having a valid passport as well.  It seems to me SA is really shafting their citizens here with the inexcusable and unexplainable lag time for a passport.  As a US citizen (granted I was at home), I was able to apply for a new passport and have it in 3 days for a relatively minor fee due to a shortage of pages for planned travel.  I'd be raising a ruckus back home if it took 6 months to get a replacement passport.

  17. Just now, lordblackader said:

    You could spend US$60 a night on a hotel but couldn't both handing over <$20 to use an visa agent - all to their own I guess but if you'd used an agent your post would have been significantly shorter. 

    It's about priorities, but regardless, the reason I don't use agents isn't the cost - I prefer handling bureaucracy myself.

  18. 41 minutes ago, acenase said:


    First you say if "People choose to live here on TV" then you contradict yourself and say "These people don't claim to live here" Uh, yes they do. I see it all the time. I do it too. I claim to live here, but really, DO I??? 


    And I never said it was a problem for people to be here on TV's, if you didn't have selective reading and knew that that's exactly what I'm doing too. Where did I ever say that it's a problem? I'm trying to find out what OPTIONS there are that maybe I don't know about yet for people in my category who claim to moved to Thailand. Do us all a favor and get off the forums for a bit and stop replying when you clearly have nothing educational to say.


    You tell people to stop replying if they have nothing educational to say, but you keep beating a dead horse that's not provoking topical discussion.  You're so caught up on what it means to "move to Thailand".  You live wherever you make your primary residence.  I lived nowhere for 3 years before I decided to "move to" Thailand.  Just because I travel occasionally, and even if I travel back to the US for 30 days, I still live in Thailand.  Nobody cares about your qualms about what people claim as their residence, it just doesn't matter.  You're not engaging in meaningful or constructive conversation on the subject of visas or residency.

  19. 8 hours ago, PhuketSarah said:

    RE the land border entry- I went through Pedang Besar in early July,  on a reentry linked to  O/  Retirement. Was asked to show 20,000  -  didn't have it. Officer told me to enter Thailand without a stamp and go to the bank to update my  Thai  bank book. I refused,  and made noises like I was calling Bangkok  Immigration to verify I even needed to show 20 K, and he backed down. 

    Well, the thing is, the rules allow them to demand you show funds, so they're technically in the right.  It is a bit weird that they were going to let you into Thailand without a stamp, and also weird that they were willing to accept a bank book because usually it's cash or back over.  I'd have definitely been unwilling to enter Thailand without a stamp, better to go back to Malaysia and have your exit canceled and hit an ATM for cash there than be on the wrong side of the law in Thailand (not that it's likely to have been an issue).

  20. 2 minutes ago, Regain said:

    do fake return flight tickets work ok after 2 months work if i want to extend for another month? say flyonward.com or something similar

    As I understand it, tickets from flyonward will work just fine.  I don't think the consulate/embassy actually calls to verify, but you'd want to make sure the ticket is still valid while your visa app is in progress JIC.  For the extension, no onward ticket is required.  So just make the onward ticket for within the 2 month period.

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