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Everything posted by Millcx

  1. The more the Variants the more the Gov is losing control of this joke 555555555555555555555
  2. Every single country report the same … And all the “We are all gonna Die” Brigade stopped 1 min past midnight ….NYD
  3. Fauci a Great Man … 55555555 … Let me try and keep my porridge down … The guy s biggest fraud going … He funded Wuhan Lab and Lies to cover his Poo 55555
  4. Piles Varient with ingrown Toenail variant will be next and Gov Control will see Anutin banning the Easter Bunny on the borders of Myanmar … All starving Thais must do so quietly but must sign a document to say how fantastic the Gov has handled the plumdemic better than every country in the world “;0)
  5. You should have seen Embassy and got on next flight home to U.K. …. Chances are that 2 star hotel your in with all that Kow Pat Guy you are woofing down will be charged at 5 star prices 5555555555
  6. Total and utter Horlicks long with lots of little lemmings jumping over cliff because they were told too 555555555555 Richard Craniums
  7. No because Anutin the illiterate is so far up his Jack and likes to watch the Thai Poor Die .. Not too hard to work out “;0) 555555
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