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Everything posted by Millcx

  1. You should have seen Embassy and got on next flight home to U.K. …. Chances are that 2 star hotel your in with all that Kow Pat Guy you are woofing down will be charged at 5 star prices 5555555555
  2. Total and utter Horlicks long with lots of little lemmings jumping over cliff because they were told too 555555555555 Richard Craniums
  3. Land of Jokes and drunks … No wonder they smile 55555
  4. No because Anutin the illiterate is so far up his Jack and likes to watch the Thai Poor Die .. Not too hard to work out “;0) 555555
  5. Anutin will claim all the deaths were caused by Falangs not showering or them visiting Gogo bars not run by his mates … We know this because he is now in full control of Omnicron 5555555
  6. Don’t worry Anutin has it beaten for a price .. what a guy and brilliant doctor 555555555
  7. Chinese and Russian vaccines is as effective as cats <deleted>… Wake up .. Flu is here to stay and we need to do what we did with all other viruses … This one made Anutin and the elite rich … time to allow all those millionaire Indians to land the tAT have up in that plane they mentioned 18 months ago 5555555
  8. Its a bad flu virus by SA data .. Other countries using to control and vaccinate .. Thailand diff coz elite need to make profit on buying serum .. Obviously they will tell us it’s smart and does not attack on New Years parties .. It’s cognitive intelligent .. Then it’s back to starving the poor .. only way to criminalise dissedents
  9. They open their mouths and the world laughs at these illiterates … They haven’t a clue … But they do know how to destroy a country
  10. 555555555555555555555555555555 These muppets really do make the world laugh 555555555555555555
  11. And that box is full of lying Government Toerags… It’s rife in Thailand but Anutin the muppet has saved the nation 5555555
  12. It’s also the mild variant that South Africa is calling a mild flu … We are obviously all gonna suffer with the Gov Control … It’s beginning to look a lot like lockdown … Every where we go 55555
  13. South Africans quite rightly so .. say Piles is more active… But how else would illiterate little power hungry admin men keep control
  14. He’s such a Richard 5555 .. Big it up before the poor ask for some money to stop starving … Corrupt Bar Steward “;0)
  15. Probably extra 2 day ban from pub and double price for hotel in BKK .. Also 1000 tbh for each cop in BKK Pattaya and KSamui .. That would be standard
  16. These are Anutins figures while sitting on toilet reading a comic … Well must be true coz he is the most popular person in the world you know 5555555
  17. 5555555555 Super Poll asking 1000 Chinese sewer workers …. TWICE 55555555
  18. The point is that Anutin is biggest Richard Cranium .. Anyone supporting the fool is sick in head or getting money from the illiterate “;0) 55555
  19. That is one illiterate fool that would finally bring Thailand to its knees or bring a civil war 55555 Hes biggest muppet
  20. Without doubt the Cream of the illiterates and destroyer of Thailand 5555555
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