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Everything posted by Millcx

  1. If possible I would like to review his findings “;0)
  2. Only till the find out they are cannon Fodder
  3. FBI Advice ….. Why would you take advice from a group that fail following their own advice 555555
  4. Here we go … Scare media tactics used to support more suppression and destruction of Thai economy .. MonkeyPox is similar to AIDS with men doing the business on each other and has been about for decades with vaccines… Scare the lemmings and watch the elite laugh as they control
  5. I’m finding it hard to believe that Thai drivers are bad or dangerous .. They don’t drink and drive because they know they will spill it “;0)
  6. And who doubted they wouldn’t … Come on 5555555555
  7. So we have the one and only case and cannot produce him … How do they know he had it … Was it a tip off 5555
  8. Are we going to believe these specialists that came out of the cupboards to be on tv or in the news … No … They just ain’t trusted with the fake data they spout
  9. Cut the red tape and the financial restrictions and just maybe people will visit more
  10. George Orwell 1984 or just an extension of Joe Stalin and the KGB .. Take your pick “;0)
  11. Big Tommy should complain about the rule .. He should have a chance to win “;0)
  12. If this stupid rule starts then you might as well put up an airport for Sale Sign because Tourist will 100% boycott the country and plunge it into chaos .. Chinese won’t save it
  13. Thailand is now Last to relinquish control
  14. 555555555 I hear ya Bro “;0)
  15. Nothing better to write about … some Thais have always worn masks due to pollution levels … Why don’t you write about that and leave people alone with their god given rights
  16. Is this the new special feeling that Thai Police are gonna show tourists .. “;0)
  17. About time … Now get entertainment industry done and back online and drop the draconian emergency controls “;0)
  18. 555555555 Are they gonna sit at side of road offering a Sangsom and a big Spliff 55555 … Then get them to fork out
  19. 5555555555555555555555555555 This is funnier than “ Live at the Apollo “
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