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Everything posted by Millcx

  1. Anutin’s kickbacks means he can go live in Switzerland where the falangs wash in ice cold water but be careful of Monkeypox from the mountain cows with Alpine Bells “;0) 555
  2. It’s Monkeypox that the draconian Decree is now sighting … One man and a Chicken along with a goat that now walks funny has been infected the government needs the decree to close all 7-11’s and make falangs wash regularly mr Anutin will keep Gov officials supplied with weed “;0)
  3. It’s keep the population underfoot and you can steal more and more and not worry about the destruction
  4. Solve COVID 19 !!!!!!… 555555555555555555 … It just gets funnier and funnier … The world is laughing
  5. I have heard some rubbish (Notice I kept it clean) … in my time but this is the worst .. Is Anutin pushing the country into eating Kow Pat Tabby while trying to keep the power over the people that should have been finished months ago “;0) … Or maybe it’s a ploy to do away with Pussy
  6. Google bases on hits and searches .. Guaranteed it’s checking if the now pointless Red tape and bar closures are gone along with draconian rules against tourists … it’s a cert
  7. Thailand is now 6 months behind the world … There has to be more than this that meets the eye …. Maybe it’s a game of how to destroy a country in one easy lesson .. Well it’s working Anutin
  8. Anutin hasn’t a clue .. He hasn’t a clue and is destroying any chance of Thailand regaining any chance of advancement .. Well done elite
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