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Posts posted by AlbionBob

  1. Thanks for the responses - very interesting !   My other problem, of course, is getting her to leave the condo, seeing as she lives there and I will only be in Thailand for max of 5 months of the year.  If  the lawyers decided that she has no entitlement to anything (other than 50% of some contents we acquired during the marriage), how could I get her out ?  I wouldn't want any unpleasantness, which is why I might suggest giving her some money, say 100,000B.   Would this compromise me in any way, do you think ?

  2. I am looking for some advice regarding a situation that I find myself in and which I am sure some of the Thai Visa pundits will have encountered either themselves or with friends they have in Thailand.  I have been coming to Thailand regularly for 4 years (13 trips), and read Thai Visa all the time, although I am not a regular poster.


    I first came to Thailand 4 years ago and fell in love with the country and in particular a lady, who, yes, I did meet in a bar (she was an accompanying dancer at a pingpong show !).  I decided fairly early on my trips that I would buy a condo in Pattaya to accommodate myself on my travels to Thailand, being retired, and having a small amount of  spare cash (inherited).  I signed to buy a condo (in June 2014) that had just been commenced in foreign name (myself only), paid deposit and some subsequent instalments.


    By this time, I was committed to my girl friend and we subsequently married in May 2015.  Full village wedding, paid sinsod and legalised at Amphur.  Yes, I know, against all Thai Visa recommendations !  At the time of the marriage, I had paid 865,000 B out of the 3M B purchase price, and subsequently paid the balance in February 2016.  At that time, and partially thinking that she would be entitled to half  in any event, and thinking that, by doing so, it would assist in getting her a Visa to come to England (which it did !), I arranged for the condo to be in joint names.  As may have been predicted the relationship has now seemingly broken down and divorce seems inevitable. 


    My question is:  is she entitled to half of the value of the condo, since I had contracted to buy it before we married ?   At no time, has she worked since we have been together or put any money into the relationship.  I do feel aggrieved that she should get even half, but accept that that is the law in Thailand (it would be much worse back in England of course).  I don't particularly want to sell the condo as I really like it and would like to keep it for future visits.  Should I refuse to sell and maybe offer some money to her to just go - if so, how much ?  Or maybe, I should just walk away....?   I know some people seem to recommend this ("don't invest in Thailand any more than you are prepared to lose")


    I think that I will need a local solicitor to deal with this situation, and if anyone can recommend one, that would obviously need to speak English, I would be grateful.

    I never felt that she was a money grabber and we were very happy for four years.  I think that her family are encouraging her to go for the money (maybe they see a "rich" falang disappearing from the family - I have given to various family members in the last couple of years).


    Please only considered responses.  I know that (i) I should never have bought property in Thailand, (ii) I should never have put her name on the deeds and (iii) I should never have got married here !   Always, wise after the event !!   Thank you in anticipation.

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  3. Is this the same Russia that has always categorically denied state sponsored doping of its athletes over many years, despite incontrovertible evidence to the contrary ?  Of course, we believe you, Putin, you're a shining example of saintly correctness in the World.....NOT  !!   How Russia ever got the World Cup is beyond me !  No wait that was FIFA corruption, wasn't it ?    Wouldn't want to be going there for the footie this summer now - it will be state sponsored thuggery against England fans (not that they're saints either !).  Rant over, time for a nice cup of tea !

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  4. Wait, we are missing a huge point on this topic !  A high-ranking Thai official has admitted that they made a mistake:  "We made a mistake" he said.   Golly !!!   In Thailand, a Thai official admits making a mistake !!  MUST be a first, surely  ??  No sign of falangs being responsible, no deflection, blaming others etc.    Sensational.  Could this be the start of a new corruption-free Thailand.....nah, just dreaming for a moment there !

  5. One last question and I promise to leave you alone !    I reported to Immigration on arrival within 24 hours as required and got the receipt stapled into my passport.  However, since then, we did a trip to Chiang Mai and stayed in a hotel that presumably notified the authorities that I was there.  I haven't bothered to report to Jomptien on my return (didn't think it was necessary).  Are they likely to fine me for this, even though I merely returned to my original location (our condo in Pattaya) ?

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