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  1. Farang has. Thai has not. Ok to take... TIT...
  2. Thai prison is like a living death sentence. To be avoided.
  3. Its the Mediterranean look. Complete with upper lip. Just like thier grandmother.
  4. Because they are too lazy. Unless there's a pay day in it for them.
  5. Bbbut.. There's no prostitution in Thailand.
  6. Bottom line is.. They are not on the RTP payroll. Not in the book. C'mon let's get serious. Almost everyone pays. Bike taxis. Gold shops.(protection) Flower sellers at traffic lights. Almost every bar. Soi 6 is the jewel in the crow.
  7. Taking thai jobs.. But no prostitution in Thailand. Especially pattaya...
  8. There's no money in building new roads. Or beach front stabilisation. The real money is in doing a s*ht job and the continuing maintenance year after year. Plus the infamous envelopes.
  9. I can't believe they can be so straight faced when making these announcements... Over 250,000 active police members. You can drive 500km and not see one officer. Try to lodge a complaint and it's too hard. Try to get an officer to attend after hours. Too hard. Zero effort to increase bike rider safety. Minimum focus on road traffic violations. Plenty of focus on tea money still.
  10. No. Small farm lot Register as a farmer with the amphur. Lucky to earn 200 to 250 a day. The usual benefactors again same as the 3x5000 previous hand outs. (She didn't get any of those)
  11. I know more people here in Issan that didn't get it, than those that did. Prominent excuse is not registered with the bank for government pay id. And suggestions that will receive in the next round. (If that eventuates) My partner didn't get. Her sister did get. Same house, same circumstances. And again the stories of quite well off people receiving it.
  12. Ballast.. For when they do 50 parachute jumps to get that wings insignia.
  13. Its part of a bigger unregulated and unreported (almost systemic) issue in LOS. Teachers administer punishment. Cut students hair in junior school. Take monetary gain. Pay for positions to increase employee prospects in the future. Especially with universities. Teachers having money boxes on thier desks that have to be fed if you want pass grades. Getting students to work for free in thier private businesses. Police don't respond or accept complaint reports. Under qualified medical staff in hospitals. Escapees from conscription that they never bother to capture. And so it goes on and on... Anyone whose lived here long time has witnessed or heard about many occurrences like these. TIT...
  14. What's different about the time of year? Over 250,000 active police members in Thailand. Surely they should be doing this every day?

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