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Everything posted by ColeBOzbourne

  1. Here are a couple of video series good for listening skills that might be at your level. There's plenty more on You-Tube. Find something that interests you and is challenging.
  2. Your structured lessons sound good, but you didn't mention how much time you dedicate to study outside of the lessons. Do you have homework? Two conversation lessons a week is really not very much exposure. Between lessons you should be spending many hours each day studying and listening to Thai at your appropriate level. There are many resources available for free on the internet. Sometimes when studying a language you hit what seems to be a 'glass ceiling' and feel that you aren't advancing any more. You can break through that and move on up, but it takes a big dedication of your time and effort. Best of luck and enjoy the learning process.
  3. A standard tip of 20 baht to those who deserve it, regardless of the amount of the bill. Staff in expensive restaurants do not work any harder than staff in cheaper places.
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