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Everything posted by ColeBOzbourne

  1. I like beer, it makes me a jolly good fellow. I like weed, it makes me all happy and mellow.
  2. I wouldn't have wished it on her or anyone else. It doesn't make me happy that she lost her hands. I don't get joy out of other's suffering. But yes, I think she deserved it. Not for 'taking a photo of a shark' as you have tried to minimize and simplify it. She deserved it for 'getting too close to a shark'. As someone already mentioned, poetic justice. You constantly refer to her as being 'naive', which is nothing more than conjecture on your part.
  3. I don't like the sight, taste, smell, or texture of mayonnaise. Also not fond of gum or loud people. Close-talkers are very annoying. My nightmare is somebody talking too loud, right in my face, while chewing stinky old gum, with leftover mayonnaise sticking to the corners of their mouth.
  4. It's absolutely debatable, because whether or not someone 'deserves' something is opinion, not fact. In YOUR mind, she did not deserve it. Where did you get this from? Are you assuming? No doubt she had heard many stories about people getting killed while taking selfies. We all have. In my mind, she knew the possible danger, and she decided it was worth the risk. Again, these are all opinions and they are debatable.
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