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Everything posted by ColeBOzbourne

  1. If you feel your listening skills are weak then consider increasing the time you spend listening. Ask yourself how many hours per day you actually spend listening to Thai. How can you be creative with your schedule to increase listening time? Listen to Thai from a variety of sources and, of course, take advantage of any conversation you can get. I was/still am having the same problem specifically with listening and understanding so I focus more time on that particular skill. Before, I was listening to Thai CD's, TV, language programs, etc., for approximately 2-3 hours per day. Now, I've bumped that up to around 6-8 hours per day. I noticed improvement after a week. I have been doing it for four months, feel positive with the results, and plan to continue. I did the same thing when learning Spanish and kept it up for two years. I wake up listening to the Thai news on TV. I listen to Thai when I go jogging in the morning, while I'm doing my chores around the house, while I exercise, while I eat lunch, during my nap, while waking up from nap, and throughout the afternoon. I had to cut out some of the other things I enjoy listening to, like talk-show radio podcast from back in my hometown. I had to get creative with my schedule. At night I give my brain a break. Bombard your brain with listening to Thai on a variety of subjects and from a variety of speakers. Make it a part of your daily routine for a few months/years. Watch and listen to the same things over and over until you practically have them memorized and your brain will begin to pick out words and phrases that you didn't notice before. Good luck.
  2. Masturbation should be punishable by death. But there's nothing wrong with washing it a hundred miles per hour.
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