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About DavidB1960

  • Birthday 02/15/1960

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  1. So I went to Jomtien Immigration, yesterday with my documents. First thing they check your passport for having a current TM 30. In my case, my realtor agent (I rent) provided me the page printout from the on-line TM 30 registration last time i entered country. This form does not have the portion at the bottom that you cut off and attach into your passport. So first thing IO at info counter did was she sent me to the TM 30 counter (counter 10) whereby an IO completed the normal receipt slip and attached it into my passport then sent me back to the information counter. I asked if there was an official list of required docs for a Certificate of Residency, she said "no hab". Next the IO at the information counter took my 2 separate document packages and combined them into one app package (I was requesting COR for trading in a motorbike at a Honda dealership), noting on the application form "for buy & sell" and discarding much of the information I had brought (sales receipt, Green book) ect. While I didn't get an opportunity to review the final package, as best as I could tell, What they wanted document wise is the same as what brianthainess posted above for Trat. One thing I thought somewhat odd was they wanted 3 passport photos? Not sure why but whatever, TIT. Information desk then sent me to counter 9, where i paid the 300b x 2=600b fee, they accepted the document package, gave me a plastic number tag and told me to return in afternoon at 4:00 pm to pick up.
  2. Awesome Dude! Just what I needed. Many Thanks Smokin Joe. I was only able to get it as the JPG. Have what I need now. Thank you everyone for your inputs.
  3. Thanks for that. That looks like what was thinking. I just downloaded a COR application form from the ChangWattana website. Can't seem to attach it to this thread for some reason but it is not what I used for a COR for a driver license appl back in 2019? Do you have a link to the current Chonburi COR App form by chance? Thanks!
  4. Trying to purchase (trade in old one in my name) a new motorbike in Chonburi. I rent a condo and have copies of Owners ID and House Book. Looking for advice on what exactly I need to get from Jomtien Immigration specifically. I know other offices have other unique requirements but only looking for info pertinent to Chonburi imm office please. Sales lady at dealer says I need to request: "2 forms indicating that one is used for registration and one is used for transferring one into 2". I'm thinking i just need 2 Residency certificates one for the trade in of my current motorbike and a 2nd one for registration of the new motorbike. Does that sound correct? Also where can I get the latest and greatest COR application form for CHONBURI immigration? Trying to avoid 10 trips between dealer and Immigration if I can, lol. Thanks in advance!
  5. I cant understand why so little is being said about head kickers use of the brass knuckles. Video clearly shows him, as he is leaned over resting with hands on his knees, he takes them from right hand to left hand then into left back pocket. This was just before he went for the penalty kick. He was clearly bashing the Grey shirt guy in the head with them. Should be up for assault with a deadly weapon!
  6. Great little disposable. Been using them for years. https://th.aliexpress.com/item/32825552913.html
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