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Posts posted by Blinky62

  1. 1 hour ago, chingching said:

    Maybe I'm mistaken, but don't ALL large trucks, buses, etc, have air brakes,  i.e. the air pressure is used to release the brakes.  If the air compressor or engine fails,  mechanical springs automatically close the brakes   I'd imagine on a 6 wheel bus, that would mean 6 mechanical brakes would have to fail.  I think it's been that way for 30 or more years in the u.s.a.   Thus 'brake failure' is really impossible.

    Brake failure in Thai means brain failure, ie I fell asleep 

  2. 12 hours ago, Jonathan Fairfield said:

    US pedophile fugitive and English teacher arrested in Koh Samui




    Image: Thairath


    The American pedophile Jackson Hall, 24, has been arrested after he fled Bangkok to Koh Samui.


    Hall - wanted in the US on a string of charges and who had been hiding out in Thailand for nearly a year - was apprehended at the port of Nathorn last night at 8pm on the holiday island.


    A convicted felon Hall is wanted in Alabama for the rape of a 6 year old boy, other sexual molestation charges, giving false information to get a passport and identity theft.


    He is believed to have stolen the identity of a man called Tyler Doran Smith - he had entered Thailand last October 6th at Aranyaprathet, Sa Kaew province using that name.


    He is believed to have had English teaching jobs in both Khon Kaen and Rayong.


    Immigration chief Natthathorn Phrohsunthorn said that police in Bangkok had discovered that Hall was living with Nittaya Beetge - an agent who helps find English teachers - in the Phasi Charoen area of Bangkok.


    When police went there they missed Hall by a day and were told by Nittaya that he had fled to Samui. Contact was made with Samui immigration and Hall was arrested and is now being held on the island.


    Nittaya's estranged husband Darron Beetge now in South Africa with his six year old son told Thaivisa that he felt relieved and vindicated that the information that he had been able to supply in the case had proved to be correct.


    Thaivisa has followed the case in detail since a report was made earlier in the year that Nittaya's life may be in danger. 


    According to Mr Beetge his ex and Hall have had a child together, their baby daughter born in August.


    Hall is believed to have worked as an English teacher in both Khon Kaen and Rayong, said police.


    Claims have been made that Nittaya aided and abetted Hall during his time in Thailand.


    Source: Thai Rath


    -- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2017-09-23


  3. Half a Baht more for a can of beer----yer the country's finished...no tourist will stand for that. It's also ruined our life here so we might as well all go home...
    Talk about headless chickens--how do you guys handle actual real life situations....
    ** My wife left me because of my insecurities. No wait, she's back. She just went to make a cup of tea.............:coffee1:

    Most people on this site need to go back to the mother country every now and again for a reality check .

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  4. Breaking news on The Nation's website says that the actual increase on a bottle of beer will be 2.66 Baht

    F;;;; that's going to break me , going to have to cut back , now leave 10 minutes before closing time , and only buy lady drinks for the very hottest of bar friendly's . Tragic , . Now the LOS friendly's will be frowning . Cheers [emoji482].

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  5. The way I read it based on volume a beer at .375l x .05 alcohol x 420baht = 7.87 baht per bottle  (small) I dont understand however if they intend that, plus 22%  of retail value.
    Either way I'm sure the local and ferlang bar owners will be hiking their price by far more and blaming the tax hike! 
    EDIT just re read it and it appears its both! Might be something like 40 baht x 22% plus 7.87 baht for the volume = 16.67 Baht tax!

    When you go to the 7/11 tomorrow they will tell you xxx baht for your little bottle of beer [emoji482]. That's how much it cost . Have two choices , beer or water .

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  6. So what will be the increase per bottle of beer?I guess that is what a lot of people would like to know.
    It will not last long anyway,as soon as they find out this increase will actually make them less money they will revoke this real fast.

    Unfortunately not , as with the western world [emoji289] they go up every 6 months , never go down . Answer never eat before drinking . It's a lot cheaper to get the same affects.

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  7. Aaaaw Man!!!  I thought we were going to see a video of the Red Bull "Boss" filmed slapping Coyote Dancers on Soi Cowboy while Interpol is frantically loking for him in 190 countries.

    Mmmmm , I forgot I was in Thailand . The poor girl sneaked off for a naughty , without paying her bar fine . So a little group slapping for punishment. WOW , major police [emoji61] investigation . And a teeny weeny financial police kicking for Mama . But when a teacher punches , slaps and hits young kids with all manner of sticks and things . The coppers [emoji61] say they deserve it , or it just happens here in LOS . Makes me wonder sometimes.

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  8. Pile as much taxes on to the price of cigarettes as they want and hopefully a lot less people will die. The only way to stop people from killing themselves and others with their second hand smoke is to make it economically painful to continue with this horrible habit. As for small increase in the price of alcohol, BFD, if you are penny pinching just make small changes in other areas and continue on. Or, instead of your Tiger, Carlsburg, Beer Lao, Corona, etc. lower your bloody standards and drink Archa. You can actually drink less and feel just as bad in the morning with Archa and you have outwitted the increase in price.

    Did someone stub a cigarette but out on you ???

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  9. Have you always been a spiritual sort of person? It always amazes me how people try to outdo each other to show their outrage. Let the law take its course, there is nothing practical that you or anybody else can do, which, from some of the comments here, is a good thing. You aren't judge and jury. 

    The problem is my friend , is that there is no justice in this country . As nice as this place , there is many of us have made our new lives here . That poor girl will get no justice . Why is that whole place not flooded with cops and Amy . Get all there sorry arse's In the lock up then figure out what to do with them . It's no good saying they are investigating it . I bet my life there are some VIP's involved in this . That's why it's taken so long to come to light . That poor kid has to live knowing those monsters are near by , ready to do it again . There needs to be a massive outing about this on Facebook so the world can see . Then maybe the big boys in Bangkok will get involved . They are more worried about a couple of young lady's flashing there tits . Get your priorities right Thailand [emoji1242]. There is s lot of innocent kids at risk here. That young girl and here family need a lot of help . They need to be moved well away and supported .

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  10. Typhoon season in Southern China, HK, Macau so plenty visitors from there just now. They don't frequent bars and gogos, but do shop till they drop. I am not talking zero dollar tourists, but independant, monied and young. You won't be seeing them on Soi Buakao any time soon.

    Soi Buakao only busy between 8&9am , that's when the pommy pension runs out for the day . Cheers chaps , see you all tomorrow for Brekky .

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  11. How is it even possible for this to go on for so long , and no one know about it . Get 1000 police and army and sort this mess out . Shocking story . Poor girl . Is it even possible for her to recover from this . This poor girl will be needed up for life . I don't think there is any help for her . Nothing will happen to the scum who did this . No doubt to me some will be VIPs . And the poor girl , has to live around then for the next 10 years . No justice in this country . I wish I could do something personally to help her . But sadly we can't . Soo sad [emoji24]

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  12. No other country in the world is as bloody as the US. In 201 conflicts since 1945, the US regime has killed over 30 million people for their own geopolitical purposes.US history was written with blood. Above all foreign blood.This is shown by the fact that the United States hasbeen in a state of war since its founding in 1776, 222 years. The war criminals Nation No. 1 of WK 2 time, can not win a single conventional war, despite all the power with which they daily trump! Panama & Grenada ... 2 dwarves are the last which you have booked on their profit lists of 201 conflicts since 1945.

    maybe Mr. Geoffry, the Big C fright, is only a reflection of this US company




    You poor sad sole

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  13. Dangerous guy on many levels.

    He's not dangerous, well maybe only to him self , lucky he didn't get drop kicked out of the store . He's just a broken arse ex actor . Wow I made 9 mil in green backs . Well no one gives a toss . He still out there I Big C doing his shopping like the rest of us . Probably can't even afford his ticket back home .

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  14. Yeah! I agree with you.
    It really has gotten this ridiculous at times. With Non-smokers on some hidden campaign and agenda to protest and shun all smokers everywhere in this world, of all colors, religion, and status.
    Personally I am sick of all there bitching and whining. They have there many spots they can sit and stand on this Earth without cigarette smoke. So let us have a small piece to. 
    I bet the New Santa Clause no longer has a pipe. I am sure the Non-smokers, and saviors of this world's health made sure of that a long time ago. Now he drinks Coke. I think.  

    Yes probably the new low sugar , special diet , extra healthy , low carb , mountain spring inspired COKE !!!

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