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Posts posted by Iamtoofat

  1. 1 minute ago, paul18620 said:

    5 pages of a BS thread why have the MODS let this go so far just shows you how far TV has declined in recent months.......you should of posted this on Pattaya Addicts you monger 

    There is really no need to be rude. Why are you being so mean ? Why be like that ? I explicitly said I have no interest in prostitutes. 

  2. 1 minute ago, cyberfarang said:

    Marrying Thai women and taking them back to your home countries is playing a dangerous game.


    Many will probably only go through the process as a means of obtaining visas to stay in the west and once married, if the Thai wife decides to move on, under the divorce laws in most western countries she can claim your assets and alimony in our countries that mostly always favour the wives in cases of divorce.


    So choose carefully before taking home a Thai takeaway from Thailand.

    That's really only once children are involved and there is no alimony in Australia. That's why I was aiming for one probably 28+, well educated and not too sexy. Regardless, based on advice given, it seems pointless. And seems I was stupid. I admit I was a bit "hot" on the idea, now I am cooling right down. 



  3. 30 minutes ago, bazza73 said:

    The main problems with Oz is the cost of living is insane. And women there have a legal system which is heavily biased towards them in terms of family law. The OP should take note of that.

    I can live very well in Thailand, with a Thai GF who thinks my s##t doesn't stink. In Australia, very modestly. Aussie women? Ugh.

    I don't understand this I find things to be rather cheap in Australia; apart from rent.  The legal system is a <deleted> disaster, your wife basically owns you.


    I agree with the "ugh" Aussie women can be beyond awful. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Tofer said:

    Why in particular are you looking for a Thai wife, what is it that you are expecting from her that you cannot attain in a relationship with any other nationality, even Australian?

    I get rejected by Australian women. My thoughts on Australian girls don't really matter as they're not interested in me anyway. As much as people say to stay positive  and to not generalise, constant rejection has an impact and as a result I am a bit resentful towards Australian women right now. Aside from the obvious physical attraction to Thai women; I thought they would be easier to attract compared to Australian women.


    In Australia,  i think society is not equal and very heavily bias towards the female with a lot of anti male campaigns in the media. I have many female friends who treat their husbands well but they're all taken, obviously. I thought Thai women would have modern eastern values, which inside my mind means equality. For example, the girl expects the guy to make more money than her (at least when they meet), to sometimes buy her nice things, to treat her like a lady. In return she earns whatever income she can, to contribute financially to the household, but takes on the burden of doing the majority of household duties, cooking cleaning, washing but the man helps out as much as possible. There are a LOT of Australian women who are willing to do this sort of arrangement but there are lot of feminists who won't take the good with the bad. All of this is beside the point; my main interest in Thai women was that I thought they might be attracted to me. 



  5. Just now, Here It Is said:

    Troll OP and something very wrong him.  


    I've read this thread from start to finish and the above statement confirms my understanding.  


    In my considered opinion the OP believes Thai ladies will take any falang on offer as they're somehow needy.  


    He's also a newbie so no surprise.

    Mate, I don't know what your problem is but if you don't like me can you  please just go away ? Yes, there is something very wrong with me. If you're so wonderful and great how about you just take your wonderful and perfect self and leave us broken people to sort ourselves out.



  6. 37 minutes ago, Here It Is said:

    As with most things in life you either get lucky or you don't.  We all believe we can read the signs but we're mere mortals and with that, invariably error-prone.


    I met a lady on a Thai dating website and have been happily married for seven years.  She's now a citizen of my home country and has two passports, which makes life a lot easier as we can go where the hell we like.


    We look after mom and pop but nothing heavy, just that they have a better life than what they had before.


    I'm not too sure of the OPs motives to be honest as he seems to be looking for some compartmentalised version of what he thinks he can achieve rather than what he'll achieve.  My advice is just to go with the flow and hope for the best. 

    Sorry, misread your post, yes I am looking for a replacement of what I want in Australia but in Thai form. I am not good enough to get a decent girlfriend here, so I thought the game might be easier there. Decent doesn't mean young and sexy by the way. If I wanted that... . .. it's Thailand... not hard to find. 

  7. 39 minutes ago, Gecko123 said:

    Dear OP:


    There are some decent women over here.


    But there are also some women here who have the ability to dilate their pupils at will to make it feel like you are peering deeply into their soul, to cry heart-wrenching tears of anguish at the thought of separating from you, and to feign a compatibility with you beyond your wildest dreams. The problem is that western social experience does not always prepare western men to adroitly interpret these sometimes misleading signals from Thai women. It takes a fair amount of time on the ground to understand cultural norms, a lot of trial and error, language skills, and a fair amount of luck to navigate through the chutes and ladders of finding the girl of your dreams over here. Just sorting out what is a legitimate cultural difference (which you might be inclined to accommodate), versus an aberrant personality trait or behavior (which is unacceptable) takes a lot of time. You might get lucky, but in my opinion 6-9 months isn't enough time to really get your bearings over here. 


    In terms of what an everyday Thai woman would make of a guy with a "Seven brides for seven brothers" mindset, in my opinion, most would be, understandably, dubious and skeptical. I live in a small village. Nearby there are many small towns, and maybe in a two hour radius there are several good size cities. Away from my village, I could present myself as single if I wanted to. I can speak Thai very well. Without giving you a full fledged dating profile, let's just say, I'm half-decent looking, presentable, and affable. Thai women, when I am talking to them in a cluster, will often say things like "I'd like to have a farang husband." I used to think that they really did want a foreign husband. But I've come to realize that very very few of these women were really serious, and genuinely wished they had a foreign husband. They were just shooting the breeze, playfully passing the time of day, tossing out a whimsical thought for their mutual amusement. For one thing, most of the time, their husbands were sitting right there listening to what their wife was saying (and none of the husbands seemed to take the wives seriously), and anyway most of those women seemed like they were fairly happily married already.


    Sometimes, I'll meet an everyday Thai woman, be it a Lotus clerk, a mushroom vendor, a bank teller, a shop girl, whatever, and there appears to be a spark of physical attraction there, but more often that not it's just batting eyes at one another. Checking around, they're married, or have a boyfriend or have kids. In the real world, away from the bright lights of the "entertainment centers," all the good ones seem to be already taken. Put another way, these days, I could probably do better back home if I had to.


    Then there's the problem of where do you meet these women. Determined to find a wholesome, college educated, English speaking Thai woman without any children, who has job skills which she can use to at least pull her own weight back in Australia, where do you look? You're obviously not going to look for a "non-bar" girl in a bar, right? These dating websites aimed at foreign men, by most accounts, have a sizable percentage of women who are on the prowl for one thing or another. Sorting through who is and isn't for real isn't going to happen overnight. It's going to take a lot of Skyping, and first dates. So where do you go to meet these women? Some have reported meeting their future spouses through the workplace. That sounds like a pretty good strategy to me. Plenty of time to get to know one another casually. A chance to talk to other people who already know her. But if that's not an option, what do you do? Walk the streets trying to make eye contact? Loiter around Bangkok universities? Shopping malls? Night clubs? Maybe. I never had much luck doing that myself. Do you pick a small town, maybe by the beach, and try and pick up a bank teller, an immigration officer, a waitress, the front desk clerk at your hotel, your Thai language school teacher? Do you imagine, with Bruce Springsteen's "Born to Run" playing in the background, some gainfully employed woman is going to slip off her apron, grab your hand and run off with you to Koh Chang, risking humiliation in front of her family and friends when it turns out she was just a holiday fling for some pale face? Sorry, despite what some here would have you believe, it doesn't work that way.


    About two years ago I read an article about how Thailand's demographics were changing. The gist of the article was that thirty years ago there were a lot more young women available than there are nowadays. Also Thailand is getting older, rapidly. An interesting observation I've made in recent years, is that in many Thai-Thai relationships, the Thai man is comparatively (based on attractiveness norms) more attractive than the Thai woman. In other words, Thai men don't appear to have as endless a bevy of beauty pageant contestants to choose from when selecting a spouse as they may have had in the past.


    Bottom line: In my opinion, coming to Thailand with the express purpose of trying to find a wife is a bad idea. Sorry if this sounds negative, but it's my honest assessment, and I'm just answering the question the OP posed.



    Nope. Thanks for the advice. I appreciate it.  

  8. On 10/10/2016 at 0:51 AM, khunpa said:

    Imagine you marrying a 30 year older woman and having to live with her every day for years, just to be able to survive and send some money back to your parents. 


    I think any normal person would go insane at some point. But of course the older men here, who are married to women that could be their daughters, would disagree. But I am sure they would never themselves want to live or have sex with a 30 year older person. 


    "True love" in these (Grand) Daddy / Daughter relationships are extremely rare, in my opinion. Which also often shows, when the money runs out. And of course it impacts the women involved. Imagine you bringing home and showing your friends a Grand Mother-Girlfriend. They all know why you are with her, which would make anyone normal person sick, when thinking closer about it. I doubt the girls feel great about it... In ALL ways.


    I know this will be hard to swallow for the Grand Dads here. But I do not care. If you are running around with a 30-40 year younger Thai-girl and you believe she really loves being with you, then you are simply stupid, naive as hell and living in Fantasy Land.


    If you do not agree on that, then go have sex with a 30-40 year older woman and lets hear how much you enjoyed that. At least I can understand the men who find a much younger partner and inside knows/accepts, what it is really all about. But the guys who believe a 20-30 year old girl, really loves being with a 50-70 year old man are simply lost mentally.



    I don't think the comparison is that simple because men and women are different. If there were thousands and thousands of western women of all ages arriving in Thailand with fist full of dollars wanting to have sex with Thai men, they'd meet that demand too. No doubt.


  9. 13 minutes ago, wildewillie89 said:

    To stop people smuggling basically. I understand the policy and accept it, I have even been offered money to marry from my cousin who lives in a Vietnamese community (naturally has many Vietnamese friends). Many Chinese are now doing it also. 

    This is straya. So long as it is the government or a rich company doing it, then cash for visa is okay.

  10. 13 minutes ago, wildewillie89 said:

    All depends on the guys job I think, If she's a professional, then he is going to need a good job to support her. As why would she give up a great job here to work in a restaurant, for example, there (or re-educate herself). If she has a good job in Thai, and he doesn't have as good a job back home, he will move to Thai (my personal case - I am Australian). 

    I think most people, if given half the chance, would prefer to stay in their own country. Due to comfort, culture etc. Of course, there are the exceptions, we all have met Thai people who have cultural identity issues and think they are 'farang'. The same with many farang who think they are Thai.

    So really, unless the girl is being offered a super comfortable life, then I find it hard to see why a successful girl here would leave to be unsuccessful (in the short term at least) in a different country. 

    If  the girl did not get as many chances as some other Thai girls, then yes, she may jump at the idea to move, work a shitty job and send money back to her family. Every individual has different personalities and different life experiences so we cannot just put Thai women into one category. Many variables.

    Also must remember in Australia I think you can only marry 2 people from overseas (5 years apart). So if you pick wrong and she leaves you once she gets the visa, for a better looking, better personality, possibly richer guy...then unlucky.  So if marriage is due to unstable reasons, then you may just screwing yourself for the rest of your life....or having the little holidays a month a year as many incredibly desperate guys seem to do.


    Geez -  Australia has some ridiculous policies... .....

  11. 14 minutes ago, howard ashoul said:

    I think the answer is no.


    Thais love their country. Everything Thai is the best. Thai food is the best. Thai music is the best. Thai motorbikes are the best. Clothes made in the Thailand is the best... . Also they have their Budhism. And their King. They are not looking for getting out of here. They love it here!


    If you come here, nobody will care, that you want to take them back to Australia. Maybe woman from Vietnam, Laos, Burma would jump at that ticket from their country. But not Thais.


    In 6 years here I saw ~5 women, who went to foreign country. And only and after a long relationship here in Thailand. All of them come back early, after 3-4 weeks, because after initial amusement by new culture they felt quickly homesick.


    I don't think Thailand is the best country for this. Many 3rd world countries would give anything for that ticket out of there. But not Thais.


    Thanks for the post.  I was planning on spending all my long service leave and annual leave to do a 6-9 month trip (at half pay) in search of a partner. I'll find a better use of my leave if your post is accurate. 

  12. 43 minutes ago, kenk24 said:

    No, I do not mean rich. By decent I meant a kind, good person. A caring person. And by cultural differences, one might be a different definition of rich. I will say that poor as in dirt poor and living in the street but having a way with poetry is probably not going to sell too well either. Most ladies would like a step up in the world, especially if marrying a foreigner. 


    I understand that rightly or wrongly, on some level, many women expect the man to be able to provide. I am fine with that as long as I am not being used. As I said I am not interested in an exchange of money for companionship. 


    I am 35, I earn okay money (about 90k AUD pa). I don't own a house. I could probably buy an apartment, or a house far from the city. With a partner earning a reasonable income we could definitely, but renting is better. Housing in Australia is RIDICULOUSLY expensive. I have no idea what housing is like in Thailand. 


    The whole point of going to Thailand is to find someone to build a life with. If she is going to free load off me and expect me to be a financial bonus for her then there is literally no point. I feel foolish asking these kind of questions, but if there is some chance I could find a genuine partner, its worth a shot. I am not getting any younger ! 



  13. 9 minutes ago, kenk24 said:

    Yes. I constantly have ladies repeatedly asking me if I know any decent guys or if I have any foreign friends for them. 


    I assume you understand that there will be language and cultural differences and that by cultural differences it goes beyond bowing and taking off your shoes before you go in the house... 


    And most Thai ladies would prefer to stay in Thailand, but will relocate for a decent husband. 


    By "decent husband" do you mean "rich" because I'm not rich.  



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