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Posts posted by UncleTouchyFingers

  1. 11 minutes ago, Nigel Garvie said:

    You are ALL being totally ripped off by your healthcare system. Aren't you angry that you are paying twice as much as anywhere else in the developed world, without achieving better outcomes overall.


    Um, yeah we are, unless you're in a low income bracket and only have to pay $50\month, then of course you'd love it. 

    • Confused 2
  2. Just now, bristolboy said:

    No that article did not state that. The article specifically said and I quoted this:

    "That is the sixth straight year that employer-provided policies have increased by well under 5 percent, according to the survey."


    So its confirmed you aren't an american and want to argue and obfuscate an issue you don't know anything about. 


    And as to your quote:


    Ill finish it for you - "That is the sixth straight year that employer-provided policies have increased by well under 5 percent, for less, more volatile, and higher risk coverage because of Obamacare"



    Currently 85 percent of covered workers have a deductible in their plan, up from 81 percent last year and 59 percent a decade ago. The average single deductible now stands at $1,573 for those workers who have one, similar to last year’s $1,505 average but up sharply from $735 in 2008. These two trends result in a 212 percent total increase in the burden of deductibles across all covered workers.




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  3. 5 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

    Only insurance premiums for individual insurance policies. As the article I cited noted, employer provided health insurance has been rising at a much slower rate. If your rates spiked the way you claim, that's because your employer shafted you. Unless you had a really lousy employer provided policy. There were minimum standards imposed but they were very minimal. Most employer provided insurance easily met those standards.


    Complete & total BS, and insulting as hell. Its illegal for employers to "shaft people" and face penalties for doing so. 

    • Like 1
  4. 6 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

    Employer provided health insurance is not affected by Obamacare. There are no financial or tax obligations placed on employer provided health insurance. If your employer told you otherwise, they were playing you.


    Dude do you even have healthcare, and are you an American? Because you are so wrong and uninformed that I am 99% sure you aren't, and you somehow thought it was a good idea to debate with someone who has been living with this chit their whole life. 


    Obamacare required insurers to carry mandatory provisions in all healthcare plans such as mental health, pregnancy, child care, etc. insurance companies are forced to provide these coverages and those costs are directly passed on to the end user, regardless of wether they get the plan from employers or the healthcare market. People were able to buy plans that didn't have these things, now they cant. For example men without children or mental health issues.


    Insurers were "allowed" to carry these plans called "grandfathered plans" but promptly did away with them, or jacked up the prices, forcing millions to get on plans that conform to the ACA. 


    Its an unequivocal lie on your part. 


    As for your link, its from 2017 and simply states that after 7 years of Obamacare that prices have finally stabilized. 

    • Like 2
  5. 4 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

    If your insurance comes with your job then Obamacare has cost you nothing. Nothing.


    Whaaaaat? Insurance premium spikes are a direct result of Obamacare, and employers have not been shielded from this. 


    Do you think if people have insurance through their employer that they..... ...don't have to pay for it? 

  6. 7 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

    It actually doesn't make sense to compare employer provided health insurance to insurance purchased individually in the private market.


    2 years after ACA passed I was paying over $600 a month for a lesser plan through that same employer. 


    The year I left I was paying $820 for the top plan for just myself, and when I quit I carried the plan myself for the rest of the year and it was over $1000/month. 


    Even people that got healthcare through their employers were throttled by premium increases and lesser coverage. 

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  7. 8 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

    The expanded Medicaid program for which the Feds pay 90 percent of expenses absolutely is part of Obamacare. That's the program that has massively expanded coverage in states like West Virginia. And it will disappear if the Supreme Court sides with O'Connor.


    Medicaid is a completely different program than the ACA. You are clearly confusing something you read, so show me what youre looking at and ill give it a look. 


    11 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

    And the Republicans keep on saying that they are all in on keeping pre-existing conditions but the only proposal they have tried to legislate so far said people with pre-existing conditions couldn't be prohibited from buying health insurance but the health insurance providers could exclude pre-existing conditions from coverage.


    Again, where are you getting this from? 


    11 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

    The third is subsidizing people who can't afford it. The subsidies can come from taxes, higher rates for those who can afford it, or a combination of both.

    And It works very well in other countries. 


    10 minutes ago, stevenl said:

    Yes, health insurance is a social system, the strong pay for the weak.


    Difference being in the USA we are paying and subsidizing insurance companies that are historically horrible organizations who's entire function is to get you to pay, and then not pay out VS socialized medical care from the state. 2 completely different things and incomparable. 

    • Like 1
  8. 11 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Yes that was a sucky situation for a minority of Americans but fixes for that could have been addressed as opposed to throwing the whole thing down the toilet which the Individual-1 fans are doing. Again most working adults get coverage from employers.

    Notice how the liberal implies insignificance with the term "minority of Americans" even though historically the Obamacare lovers have been the actual minority. 


    And how out of touch he is thinking that since "most working americans get coverage from employers" that they somehow have weathered the storm and haven't been affected. Working Americans get coverage through employers but still have to pay for it, and they have been grossly affected as well. Across the board if you have had insurance, weather private or through your employer, your premiums have spiked in the extreme. 


    Libs will downplay this, gloss over it, and ignore it but the fact remains - it was chit to begin with and its chit still today. 

    • Thanks 1
  9. Just now, gk10002000 said:

    From my perspective Obamacare absolutely sucked.  My catastrophic coverage was cheap and all that I needed.  I don't care about some deductibles. I have no chronic issues.  I only wanted coverage for big ticket items.  I was a contractor and most of my agencies did not have plans for temporary workers such as me (I am an engineer) so I had good Florida Blue Cross Blue Shield.  What was costing me $126/month a few years ago, quickly doubled and doubled again and more, and today, the cheapest, worst bronze plan would cost me $850/month.  My passive income alone puts me above the 43K or whatever threshold to get the subsidies.   I am 61 male non smoker, zero health issues.  So neglecting all the other things the ACA allegedly does, it made me decide to take a direct job for a company that only costs me $84/month. 


    The libs in this thread will not care at all about your personal experience nor about how much you have to pay, and I too am in the same boat with going back to an Employer that provides subsidized insurance plans instead of being freelance. 


    Im married and the total household income threshold was a measly $68,000/year for any assistance. 



    • Like 1
  10. 1 minute ago, bristolboy said:

    It took the fear of losing it to push it over the 50% mark.

    No, it took not having a viable & legitimate replacement to push it over that mark, and that is a major issue that still pisses me off about Trumps administration to this day. 


    1 minute ago, bristolboy said:


    As for decimating the Republican party? Absolutely. How do you think those poor rural white people in West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennesse, Alabama etc who were getting Medicaid are going to feel when it gets cut off? Do you think they're going to blame Democrats for that and thank Republicans? And all those people with pre-existing conditions who can no longer get insurance coverage? Do you think they're going to thank the Republicans and blame the Democrats?


    You think medicaid = Obamacare? 


    The President and Republicans are all in on keeping pre-existing conditions. 

    • Like 1
  11. 7 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    You need to talk to a few Europeans and learn from what they tell you.


    What does that have to do with Obamacare and Americans. Obamacare is the polar opposite of single payer and yet you are going through the thread mocking posts with smileys that don't support Obamacare. And the weird part is that most people on here aren't even Americans, and the Americans that are opining wont ever have to participate. 

    • Like 2
  12. 50 minutes ago, Credo said:

    Seeing to medical needs and giving food and water is pretty basic.   


    16 minutes ago, Credo said:

    Trump's policies can only be describes as a culture of cruelty.



    When the bus departed the operating base about 12:20 a..m., the other migrants -- including Jakelin and her father -- were held inside the sally port of the Antelope Wells Port of Entry and given access to food, water and restrooms, according to CBP.


    • Thanks 2
  13. 1 hour ago, stevenl said:

    Let's also not forget the by the Trump administration greatly reduced budget to improve living conditions back in Guatamala.


    Fake News. As stated throughout the media, the aid reduction threat was BECAUSE of the caravan, the caravan was not a product of the reduction of aid. 


    23 minutes ago, stevenl said:

    No, not true. Aid has been reduced, hence more refugees. Border patrols are working much, much slower, so more and more lining up. And then on top of it aid was further reduced when the caravan started.

    This one is on Trump.


    Absolute garbage post and you know it. I mean why would you lie when you can just google stuff and its all right there? 



    President Trump vowed Monday to cut off or “substantially” reduce aid to three Latin American nations, voicing fresh frustration as a growing caravan of migrants that originated in Honduras continued to make its way toward the U.S.-Mexico border.




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  14. On 12/13/2018 at 3:51 PM, IssanMichael said:

    I had a visit yesterday as well. I live 30k from Nakhon Phanom. The police came just the one, wanted a photo of me and the wife outside the house showing the house number, stopped and had a chat for a while. A very pleasant visit broke the day up a bit a nice sort of guy no problems or dramas.


    I am on a retirement visa and a week before did my 1 year application. A great immigration office is NP. I made a 90 report  this year and the road outside their office had been closed off, i have a lung problem and cannot walk far, and had to leave the pickup some way away. My wife told the officer during the application. When i got the report done the Lady office came round the desk held my arm and took me to a police pickup and said we have to help where we can, and took us both back to our motor. Now how good is that?


    What the hell man you shouldn't have had to do any of that. 

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