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Posts posted by Topdoc

  1. " the exit of Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri on Saturday is the latest telling evidence of a growing US-Saudi-Israeli congruence. A relatively stable set-up in Beirut (involving co-habitation between Hariri and Hezbollah), which acquitted itself remarkably well in the war against terrorist groups, has been suddenly thrown into disarray. What follows next in Lebanon dovetails into the US-Israeli-Saudi strategy toward post-ISIS Syria and Iraq where the balance of forces currently works in favor of Iran. "


  2. 41 minutes ago, xerostar said:


    From the video it appears there was no crutch strap which I think should be mandatory  for any rides like this.

    He probably slipped out of the strap across his behind and  he only had two handles with which to hang on. 

    The assistant guy does some strange movement to get his legs above the victim, possibly putting extra weight on his shoulders..

    He wasn't strong enough to hold on with his arms and had to let go.

    Poor bugger RIP mate




    According to the SMH, the straps between his legs were left undone...

    Australian tourist Roger Hussey falls to death while parasailing in Phuket, Thailand

  3. 2 hours ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

    2001 until 2005 were halcyon days for Thailand. 


    Certainly the best years economically, politically and in regards stability in my 30 years here.



    And then the GFC came along and central bank QE created a massively imbalanced flow of funds into bonds which slowly but surely took the wind out of the sails of commodity based economies like Thailand. No one here is to blame for that!   

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