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Everything posted by bullseye66

  1. Really. Been in recently have you?
  2. Illegals don't get hotel rooms in the UK.
  3. But illegal immigrants in the UK are detained in secure facilities. Better conditions than these obviously. But banged up all the same.
  4. You wouldn't get far on the £7 a day asylum seekers get would you.
  5. Ah the old.....but she's different 😂. Don't tell me....she's a dentist receptionist.....or works in a hotel.🤣🤣🤣
  6. Tell me you don't understand taxation.... without telling me you don't understand taxation.
  7. But he'll be on rule 43. He'll be segregated from normal prisoners and will be on a wing with other sexual offenders. A luxury he wouldn't get in Thailand.
  8. Correct. Beggars belief some of the morons you get on here saying the guy deserved it.
  9. Mr Charlie big potatoes coming to defend a ladies honour. Do you ride a white horse? Obviously your mother allows you to watch far too many Bond, Reacher and Equaliser movies. You should be in bed before they come on.
  10. So everyone who behaves or acts like a tosser deserves a slap? How old are you? 10/11?
  11. No. I would be if I punched him and caused him to die. Big difference.
  12. Not an accident is it. He punched the bloke. If you punch someone then this can and often happens. If he hadn't punched him he would not have died. By your thought process stabbing someone in the leg that dies is an accident. Because you stabbed him in the leg, you didn't mean to kill him, I mean you didn't stab him in the chest did you 🤣
  13. You need to research the difference between illegal migrants and asylum seekers.
  14. Only in the minds of daily mail readers and GBnews viewers.
  15. Do tourists only end up in hospital with huge bills over Christmas and New year then?
  16. 30 day waiver on entry then moved to 45. Swiftly returned to 30! Why? Again shows the TAT logic.
  17. I think they take a number and double it....then put it out as the figure they expect.
  18. But if you get married it costs you ten times more in the long run. Like most things in Asia.......rent.
  19. The monkeypox thing didn't really get the fear factor shooting up so let's wheel out old faithful......a new covid variant ????????????
  20. 60 or 90 day visa on arrival. Job done.
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