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Posts posted by uncleeagle

  1. 6 hours ago, nomad2019 said:


    I havent a clue what that means, i dont know all these terms, i only know my bolls have shrunk and ive no ...none sperm whatsover, UTI has done this.....

    Can i take that HCG with sus250 ?


    i see, then i suggest you see a doctor and do not attempt to do this by yourself.

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  2. to know how much to take and how frequently you need to know your base level of testosterone and then decide an objective level and go from there. assuming your body has 10 litres of blood, to make things simple, then 1ml of sustanon 250 would translate to an additional blood level of 2500 ng/dl, assuming total absorption from muscle to blood. so if you started with a low level of 300 ng/dl, you could end up a few days later with a temporary level of up to 2800 ng/dl, which is very high and possibly even dangerous.


    so i would suggest starting with as low as 0.25 ml and see how it feels and see if you can get your blood tested a couple of days after injection, then again after a week or two, to see how fast the exogenously supplied amount decays. 




  3. 1 hour ago, GarryP said:

    That is what I do not get about the US. If you are living and working overseas and paying tax in the country where you work, why should you still have to worry about the IRS.


    As a Brit, that has never been a concern for me. The UK IRS has never been chasing me for anything. I could go back tomorrow and start off fresh after having lived and worked in Thailand for 38 years.  


    US citizens are taxed on their worldwide income with a credit for foreign paid tax, an exemption on the first $90000 or so of income and some expense allowance. So as Singapore tax is much lower than US tax he may have had 20 years of back taxes plus fines. 

  4. On 2/26/2020 at 8:03 PM, Ventenio said:

    I hope someone sues the WHO.  For zillions.  They knew it was super dangerous, acted negligently, and you traveled to a place where they KNEW it was unsafe to travel to.....  i know, not likely.


    but when people put money over our lives!!!  oh wait, that's everyone.


    Act like everyone is super, super dangerous.  act like your beer has corona....wear a giant rubber chicken suit.


    don't worry, in the year 3094 this will all be forgotten.  imagine dying right before the worst pandemic humans have ever seen???  we are safe here, for sure, but soon there will be one person left in china.    


    sue the WHO but not sue China, who started all this?


  5. This will probably harm Thailand’s economy.


    Tourists generally and on average have a fixed amount they will budget for holidays. Taxing them doesn't change the total amount of their budget, it simply reallocates the way that budget is spent.


    Money they pay as a new tourist fee is just money they don’t then spend on their holiday in bars, cafes, malls etc.


    But as governments are notoriously poor and corrupt spenders of tax and money spent by businesses and individuals is generally used more efficiently, there will be a net loss to the economy, effectively in a marginal reduction in the velocity of money.


    Some tax is always necessary, but the question is how much, who pays it, how is it collected and how is it spent.


    In this case the Thai government is essentially saying they think they should receive that money instead of private businesses. In my opinion they are being naive, greedy and once again exposing their ignorance.


  6. yes, im not extending my O retirement based visa this year and will be significantly cutting back on my visits to thailand, for all the reasons the OP mentioned plus others. its just too much hassle now and too absurdly complicated. 


    CW told me last time that next time the bank documents will have to be dated the same day as the extension application. as the OP said, this may be impossible. in my case my bank does not have a CW branch so it will be hard to comply with, maybe actually impossible. but without doubt a new layer of stress and frustration for no logical justification.


    and yes, then there is the need for a TM30 receipt which I am anticipating will not be given as I stay in serviced apartments (4 or 5 star so I spend far more than the average person) and will not have and do not want a long term contract. the OPs comment about needing a contract as proof of residence is exactly what i am also expecting and i do not intend to waste time at CW when the IO will very likely refuse based on this. my reasons are not mere paranoia but based on my experience last year.


    there are other reasons, these are just the straws that have broken this particular camels back. and these are just the existing issues, i would not be surprised at new ones, that is after all what the trend is suggesting.


    never mind though, the money i wont be spending in thailand can easily be be made up for by a hundred or so coach loads of screeching, belching, defecting and spitting chinese or indian tourists.



  7. 2 hours ago, Mitkof Island said:

    She broke the law illegally working in Thailand. What is it you don,t understand? Small or big crimes Thai Immigration if you agree with the polices is doing their jobs. Are you more concerned it might be you next for doing something illegal?


    I was looking for the dislike button for this one till i remembered those were removed by the idiot censors years ago, no doubt because of the litigious and face obsessed nature of certain cultures and childish inability to cope with criticism of any kind.


    Pity how ugly Thainess is becoming and I wonder how much further it has to go.


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  8. 41 minutes ago, Momofarang said:

    Ill informed comment. You can work neither on a tourist nor on a retirement visa but you can get a work permit with a marriage visa.

    Is someone on a retirement visa allowed to enrol in an educational course, such as to learn thai...or muay thai..or cook...or would immigration say they need an education visa and arrest them.


    How much further will this madness go?

  9. For early stage osteoarthritis the use of hyaluronic acid injections is known to be beneficial and has been used for several decades with a low (but non zero) complication rate.


    Hyaluronic acid works in several ways. It acts as a shock absorber within the joint, is an anti-inflammatory and may also stimulate new cartilage growth. But use a good orthopaedic surgeon, not a quack and not one of the aesthetic clinics that are offering knee injections.


    Also, hyaluronic acid supplements taken orally may also be of benefit, especially in conjunction with glucosamine sulphate and MSM.



  10. 15 hours ago, bristolgeoff said:

    japan has stronger laws on drink driving and many things else.thailand they are a tourist like anyone.so these signs are the thai way of doing things and many find them amusing or funny but this is Thailand.just like the helmets license and few others. accept the way of the land  when u go there or live there


    such a wise and well worded analysis, thank you. i must say you sound incredibly articulate, a master of language and also a master of logic and wisdom.

  11. Don't know about Phuket but in CW office in Bangkok they require a “TM30 receipt” which is only obtainable from their desk B and involves waiting in a queue of several hundred people. 


    As far as I understand it, a screen shot print out is not always sufficient, however stupid and illogical that may seem given they can themselves see on their computer that you are registered.


    And if in the event somebody is staying at a hotel and the hotel wont or cant produce a screen shot print out then a receipt from the immigration office is then the only way.


    I would love to be wrong about this, but I don't think I am and this is the straw that has broken the camels back for me, i.e., I wont be renewing my retirement extension next year as it has become more trouble than its worth and its time to move on.


  12. 6 minutes ago, worrab said:

    Before I moved to retire here, I was with my g/f visiting Chiang Mai on holiday. I became seriously ill with suspected appendicitis. Rushed into Lana Hospital and went under to have it removed. It actually turned out to be diverticulitis! They did ask if I had insurance which I confirmed.  I had travel insurance through using my Lloyds debit card to pay for the flight. Long story shortened. Every time the bill racked up to 100,000 baht then the hospital asked to be paid so I gave my g/f my debit card to pay up. Got released then 2 days later had to be rushed back in with sepsis due to a leak. Same procedure with the bills as there was no need to worry as I was covered. On arrival back in UK put in the bill with all the hospital paperwork and was paid out in 2 weeks.

    So I am at a loss to understand firstly why people do not take out travel insurance? It is not expensive at the end of the day!! And secondly, why do the hospitals let these bills mount up? If the person has insurance there is no excuse. If not then just give the very basic aid and send them away!! 


    Any idea what led to the diverticulitis? Maybe diet related...were you overweight at the time? As I understand it a good diet and healthy weight are the best ways to keep the intestinal tract healthy and hopefully avoid those kinds of conditions.

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