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Posts posted by Golgota

  1. 1 hour ago, steven100 said:

    And there lies the reason why so many are roaming the streets.  They need to understand that what they are taking is illegal & jail is the punishment. If laws had have been much tougher there would be less druggies.

    You don't see many ice addicts or druggies in Malaysia or Singapore.  !!

    Yeah it worked quite well during prohibition for exemple..people stop drinking for sure.

    Singapore and Malaysia have plenty of drug users, you re either in denial or just plain ignorant...








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  2. On 2/9/2018 at 7:45 AM, steven100 said:

    Drug users are no good, they are a scourge on society everywhere. It's legal to have a drink as has been done for hundreds of years.

    Please don't use the ' drinking is a drug '   line as it is useless.

    Druggies are scum,  they have caused so many issues in Australia everywhere ... ice addicts need jail, nothing more nothing less.


    Yeah sure and alcohol didn t kill anybody in Australia i am sure : no road kills, no liver cancer, nothing like that.

    So as long as a poison drug is legal it is ok for you? Maybe you pop a bit of opioid given by your doctor time to time.


    Ice adict have to go to therapy, jot jail. However the guys you praise in thailand work hand in hand with some drug lords, and yet you seem to find this normal...poor you

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  3. 6 hours ago, FreddieRoyle said:

    Merkel and Macron are completely out of their depth, this isn't the private "champagne liberals" playground it was 2 years ago. Trump is saving western civilization, while the 2 Europeans are bent on destroying it. This will be hilarious seeing msm turning backflips about whatever hard truths Trump will come out with. Lovin' the MAGA movement!!


    Donald, if you are reading this, please please please do like last time you met the old battleaxe and refuse to shake her hand again, priceless, it really was!

    saving western civilization? Hahahahahahahahahaha (ad lib)


    Trump lies are so enormous those days I am surprised even proTrump can't acknowledge them....

  4. 4 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

    LOL@EU politicos. Never has a group of bureaucrats been so out of touch with the sentiments of the people it claims to represent. The majority of EU citizens are fed up with the middle east, the millions of illegal immigrants and economic migrants and the ethnic communities who reject  European culture in favour of their own caliphate culture.


    yeah that's why the far right is in power in most of the EU countries...oh wait...

  5. 55 minutes ago, djayz said:

    She's not the sharpest knive in the drawer me thinks...

    Who in their right mind would transfer their money so easily based of a few phone calls? 

    I do feel sorry for the woman though. How long did it take her to earn and save that money?. 

    Why do you think you still get spammed by the wife of a wealthy african leader asking you to help her moving 30millions$ out of her country? :D

  6. 35 minutes ago, ghworker2010 said:

    but as long as there are buyers around it will not burst. Theres still so much hype about bitcoin. The national newspaper in my country reported on the front page that 1 bitcoin will be worth 1 million in 2 yrs. This sort of article leads to many dreamers to join in the action. I think 2018 will see a huge increase in prices perhaps to 50k when the futures boys join in on the action. 

    I agree with you.. In fact as I still have some of my benefits.involved in crypto i hope it will last another 6 months :+

  7. Just now, craigt3365 said:

    I don't think the US, France or Britain were vetoing investigations into their involvement with chemical weapons....

    You would be surprised of the vetoes and how quiet the governments and  media are when they are issued by their country of origin..You would be surprised of the vetoes and the cost they had in term of Human lives...

    The vetoes should be simply removed from the security council

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