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Posts posted by Golgota

  1. 9 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    It's not always that simple when there are power relationships involved. With a same sex event, there is also some stigma attached to that as well. 

    I do not deny this

    I just see a lot of people denouncing on twitter and not following their denounciation with police report.

    I mean they are probaly true for 90% of them (10% of opportunists, at least) but when they are publicly speaking on twitter they should be able to speak in front of a police member.


  2. A bit of History :

    In 1953, Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadeq was overthrown by a Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)-organized coup, in what has been called "a crucial turning point both in Iran's modern history and in U.S. Iran relations." Many Iranians argue that "the 1953 coup and the extensive U.S. support for the shah in subsequent years were largely responsible for the shah's arbitrary rule," which led to the "deeply anti-American character" of the 1979 revolution.

  3. 43 minutes ago, Cancerian said:

    I am more in favour of years of torture for murderer's and pedophiles anyway. Give them to the family of tbe victims. Its amazing what can be achieved with something as simple as a blow torch. 

    Countless studies have proven torture is useless as innocent or not you will end up signing anything for it to stop.

    Also this raise the question which you elude : what about judicial mistakes..who cares, right? it is not like this happen a lot...right? oh wait....



  4. 4 hours ago, Cancerian said:

    The costs are for the appeals not the actual execution once convicted and sentenced to death there should not be any appeals. And the cost would be under $1000. But one again this brings us to the lefties 

    let me rephrase this for you :
    The total cost of a man sentenced to life in prison is less expensive than someone who is on the death row

  5. 2 hours ago, canopus1969 said:

    Iran must be judged in totality of its aggressive, destabilising, and unlawful behaviour


    Something most other world leaders seem not to do !

    Yes otherwise USA would have been judged quite harshly as well.

    A treaty is a treaty...USA has treaties with Saudi, with China, with Russia, with Burma, with Cambodia, and I do not see anything linked to the "spirit of the deal" in their case.

    Moreover Trump just gave the hot potato to the Congress, so he can please his fans (Look I wanted to get rid of this treaty) and the Congress will probably not follow Trump will ("Oh sorry, I am alone, I cannot do my job because of Republicans and Democrat...bad bad bad, not good, bad bad...Puertoooooo Ricoooooo")

  6. 1 hour ago, patekatek said:

    All immigration entries from the banned nations should now be required to arrive, be processed, and permanently housed in Hawaii.   Since this  judge cares so much about these Muslim immigrants, let him and his liberal buddies take care of them.  In a few years they can enjoy the same "No Go" zones  that several European cities now have to endure.  Heck, he might even get a chance to become a future Sharia Law judge.

    There is no "no go zone" in europe, it is a fantasy created by FAUX News, and you seems to drink from their cup on daily basis.

    Please come back when your dear president will ban the Saudi from the US, you know, the guys from the 9/11...


  7. 10 minutes ago, RichardColeman said:

    Sorry, but I believe the death sentence should be used in certain areas. Somethings in this life are unforgivable. Street murder of Lee Rigby for instance.  Attempted mass murder. Child rape and mutilation, etc. If that upsets the lefty PC brigade on here I really do not give a damn.

    Why add the last sentence?


    The death penalty in US costs more to the tax payers than the people in jail for life, the "righty conservative brigade" should take that into consideration too, right?:whistling:

  8. 20 minutes ago, ezzra said:

    Why? the world doesn't need another N. Korea, Iran was pulling the wool

    over the west eyes for so many years now, one would be imbberesed

    to think otherwise that Iran is enriching  uranium for 

    many years now with help of Pakistan and the N. Korean for

    " peace purposes", Iran has loft ambitions to rule the middle east, at an cost,

    and are actively has it's hands dirty with man wars and acts of terrorism around the glob, would any one trust this kind of a regime with a nuclear device?

    so the sooner this mocker of an agreement will be

    terminated and a better, more enforceable one put in place, the better

    for everyone, even for the Iran.....

    What you say is simply false.

    The world agrees it is a good deal, Tangerine#45 shows to NK it cannot be trusted, he also shows to USA allies he doesn t give a sh!t about them, and ultimately it will penalize the usa.

  9. 24 minutes ago, flipflop99 said:

    The poster baiting you just doesn't like the USA or its allies. He will defend any nation that embarrasses the USA and western countries. To some extent he has a point, the Military Industrial Complex of the USA and the Politicians who have an interest in it (e.g. Dick Cheney) have a lot to answer for. Its totally undermined the case for the current NK situation - which is indefensible. The poster also  ignores to obvious intention of NK to seek a military reunification of SK (which the N-bomb shield allows NK to still pursue at its pleasure) . I guess he has no problem with SK being denuded of USA support (and the consequences of same)  if that allows the USA to be humiliated for their past indiscretions. I have decided not to respond this posters obvious troll posts. He has a lot of empathy for a sickening tyrant, none for the population of either of the Korea`s or Japan. Not a nice person. 

    The only reason NK wants nuke is to be sure its regime won't be toppled. The Kim know perfectly they are no match against the US.any move to invade south korea, with or without nuke would sign the end of the regime. 

    Do you really think the USA governement need anyone to make them feel stupid and running like a headless chicken after each tweet from the orange guy? 

    Trump way of dealing with NK (or Iran, or pretty anything he tries to achieve) is unfortunately for everybody NOT real estate business. It puts lives at stake, and miscalculation is what everybody fear. It will not push kim to the negociation table, just comfort him in his propaganda and the speech Trump made at the UN is a wonderful gift, a US president saying he will annihilate the NK..what  a glorious piece of propaganda for him.

    He continues by showing that even if the NK comes to the negociation table it is is useless because he break deals with countries like Iran...

    Then he just ruin what Tillerson try to do behind the curtains...

    If this is the art of the deal he should just stay to real estate and let the real politicians play together.

  10. 1 minute ago, Morch said:


    Hardly so. I have posted my views on Trump's rhetoric and "policies" quite often on these topics and others - and they are almost uniformly critical. That I don't see it as an either/or thing, is true. Trump being an idiot doesn't make Kim any better, and vice versa.


    No idea by which standard you measure such things as "most of the countries oppose nuclear ambitions but even more about Trump attitude". So far, neither Trump, nor the USA, are under international sanctions, as opposed to NK. I don't recall many world leaders even saying Trump is the bigger threat, despite your claims that it is a "fact that the world agrees on". If it is, indeed, such a non-disputable fact it should be easy to demonstrate.


    Kim makes a whole lot of outrageous statements related to the context of the topic. That Trump tweets a whole lot more, gets more coverage and that his absurd statements cover more issues is true enough. How does it make much of a difference as to the topic at hand isn't too clear.


    Your inability to deliver a point without resorting to personal comments is pathetic, and does not indicate arguments which carry much strength.



    Why should i bother to try to have a discussion with you anymore because every answer you make look like you are the only one with the "real answer" and anyone who contradict you is either an ignorant or have a biased view...

    I made numerous posts without attacking you but each time your answer is at best condescending or you just say : you will not agree witb me because your point is useless or false.. So please from now on refrain to answer me and "teach the truth" to other posters, i will do the same.

  11. 13 minutes ago, Morch said:


    Yeah, kinda noticed you going on about Trump. In length. Not so much when it comes to Kim. As Trump's statements are not made in a vacuum, but are rather related to Kim's own words and actions, ignoring one and highlighting the other amounts to pretty much what I posted above.


    Most world leaders actually commented on both Kim's and Trump's use of inflammatory rhetoric. Most countries are, in fact, opposed to Kim's nuclear ambitions.


    You're one sided.

    Same comment can be applied to you about Trump.

    You elude most of the comments which do not suit your rethoric.

    most of the countries oppose nuclear ambitions but even more about Trump attitide.

    The biggest threat nowdays is Trump, not kim.. You do not like it but it is a fact the world agrees on.

    Kim does not tweet or shoot stupid things on daily basis, but please shower us with your wisdom.. You would be a perfect guru for a sect as long as nobody oppose your views

    Your one sided comments and over inflated ego do not help to mark your points.



  12. 6 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

    I think people's fertility decisions are a little different than roads, and are not appropriate use of taxpayer's money. Reasonable people can disagree on this, however.

    Obviously you never saw how teenagers manage fertility decisions.. Foster kids, poor kids with no parental supervisions and other things of the same kind cost much more money to the taxpayers than contraception 

  13. 3 minutes ago, Morch said:


    Leaders do not normally face the most dire consequences of their actions. That's not unique to Trump. Would be a wee bit more credible complaint if similar sentiments were expressed whenever Kim goes on one of his tirades, Not holding my breath, though.

    To be honest your rethoric based on "I am the wise guy on this board" is a bite tiresome as what you say is just your opinion, like everybody else here, so let's agree to disagree..

    Never said kim was the one right here, just saying trump is playing a dangerous game which is not constructive and it seems most of the world leaders tend to agree with the ones saying Tangerine#45 rethoric put millions of lives at stake, but you will probably come with your expertise to tell me i am wrong and I am one sided

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