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Older and Wiser

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Everything posted by Older and Wiser

  1. Looks like river cruise, not sea cruise liner, so Thai owner polluting their own river.
  2. Who would carry that amount of cash around with them in Thailand? What are debit cards for? Anyway, seeing other comments; there are two guys, two sets of circumstances, one set of photos.
  3. If it was in the US, 1 guess what the police would have done.
  4. I read that the ruble has lost 21% in the last year, just saying.
  5. Bet she still gets the 3 cats to take care of. The fact that portions of the inheritance were obtained or registered illegally, should not prevent her from receiving those legally acquired and owned, like cash in the bank and jewellery. The property was only 30m of the 100m. Obviously a ploy to confiscate everything, which will end in various pockets illegally.
  6. So, like Pita, she had shares in media companies, but unlike Pita insofar as his were in a defunct company, her's were no doubt in active companies. Where's the constitutional court when you need it?
  7. No, he said it was only his opinion, though I concur. Left your reading glasses at home?😃
  8. What an idiotic comment. If you had a business you would spout such utter drivel.
  9. You are absolutely right. Someone with a bee in their bonnet can give you a lousy review out of pure spite. I have an rental mainly let through Airbnb. I have been letting since last December. I had seventeen 5 star reviews, but one 2 star review from a petty guest because I couldn't let him have early check in, since someone checked out the same day. Of course this drastically affected my rating and, a huge fault with Airbnb, they don't support hosts, said it couldn't be removed because it was the "subjective opinion of a guest". Utter rubbish, it was a total lie, but as Nakhonandy says it can seriously affect your business.
  10. I don't know about the mental state of Trump but if he is voted president, it does say something about the mental state of the American public.
  11. Haven't got over reading Chinese and large in the same sentence, never mind reading the story.
  12. Your vast knowledge of the Philippines is based on what exactly? YouTube videos, hearsay? Seems like you've never been there.
  13. No generalisation there Chris. How broad-minded of you.
  14. What century did you visit and WHERE did you visit? You must have been to some cheap s--t place. Gotta say something about you, perhaps Chumpchange is apt. I live in the Philippines but have an apartment in Thailand. I love both, each for their own distinctive characteristics.
  15. According to sky news, the plane encountered severe turbulence over Myanmar and dropped 6,000 feet. A 73 year old male passenger died of apparent heart attack and many passengers not wearing seat belts were thrown into the air, hitting the ceiling. The plane made an emergency landing in Bkk where ambulances were waiting to take injured to hospital.
  16. Didn't the article say this took place outside the temple and it's a small child who needs to go. What's the big hoodad?
  17. It appears the lady lived alone. Didn't the maid live-in? Seems not, the article says she was informed the next day. So she didn't discover the body, then who did? If maid/friend for 17 years, why didn't she live in when her boss had cancer? How did the lady have a gun? A lot of unanswered questions.
  18. It appears the lady lived alone. Didn't the maid live-in? Seems not, the article says she was informed the next day. So she didn't discover the body, then who did? If maid/friend for 17 years, why didn't she live in when her boss had cancer? How did the lady have a gun? A lot of unanswered questions.
  19. Maintain a UK address or live in a similar country with a reciprical arrangement, where you get full pension, like the Philippines.
  20. A Tale as old as Time as Celine Dion would say/sing. Yes, Mr. Entitled Youtuber, thank you for stating the obvious or preaching to the converted. Continue with your Gullible's Travels and giving us these insightful stories.
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