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Proud Father

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Posts posted by Proud Father

  1. 15 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

    Phuket taxi drivers charged for assaulting security guard over access to hotel guests



    The three taxi drivers were charged with assault after they attacked a hotel security guard who prevented them from entering the resort's grounds. Image: Screengrab via Col Santi Sakuntanark, Commander of the Royal Thai Army 25th Infantry Regiment


    PHUKET:-- Three Phuket taxi drivers have been issued an official warning and charged for assaulting a hotel security guard who prevented them from entering the resort’s grounds to pick up customers earlier today (Sept 21).


    Soldiers from the Royal Thai Army’s 25th Infantry Regiment, based in Phuket, were called in to support police as they responded to the incident, at a high-end resort in Mai Khao at about 10:30am.


    Col Santi Sakuntanark, Commander of the 25th Infantry Regiment, identified the drivers as Seksak Chanpakdee, Sathiti Srisamut and Lersak Chupak.


    Full Story: https://www.thephuketnews.com/phuket-taxi-drivers-charged-for-assaulting-security-guard-over-access-hotel-guests-63981.php#g8tR0uHaZktRIhxM.97

    -- © Copyright Phuket News 2017-9-21

    I would say that the security guard needs some further recognition, training, a raise, and an assistant.  The sad part is that with violent acts of assault being less than a slap on the wrist to them, the violence won't stop.    It starts at the airport upon exiting the plane.  Que for two hours... or pay 500000 baht and become an elite. Get a taxi with a working meter and stay at the airport or submit and continue on your holiday remembering always to negotiate the fair and be sure of the destination before getting into or on any vehicle period.


    Imagine the horror to the tourists,  welcome to Thailand.

    Get in my Taxi,  

    But we don't want a ride, we're going for a stroll.  

    Get in my friend's taxi then, he'll take good care of you, It's not safe around here to go for a stroll, see, BAM, PUNCH, Kick to the head!   The land of a million shades of smiles.

  2. Pure speculation based on fiction.


    Mohamad, son of Mohamad most likely forgot to empty his tactical bag, Mohamed son of Mohamad must have been playing around with his Dads Mohamad stuff whilst he was packing.  Those rounds were left overs from target practice at live elephants at cousin Mohamads hunting hut in the national park when Mohammad's gun jammed. Just ask Mohamad, Mohammad, Abdul, Mohamad, he knows. 


    Just kidding,  Mohamads not going to tell you that, at all he's on his way to training camps in the deep south.



  3. On 9/10/2017 at 5:16 AM, KarenBravo said:

    Southern Sudan is black African. The north is Arabic.

    They don't like each other which is why there was a civil war that was decades long.

    The north controls the south, or, at least it did until the world's newest country was created, called South Sudan.

    That war is larger than ever and still ongoing, unfortunately...The fight for oil and its prosperity, creates war lords and genocide

  4. This was the effect in 2016 across asia...this considered premature deaths due to haze, did not include environment, heritage, social or a very large list of others...   PALM OIL.


    Haze from Indonesian fires may have killed more than 100,000 people – study

    Harvard and Columbia universities estimate tens of thousands of premature deaths in areas closest to blazes clearing forest and peatland


    A MI-17 helicopter run by the Indonesian National Disaster Mitigation Agency water-bombs a fire in South Sumatra province  A MI-17 helicopter run by the Indonesian National Disaster Mitigation Agency water-bombs a fire in South Sumatra province. Photograph: Abdul Qodir/AFP/Getty Images

  5. 19 hours ago, midas said:


    But equally some people like to enjoy outdoor space without the pollution of any commercial activities:bah:


    I agree,  It looks like they slapped down and a new load of asphalt painted it blue. and have turned it into the parking lot on the opposite side of the road, half is for buses and the other half is roped off for vehicles parking at 100 a day or 200 overnight per day.   I wonder where that money goes? 

  6. Sad story, road rage is all too present in Thailand.  Not that it's not present anywhere else either but... In a society where you are shown in a bad light or caught wrong doing you can sue the person/s who expose you for being wrong, or in a bad status from your inappropriate actions, ie. losing face.  The outcome will very likely become ugly.   Even when you honk your horn to warn motorists from of causing an accident, there's a very good chance that that that motorist will see you in a very bad light, remember to stay calm, avoid eye contact, and carry on in a safe direction.  


    My daughter and I have been cut off by a motorbike taxi driving off the side walk straight out into the road blocking the entire lane waiting for traffic to pass before going the opposite way.  He drove out from between cars from sidewalk from a road side noodle shop.  We hit the horn and slammed on the brakes and just barely managed to not drive over him. I got a nice road rash and some plastic bits broken and my daughter received her first motorbike tattoo because of him.  Luckily no one was too close behind us and we were all sprayed out in the road and motorbike tangled together.


    Immediately after getting to the side of the road safe and checking my daughter for injuries and while attempting to calm her down.  The motorbike taxi driver was starting to yell at us and claim damages and waving my motorbike keys around making threats to us.   What a giant ass... I was mad but I was more worried about my daughter and if my leg was broken at the time so he was just back ground noise...Within a couple of minutes of his on going madness, Thai people who had witnessed the accident came to our help and quickly put him in his place, for a few moments.  He tried to demand money for he said it was our fault, and still had my keys waving them.  I went out to the road and picked up the motorbike and drug it off his and took his keys and pocketed them.  The bank security guard stood to watch and the noodle lady was cleaning up my daughter and the police showed up.  Lone behold the motorbike driver told a story to the police officer, and sure enough, the police officer wanted to see my license, insurance and then said i wasn't wearing a helmet and bunch of other nonsense and gave an appraisal of damages done to the motorbike taxi at 5000 baht.  I showed them my phone and told them they are on video now.  Got out my paper work showed my helmet and my daughter injuries and my own injuries.  The noodle lady came and spoke as did the security and another motorist who witnessed.    I ended up getting our motorbike repaired keeping the taxi motorbike driver's license until he paid and returned it at the police station,  he was not charged with anything and was not made to apologize and you could see the disgust of even having to pay to repair our motorbike.


    If there weren't witnesses, good samaritans, and if my daughter was not with me, this wouldn't have gone down this way I can guarantee it.   Thank you to the good Samaritans with morals and the stomach to stand up to bullies.

  7. 4 hours ago, janclaes47 said:


    I wonder how long more it will take before the Nongprue administration gets investigated.


    Anyone seen those lamp posts they installed all the way from Nonghin to SSCC, or the road they recently laid between SSCC and Chayapornvit?


    4 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    I saw that happen on Soi Kaonoi when new drains were being put in and they were at the stage before this when the hole was about 8 foot square. It rained pretty hard, the holes were swallowed by the water and a bike and rider, rode straight down one. He was very lucky to get pulled out alive.

    Sombrero Road 

  8. 9 minutes ago, Techno Viking said:

    wow, I did not know that, do you have a link to the news article ?

    The restrictions are, in fact, there for a good reason too. So far, the extractor fans inside the tunnel, which are there to get rid of all the emission gasses from the high volume of vehicles using the tunnel are not working.

    Gas levels were recently tested and results came back confirming that gas levels were well above what would be classed as “safe to breath”.


    From Pattaya One, 

    Police repeat restrictions for Pattaya underpass

  9. Anybody not going through the tunnel please be careful heading south bound, its Choas.  First you have Vans stopping to drop off passengers on the side of the road, to which immediately afterwards you have a bus station dropping people off, followed by three lane turns of buses turning outwards then inwards to their parking soi. to which at this point you have high speed vehicles traveling out from under the underpass to immediately changing 4 lanes to the left to make the soi Khoa Noi.  It's a joy this construction project.  Please extend barriers from the underpass past soi Kho Noi on Sukhumvit

    to prevent this being the next great white road graffiti site.   

  10. What happened to a public land for public use.  


    This is disgusting giving/selling the land to private investors.  ( what will happen to the money that is received what will it go towards, Sewage treatment plants?)  I thought it was promising that the land was being taken back and cleaned up?  What happened to the speed boat operators mafia? You took down all the businesses that were there for illegal construction but left the eye sore tower of epic proportions of corruption to degrade into the skyline.  Every great city, even one that touts to be family orientated beach resorts need public space so make it public space not for commercial use.   


    Everyone knows that this will just become an extension of beach road for solicitation of every thing not related to family fun.  Pattaya if you think that the marine environment is a public toilet and waste pit, please continue commercializing public land to private investors.  


    Look there's a nice park in Jomtien just built for family, why not replicate that by ten, reach out further, skate board park, basket ball court, football pitch, Badminton, the possibilities are endless for benefit of society and all of Pattaya.   You want to make an impression to the world, start by reaching out to the community.   You know if you moved city hall to the east side of Pattaya and the police station on Soi 9 over there, think of the possibilities that the private sector would invest in these properties. 


    I drive by the area quite often as my family was excited to see what kind of park would be built there in the hopes that it would improve the area, not ruin the area.  Kept waiting to see proposals and designs to be submitted or even a public meeting to discuss and put the project out to tender, you know like something against corruption.   Instead of investing in your city, you're selling it off as fast as possible to who ever pays the most.  Disgusting.





  11. We just had a wonderful vacation in Chantaburi Provence, if you have never been, go.   One does not have to go far to realize what responsible city planning for the positive healthy tourism financial future looks like.  I would recommend those from farther provinces coming here to see first-hand what mismanagement of resources and poor planning will look like in their future.  It's draining to know that Pattaya, which is such a revenue hub of businesses and development must suffer from so much greed that the old saying "you don't shit where you eat was totally forgotten", as "would you drink your own piss for a million dollars" rings truer in this case.


    So much money dumped down the wrong toilets polluting its once best resource.   No time like the present to start the shift of thought of money, to better the community than one's personal consumer junk pile. 


     Well, the next nail in the coffin for world media will be the marina, yacht show.   Who want's to show case their yachts in front of a derelict building that's been rotting to the environment.  Or the marina water toxic waste pit.  Or the hillside behind it full of homeless prostitute drug users and rabies infested packs of soi dogs of controlled breeding chasing you around.  Or go for a walk down the road and get clouded out by the dust particles of uncleaned streets and missing sidewalks let alone to be engulfed  by unmaintained diesel buses and trucks leaving clouds of black soot from their burning chimney engines of environmental disasters which haul around the group tours that block all the roads with their illegal parking.  Parking speaking of parking, where are all those buses going to park now with the yacht show on?    Maybe the answer is to put a curfew on during the day to keep the eyes off the forgotten and lights on the charade.   This one will be a long shot, will a yacht sink?   Has anyone accounted for all that sunken derelict steel jagged debris that was once a floating wharf constructed for the Marina showcase backdrop construction of the tower of city urban post, "Do as you want as long as you share with me and my counsel"?   Who is going to tackle the environmental floating waste ships in the harbor that are dumping?  You know the ones that haul thousands of tour bus humanoids off shore to drink, dance and eat seafood.  Who monitors the waste management of these facilities the same ones monitoring the 30 thousand barrels of waste overflow polluting the seas, I would guess not.   We used to have an environmental broadcast commercial in Canada about polluting our waters when dumping garbage in the sea a boy asked his father where it went and he said away.  Perhaps a harsh parody like this could be done here to change peoples opinions and perspectives.


    One thing for sure the new construction of the highway bypass and underpass will have an effect of allowing people to bypass the city without having to stop and take a look of what mismanagement of resources looks like.  

    Good luck army and navy and keep on fighting the good fight.



    Worse yet, the filth floating on the surface accounts for only 5 percent of all the plastic trash dumped into the sea. According to Ocean Conservancy, a US environmental nonprofit, the other 95 percent is submerged beneath, where it strangles underwater creatures and wrecks the aquatic ecosystem.

    It turns out that five countries are the leading contributors to this crisis. And all are in Asia.

    In a recent report, Ocean Conservancy claims that China, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam are spewing out as much as 60 percent of the plastic waste that enters the world’s seas.

    Read more: https://www.pri.org/stories/2016-01-12/5-countries-spew-more-plastic-oceans-rest-world-together



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