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Posts posted by Proboscis

  1. 17 hours ago, chickenslegs said:

    I'm not American, so maybe there's something about the counting that I don't understand.

    Many states have been declared as Trump or Biden wins - before all the votes have been counted.


    One example: Arizona declared as a win for Biden.

    So far the vote count is Trump 1,400,000 and Biden 1,470,000 a lead of  just 70,000.

    But, there are still almost 400,000 votes uncounted.

    Surely this means that Trump could still win, theoretically.

    What am I missing?


    I'm taking these figures from the Guardian live update https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/ng-interactive/2020/nov/03/us-election-2020-live-results-donald-trump-joe-biden-who-won-presidential-republican-democrat

    I am watching CNN live and they have just covered Arizona. They have refused to call Arizona although I have heard that Fox News did. I would agree with CNN's cautious approach. In previous elections you could extrapolate based on a representative sample of the vote. But now, because of drop off votes, postal votes which outstrip the number of on the day votes, this is no longer possible, especially in states where the state legislature does not allow counting or even preparation of postal votes (such as taking them out of their envelopes) until the day after the election is over.

  2. 3 hours ago, phantomfiddler said:

    America, the world's least democratic country, is going down faster than a hooker's knickers ????

    The least democratic country? Really? Clearly you have not managed to travel much. How about all those countries in Asia where political parties are forbidden (other than the government party)? How about those countries where the same family has run the show for decades (North Korea, Uganda).


    Don't get me wrong - there are folks at work trying to create division in the USA and the voting system is long overdue for renewal. But hardly the least democratic country!

  3. There are many forms of self-harm. THe attention seeking that was on display in the parliament was probably just that and not really typical of a lot of self-harm.


    There is also deliberative suicide, they type of suicide that is usually successful as it is thought through and death is the desired outcome.


    Then there is another form of self-harm which people are driven to. They don't do it to "solve" any problem but talk about doing it to release built up mental pain and tension.


    The psychiatrist's comments do not really address any of these kinds of self-harm. Did he have something else in mind?

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  4. 19 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

    Really, I thought Thailand was and has been COVID free for a while. This would suggest that we are being told a pack of lies. Or is there another reason?

    I don't think we are being told a pack of lies. At least there is not a high number of infections as that would lead to high rates of mortality and you would see that, in queues for cremation at the temples if nothing else.

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  5. 1 hour ago, Khun Paul said:

    Well what a wonderful honest statement, what did he have an epiphany, you cannot kill a virus.

    FACT , therefore it will be around for centuries,only a vaccine will reduce the death rate and the sickness rate  .

    I love it when so-called experts tell us something we all know ( or those of us that have a thinking brain ) .



    Sometimes even truth telling can be misleading. Imagine if the grandfather of this expert were to tell the population in 1919 that the flu would never be eradicated, bearing in mind that this flu was killing more people than the First World War that ended a year earlier. Instead, the expert should also say (and maybe this has been edited out by the media) the following:

    1. That like the flu, we will probably have a Covid jab for those who need it every year. And like the flu jab, it won't guarantee you won't get the flu but if you get it if is highly likely to be much milder and it reduces vastly the probability of getting it. So not being able to eradicate Covid will not be an issue.

    2. Even if we were not able to generate a vaccine, eventually the virus would change over time (I am not talking about herd immunity - the only examples of herd immunity in history resulted from vaccine). The Spanish Flu eventually changed and stopped killing the numbers it did. Same with covid if we were just to let it run (which I do not recommend!). So while we are highly unlikely to erradicate covid, we are likely in a no-vaccine scenario to eventually end up with a virus that we can live with.

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