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Posts posted by Caiman

  1. 41 minutes ago, fpexpert said:

    I,ve got tickets for the Moto Gp from alltickets and went to the Moto Gp testing earlier this year. I picked mine up from the Alltickets booth located just before you go up the stairs to the main stand, hard not to miss.

    The tickets are plastic credit card size with 2 radius corners. I only received temporary paper tickets during testing. I picked my plastic tickets up from the 7-11 nearest to the Elephant Roundabout in Buriram

  2. My Flawless sub is valid till December and hopefully it'll keep working but I'm actively looking for a replacement just in case.
    Their Facebook page has disappeared and like the OP I'm not expecting a successful renewal using bitcoin, frankincense or Myrrh!

  3. If Truevisions check the EPG but may be doubtful as the games are not shown on dedicated sport channels. Anyway to record? I used to record to a usb drive when I had True years ago.


    Edit: Looks like Amarin TV do 30 minutes highlights programs at 7:30 & 12:30.



  4. Some Check-in staff can be very unforgiving for the slightest discrepancy same as banks etc.

    A Philippines Airlines check-in refused me boarding many years back because my debit card number was slightly different as the original expired before departure. I destroyed my expired card as we are all advised to do, It was obvious it was me who purchased but reasoning was futile! I had to buy another ticket.

  5. Rice does not contain gluten including glutinous rice which merely means glue-like.
    Unfortunately loads of sauces used in Thai cooking do.
    Only places you might find gluten free alternatives would be Topps , Villa etc. Not much of a market here in Thailand currently.

  6. 1 hour ago, WorriedNoodle said:

    I couldn't find any info about it. I asked their support, and got reply that my urls are OK and I've used them since day#1 over a year ago. Their support basically said the problem is at their end and they are working on their servers. Will just have to sit it out. Been going on a few days now.


    Within their Facebook services support group that only members can access try a search for "important information"

    Over 300 members have replied so far to the post with questions.

    RE: problem their end, it's been working fine for me all morning.


  7. 14 minutes ago, WorriedNoodle said:

    Thanks for feedback I wasn't aware of url change? If I check their knowledge-base in client area it lists the same old url I've had since day#1. Strangely tho if I use their URL shortener web page to get the tinyurl it outputs a different result to what it output several weeks ago, I will ask their support what they think.

    Some have complained that info for this important change is not shown in the client area. I only noticed it on their Facebook services group!

  8. I haven't noticed any significant degradation in the evening on 3BB vdsl 30/10.

    I have updated url's as advised by Flawless. Will check later at my other property and will let you know if any issues their.


    A mention of recent Flawless buffering in this running thread:



  9. A dedicated monitor is best for close viewing but most don't have speakers.

    If using for media streaming a 24" TV with HDMI input should be OK but the screen will appear pixilated close up so look for the best resolution you can get.

    We bought an LG TV/Monitor combo from Lazada for our daughter who streams YouTube videos etc. and I use it occasionally for basic use. It's OK but if I was using for long periods I would go for a high resolution monitor.

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