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About StayinThailand2much

  • Birthday 06/09/1900

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  1. Does that mean, if I have trouble getting it, other countries in the region get to profit? πŸ˜†
  2. "Thaksin Accused of Using Money to Secure Power and Privilege" You're kidding, right? πŸ˜†
  3. Well, maybe they want foreign tourists to stay '15 days or less'... Will keep that in mind, next time I travel to Thailand.
  4. Reads like a government announcement, declaring that the 60-day visa-free entry needs to be overhauled...
  5. (Illegal) Chinese tour guides at construction sites?? πŸ˜† Is that the latest tourism trend, after travelling for hours to Thailand to 'visit temples'?
  6. They've certainly hoarded a lot of gold.
  7. It's actually a world-wide phenomenon. And the downturn in even luxury item sales suggests that the main reason for people turning to online-shopping is not affordability, but convenience.
  8. Let me guess, this is actually paid-for advertising by the TAT?
  9. ... for families. πŸ˜†
  10. Fair enough, as visa exemptions, theoretically, and factually πŸ˜† can be used to enter Thailand as many times as needed...
  11. Exactly. And it sucks, if you get to the supermarket at 2:10 PM (maybe because of a traffic jam), and then not being able to buy a bottle of beer (as a grown-up) until 5 PM... So, just check ID, if you think the buyer is too young.
  12. Whatever "global norms" are. In my country, I can buy beer at any time of day as long as someone sells it, and in Australia, you just need quick 'assistance' at the self-checkout. So, why not just check ID of young-looking buyers?
  13. People have different preferences. And (most) mom and pop stores don't sell my favourite brands.
  14. So, even after that, still having to time my alcohol purchase, esp. when grocery shopping... No wonder, that I haven't bothered to buy much alcohol in Thailand in recent years.
  15. Doing this, and, possibly, having to pay in person, as discussed, wouldn't they check and compare application date and visa stamps?

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