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About StayinThailand2much

  • Birthday 06/09/1900

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  1. Pi**ed off the tourists from developed countries, so now they're going for travellers from countries such as Somalia, Haiti, Afghanistan, etc. ... Go Thailand,! 😆
  2. Spot on. IOs at Arrival enjoy their power games, while IOs at Departure are very friendly. Nuff said...
  3. So, now he wants to become prime minister not only of Thailand, but also Myanmar and Cambodia (where most scam centres are)? 😆
  4. Thailand is not a tropical paradise anymore. For me, nationalism, sour faces when arriving at the airport, as well as girls behaving just like hookers in the West, have led me to decide to not stay there extensively anymore. Still, if you're loaded, and have a good health insurance, it's not a bad place, esp. if you like hot weather and beaches.
  5. Neither a policeman, nor a tax inspector will come knocking on an expat's door because they didn't file a tax report. What will happen in the future, in regards to visa extensions, or bank accounts, is a different story though.
  6. Seconded. I even used my account in Bangkok, but, obviously, had to pay extra charges at the Pattaya branch.
  7. By the way, do they do 90-day reports? Last time I was with them, this was not included.
  8. Well, worst-case scenario, one could always spend 179 days in Thailand, up to 179 days in country X, and 7+ days in country Y...
  9. Yes, this may actually backfire, as the economy may lose way more than the few $$ extra revenue...
  10. Sorry, but that raises so many questions, e.g.: 1. 'Income' from when, 1975 (or whenever it was earned), since residing in Thailand, or just for the tax year? 2. If I hold $20,000 in savings, had a taxable income overseas of $5,000 last year, and transfer $3,000 to Thailand, how does the Thailand Revenue Department know whether such transferred money came out of my savings, or last tax year's income?
  11. Probably almost all "falang", Mr. Guava, have already paid their taxes back home. But, of course, you're free to hand over all your cash to the revenue department. 😆
  12. Once more the old money grab to fleece foreigners, without thinking of the long-term repercussions... They'll need a few more million Chinese tourists (here for a week) to replace the expats and their money they're scaring away with these tactics. Good luck, Thailand!
  13. So, they're still trying to attract Goldman Sachs-style staff, working remote... How '2021'! 😆
  14. What will happen to all the pre-ordered shrimp? 😄
  15. Not sure about Home Depot, but strange having staff in malls following you, who then suddenly talk to you from behind or the side in Thai, expecting you to understand their sales pitch, and if you ask them a simple question in English they won't understand a word... 😆

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