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Posts posted by petercool

  1. Some Thai police volunteers are allowed to carry holstered guns but most do not. Foreign volunteers are not authorised to do so.

    Unlike foreign volunteers, they do carry - and are linked by - police radios.

    The laws on guns are such that apart from the licence, it must be kept in its case, unloaded, with any ammunitions stored separately and have a good reason why it is in the vehicle at that time.

    Open carry of guns whether licenced or not in any place deemed a public place is an offence whether holstered or not.

    This is my understanding of the situation but would happily be corrected.

  2. "PS. Mods; how about adding a Santa smiley?"

    After moderating the forums for hours each day we seldom feel like smiling but I can ask for you .....:)

    Have a great Christmas yourself ... :)

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