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  • Birthday 12/25/1950

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  1. Clearly the bureaucrats are stumbling around trying to figure this out as they go BUT that is not worries me. It is the issue and intent being displayed that worries. Under the new socialist rulers they need lots of money for hand outs. So the issue is they are short of funds for their dream projects and their intentions are to "tax the rich" to get what they want. This is a cycle that will continue to escalate and never end which is bad news long term for expats.
  2. LOL!!!!! We have seen how "democracy" works in Thailand. Pita does NOT have a chance. The people's will be damned. The elite control everything in this country and will never allow that to change...sounds a lot like the USA!
  3. Just wait for the new farang tax gouging rules to go into affect this year. Delays, delays, and more delays. Plan on it.
  4. Whenever you see the words banking regulations and money laundering you know this is actually about government snooping. Tracking of everything that everyone is doing all of the time. Good to see that Thailand is getting in line with the New World Order...(sarcasm)
  5. This is another part of a consistent pattern by the new government to raise revenue. They seem to be desperate for more money which is not good for most of us. Anyone else having fond memories of Prayut? lol
  6. With all the bad press coming down about Thai Airways and now they are suing there own passengers...well I will NOT be flying with them any time soon. Clearly, there has been a change of management and it has been for the worse.
  7. When they cross the border ILLEGALLY they are criminals. If they follow the process they are all welcome! Simple.
  8. Electric car? We do not know and they will not say...
  9. So the people who are NOT the problem are being asked to spend additional time, money, and endure inconvenience to help solve the problem. While the polluters continue polluting which is the problem. Brilliant.
  10. I know of a Thai doctor who lost everything gambling. He destroyed the lives of his father, mother, sisters, and friends from whom is borrowed large sums of money and will never pay back, as he promised he would. Everyone believed in him. He was wonderfully successful, a world traveler, drove a Mercedes, and very generous. However, he was a total moron when it came to gambling. It destroyed his life. He had to leave the country as the sharks were after him.
  11. Of course the make of the car is not mentioned. I tried to figure it out and best I could guess was SsangYong, a Korean car. I suspected an EV but it looks like that is not the case. SsangYong does sell a hybrid. It would be interesting to know.
  12. This has to happen. It was pre ordained as it is part of the New World Order plan. Many Thai people already don't own anything, eat bugs, and are happy. This is just window dressing.
  13. Would this change have saved either of the lives lost in the shooting? No. It is just political show to look like they are doing something.
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