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Everything posted by dpcjsr

  1. My money is still on Prawat, lol. Long shot? maybe...
  2. I am always shocked at how many Democrats there are in Thailand. No thinking person on the planet believes that Joe is running the show. Not possible.
  3. Come on. We all know that Prawit is going to be next.
  4. The perfect "burger" for the new world order. Fake meat and fake cheese. Perfect.
  5. I have not understood how we know they are Chinese. Based on what? The entire thing is ridiculous and heads need to roll.
  6. If mining coins is so very profitable why take the risk of stealing electricity?
  7. The BS never ends...............................................................................................................
  8. Never in the history of man has crime been eliminated. Setting the goal so high guarantees failure.
  9. Typical communist thinking. Raise the minimum wage to look. Many employees lose their job as employees cannot afford this. Rinse. Repeat. Then eventually robots will take the place of these employees and they will have no job. This has already happened to many jobs in the US in such commie states as California. A moments thought about where this extra wage is going to come from would be brilliant...inflation...but it makes the politicians look like they care.
  10. Sad regardless. Note: if you are going to attempt suicide do so from the 11th floor or higher for guaranteed results.
  11. This is just more evidence to feed my belief that the Chinese are in the process of slowly taking over Thailand. It is slow. It is subtle. It is real. The officials at the top are and will profit from this.
  12. They need a way to verify that a person is able to drive safely after a certain age. I am "only" 71 and know that my awareness and reaction times are not what they used to be. It should not be based on age but on ability. Too much effort for the government to figure out.
  13. Minimum wage laws make no sense and cause problems where ever they are implemented. Check out California for a good example. This is pure politics trying to gain a few votes by promising money to the poor. Same story worldwide. Nothing new here.
  14. Easy mistake to make. Murdered the wrong people otherwise it would have been ok.
  15. Sadly there is no negotiating with terrorist. The bombings in the south continue. Instead of being given government assistance they should be looking down a government gun and told to stop the violence now. They only understand one thing.
  16. The government is desperate for cash. Recent stories include seizing cars, yachts, airplanes, and drugs. Fines have been increased across the board.
  17. When this starts to cause real problems for the government and the wealthy then it will be fixed. Until then, same same.
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