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Jud Canada

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Posts posted by Jud Canada

  1. 23 hours ago, Frank Abegnale said:

    I was thinking the same thing. I honestly don't think the Thai government will give 2 cents over what some farang thinks about re-opening the country.

    They will unfortunately “ give 2 cents” about furthering economic suicide by sitting and waiting for it to magically disappear. Patience with people and business affected by this will only last so long before the ?!$& hits the fan.

  2. Sorry to all expats who live there. It’s lovely place to visit yet a sh?! Ho!e where most of the old creeps hang out although you probably know already. I support the gov cleaning it up if they actually can or will. I get tourists wanting to check out the action but the long stay creeps ... it’s sickening. Creeps ....don’t worry,  there is always some place you can feel at home. 

    • Haha 2
  3. It will be years of a roller coaster ride with Covid and all the variants now and upcoming. The “new normal” will be a tricky little <deleted> as countries try to hold their economies together. If they don’t acknowledge that this disease is here to stay and make attempts to balance the risk the country will lose much more than just tourism market share. There is a big reckoning coming and countries from around the globe will respond because eventually ... there is little choice. 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  4. 20 hours ago, Catkiwi said:

    Just watch the Thai news channels. All sorts of gruesome events being filmed and broadcast there. But hey, hang on a minute, they do blur out handcuffs and the occasional corpse. 

    I agree, the Thai soaps are way over the top and definitely present a real bad example and what they portray as normal behaviour. Excessive amounts of women getting slapped around really annoys me.

    Cigarettes, knives, g-strings, breasts and guns blurred for foreign ( Hollywood) movies played here but that seems to fall by the wayside for domestic movies and TV. Throw in a little domestic violence and apparently rape and that seems ok for Thai viewers. ?????? 

    • Like 1
  5. On 1/16/2021 at 12:12 PM, spidermike007 said:


    Good ideas. But the creative thinking part eliminated Thailand (due to this administration) from contention. Bottom of the barrel appointments lead to poor performance and a dire lack of creativity, resulting in a devastated economy and millions out of work. 

    Well it looks like they are moving in this direction now with the attempt at an STV vaccine visa and push by hotels 


    let’s see if they have the where with all  to compromise and get the tourism industry re-fired up. 

  6. Maybe, just maybe they should consider opening flights to those with negative Covid test in their own countries and negative upon arrival. 
    This is where it gets fun. How about offering Covid vaccination to those people who have not or can not get a vaccine shot yet at home. “A medical holiday” . Is not this one of the market segments the government likes and wants? It kills two birds with one stone by drawing in holiday travelers to enjoy the country and get vaccinated at the same time. Hmmm!
    Quarantine needs to be scrapped...agreed,  however tracking may be more easily embraced for all entering the kingdom and would further support the second shot requirements ( if required by vaccine mfg) 

    This thought is just quick “off the cuff” however with some real creative thinking and innovative marketing, something to this end may be viable. Just saying.

    • Like 1
  7. On 12/27/2020 at 5:09 PM, Marcel woods said:

    I see many posts here stating about the vaccines, the vaccine will need to be in operation for a minimum of 12 months so governments can see affects, side affects etc, Pfizer have already publicly announced they cannot guarantee a person who received the vaccine will not get covid 19 or transmit it. Since the UK started roll out many people have had minor and series side affects already. Now with the new strains of virus that just happened the vaccine they did create will likely have no affect on new strain, so all on here thinking as soon as they receive their vaccine its happy days on travel should think again

    Apparently from the reading I have done they say that the recent evolution of the Covid strain first diagnosed in England ( which now is popping up in many other countries ) the current vaccine(s) are effective.... at this point. It is still so early in the global vaccine effort that many ( including the manufacturers) don’t really know what the future holds. And yes. It’s scary. 
    I have read numerous articles stating Covid may never be fully eradicated ( like the flu) and may just become part of a global new normal addressed through updated vaccines annually. 

  8. On 12/27/2020 at 6:02 PM, stigar said:

    Hello sir.I been living there since 1993..moved back to norway in 2007.I bougth 14 rai of land..built a house..bougth 2 cars.After 11 years marrige i lost it all.We have 2 kids together.My exwife and our kids stay in norway for the last 10 years.My new wife is a high-so lady with business in BKK and Korat.Totally doifferent mind then my exwife from Surin.Now she will move to norway and let her family take care her businesess.Her sister and brother is honest persons so shes not afraid.We will bring her daugther to norway too.Shes only 7 years old.I love her same i love my other 5 kids.

    Far to many stories like this. I also have lost money here on a few small business ventures with Thai friends but thankfully not to your extent. What can one say but “ live and learn” 

    Nice to hear you met a nice lady and are happy now. I also consider myself lucky with my wife. Smart, business minded and great sense of humor. As with the bad stories... there are the good ones also. Good luck and cheers!

  9. On 12/26/2020 at 8:30 AM, Milad said:

    It's the truth. My English is much better than you <deleted> idiot, I've been a university lecturer/professor, who the hell are you? Seems like you haven't lived, studied or worked in Thailand to see and experience the reality. Whatever my country is, it's better than sh*thole you came out. Who are you to tell if Thailand needs me or not? you're a nobody bitch. You don't even owm your room, you don't own anything, so sit down and shut up until when you have lived here longterm like me and when you learn about Thailand. If you like Thailand a lot why it says "Jud Canada"? people like you can't even stay in Africa never mind in Canada <deleted>. 


    4 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

    You obviously have not been around Thailand long enough to understand this Government if you believe 100% of what I posted. I have, and if they wanted to close the country down completely like they did back in March then they would.   Back then we were not seeing even the amount of cases that have developed over the last few days.  Additionally, it has now spread to over 33 provinces and will continue to spread.  If as they say they had such success with the closures, lockdowns, and curfews as they did before, then why wait until March and it has moved throughout the country.  If they were serious and sticking to the original plan they had why all of a sudden stop.  True they have now canceled gatherings, and New Years celebrations, but the damage has already been done by not stopping the Holiday travelers from heading outwards to the provinces and villages.  So tell me again Please why would I compare this current spread with any other country.  I have not and I do not care too.  All I care about is transparency, not hiding the total infected to save FACE, and to do what is necessary now instead of waiting.  Yes some of what I write is sarcastic in Nature such as the post you quoted, but then if you can see past your screen then maybe you need to really take a look around you.  Not sure if being a Newbie you are, or if you are a recycled former forum member who was bounced.  Good luck and stay safe.

    I am not a former member but I have been coming to this country since 1982, many times , bought land here in 2001, got married in 2008 to a Thai and have lived here permanently for 10 years. I know this country well. 
     I agree that if they want to close it down they will. So what is your point. All I stated was that it seemed that you were making the current escalation in numbers like they were major alarm bells. Yes numbers going up is bad but compared with other countries fighting this issue Thailand at least seems to take it serious and generally act proactively. Do you think really that any foreigners in this site believe everything and will EVER get transparency that meets their expectations or preconceived notion of what the truth should be?

    • Thanks 1
  10. You just proved my point again. Firstly, I have owned land here for more than 20 years and came here in 1982. I have a company and business here and by the way my villa is 900 m2 . When did you slither in.

    You are exactly what I pegged you as and  expected nothing less for a response. 

    Put your attitude in check and if you are actually a university professor then making statements about this country that you think make you look superior ... make you look like exactly what you are a ?$&@ . Go Delete to someone who cares. Also which ever web site you got you education through ... ask for your money back!


  11. 20 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    They are waiting for the country to be completely flooded with cases it appears by waiting.  The numbers just keep expanding in many provinces now.

    I don’t know what country you are from but so far the “ mass flood” you are referring to is unfortunately terrible but a mere fraction of the “flooding” happening in most other parts of the world which shows at least that the government takes this seriously. For those of us that live here we know that drastic measures will be taken swiftly if needed. Sad I cannot say that about all the countries.

    • Like 2
  12. 13 hours ago, dcnx said:

    He’s not wrong. For the most part, Thailand is a dump, as are most countries in the region. The government is completely out of touch with everything that doesn’t involve oppression and submission, and they absolutely count on foreigners being dumb and desperate enough to buy into their silly schemes. 

    Why would anyone pay 10 million baht for a condo so they can get a 5 year visa that only costs 500,000b?  That takes a special kind of stupid. And lucky for Thailand, there is no shortage of stupid foreigners. However, most foreigners coming to live in Thailand don’t have 10 million baht. 

    Look , Thailand is what it is. As foreigners we can look at the offers and options and decide if it works or doesn’t work for us. What do you care about what they offer if it seems like a silly idea? Foreigners who live here generally accept the seemingly silly and funny things that they do off hand however there are a percentage living here that bitch and complain thinking they are smarter or better because .... well in my country we do like this. Guess what it’s not their country and one needs to show a little respect. Opinions are one thing but malicious comments demeaning a country and its people just make those that think they are so smart look like idiots. I have lived here for many years and I love it even with its quirky ways and cultural differences. 
    In summary: There is silly things being done by politicians everywhere on this planet. Just look at the US as one example. You couldn’t pay me to live there. 

    • Like 1
  13. 19 hours ago, jrward42 said:

    People seem to be confused about how a property developer can offer a visa. Surely they can just pay for an Elite visa for their customers? They have a condo worth 10 million or more and then just whack an extra 500,000 to the price and pretend it comes with a free Elite visa. I don't know how it would work with residency but buying their customers an Elite visa doesn't require them to work for immigration.


    Having said that, it's mental and I have no idea who would go for it. Not that anyone can right now anyway.

    It’s a government sponsored plan to stimulate investment. The developers simply apply for the program.

    • Like 1
  14. 3 hours ago, Milad said:

    Thailand is a sh*thole country. They have nothing but expect too much, empty expectations and no real return. They think other countries are <deleted>*king stupids and idiots like Thai government and Thai people. 

    Thanks for showing everyone what a mouth piece you are. Your English is as poor as your IQ I am willing to bet. Best you stay in your own narrow minded, rude and prejudice country where you can sit and write this garbage. Thailand doesn’t need people like you here. That’s for sure.

  15. I recently met John Underwood artist , designer and fabricator at his manufacturing plant in Phuket. I have to admit that I was amazed at the projects he has done for renowned international resort designers around the world. John introduced me to his latest and most recent creation, a beautiful octagon pre-crafted villa sporting two floors with panoramic view capability.  The product caught my attention immediately.
    John has mentioned that he is looking for some new contracts and asked me to spread the word.
    The concept is well worth checking in to as it has unique features and benefits that is attractive for both residential and resort applications.

    -These structures are assembled in days.

    - designed to be disasssembled quickly for ease of relocating.

    - 2 storey has 100m2 living space

    - rust proof anti insect waterproof etc. Built to last 50+years.

    Amazing design. These buildings are currently being installed on Koh Yao Noi and have planned room rates 15000 per night +

    If anyone is interested in taking a look at the product let me know as I put together a brochure for him that I can pass on.

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