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Everything posted by fabruer

  1. For larger areas or different rooms I could recommend AirDeveloppa Air Purifiers. I use 3 of them since two years. Best price/value I found, reliable and easy. They're straight forward in everything, also design. Meaning they don't look like a prop but air flow is unrivaled in my opinion. They don't run too quiet though, especially on high. For sleeping room I use one of these SmartAir purifiers, 3 speeds manual switch. Filters are a bit more expensive at 4x change per year at THB4,000 total. With 3 cats that's not to be avoided. No pets, 2x filter would do. Once if you clean and maintain the filter regularly. If you have the money to spend go for a reputable brand, look at filter sizes and prices. If on a budget avoid bells and whistles. The simpler the unit the better. Makes for long life and easy maintenance.
  2. Pool is loosing water and generally is in need of renovation. Would anyone please share recommendations for a trustworthy pool renovation contractor in Bangkok wider metro area? Thanks in advance!
  3. That gunshop owner is simply clueless or giving calculated (yet still stupid) answers: +) weapons in Thailand not as deadly as weapons in the US ????‍♂️???????? +) no masshootings possible with weapons available to the public in Thailand ????‍♂️???????? +) in Thailand gun dealers tell parents not to show their guns to their kids ????‍♂️???????? I need stop here, though I am still shaking my head. What a muffin.
  4. Let's assume 3x holes in body work and 1x tire makes 4 spent cases shot by the perpetrator. Another 4 spent cases supposedly shot from police. 8 holes in the perpetrators body could be realistic if media counted entry & exit wound separately.
  5. You are sharing an opinion since your facts are wrong. It starts with the THC content which is an uninformed opinion of yourself and not reality based.
  6. I disagree. What does a child learn when being hit by a person of authority? Nothing other than it is acceptable to lay hands on another person. Eager to hit people? Join the martial arts community. Corporal punishment has no place, it's a matter of evolving. I understand your references but I am of the opinion that more violence is not a solution.
  7. Now, if anyone could please explain to me how marijuana could be put into food secretly as this baker claimed. ???????????? No clue the guy and, by extension a few members of this forum as well it seems. Really the only way I could think of is lacing a cookie with marijuana butter or oil. And that's not how it's generally done to be honest. Sprinkling parts of the plant onto food does exactly 0 witg regards to psychoactive effects. Zero. I think it's a bogus claim by a baker who has actually no idea what he is talking about but jumped on his chance for 15 minutes fame.
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