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Allen Ginsing

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Posts posted by Allen Ginsing

  1. Not sure if anyone mentioned this but those concrete roof panels may contain asbestos. Should be careful when taking them off and probably want to avoid putting new ones if they contain asbestos. Good idea is take them off in the monsoon and make sure the dust doesn't fall inside the house.

    I think clay roof tiles would be a good choice personally.

  2. 3 minutes ago, seajae said:

    just dont eat there, I refuse to eat in a restaurant that allows animals in there especially when the owner has them sitting at the tables and eating off them, seems if you have money you can do as you please. I just walk out, same with birds etc, if they are that bad and dont do anything about it, why even eat there

    Well they are Buddhist and very nice people actual, i like the food they are always very kind and give me big portions. I suspect they don't want to offend the birds, LOL. There is only one other veg place in town which is not as good...

  3. 4 minutes ago, Rc2702 said:

    On top of this he likes to move his furniture around and he drags it so it makes an awful noise.

    That is the other thing in guesthouse i notice some lazy idiots like to move the bed or tables around in the middle of the night but dragging them.


    I give them a few chances but at some point i politely  write them a note so you don't have to confront them asking them quiet up.

  4. I really like this place and eat there almost every day. Lately i've noticed that that small birds fly in and eat from the trays and from the rice pot if it is not covered. I mentioned this to the lady and she said,,"soarry, soarry.." and shooed them away. I notice these bird are always out from of the restaurant waiting there. Should i be concerned with H5N1?

  5. OMG yes this is big problem. I wake up many times at night in some guesthouse when people slam the doors. Some young people take great glee in slamming the door every time they leave the room.


    In Cambodia they have a solution! They put foam rubber strips along the inside of the door it is genius, it makes it impossible to close the door.


    The other problem are the Neanderthals who walk on the balls of their feet instead of the their toes...



  6. If you have a wet area then you can install some drainage pipes underneath. You level the soil and pack it down so it is tight, it should be good soil so the grass can root and grow. It can be a mixture of sand, clay and top soil.

    It is a good idea to lay these on a bit of slope so water rolls off. You can use a string lines for the keep the bricks level, one for you X & Y axis.

    Once you get all the bricks down then you fill with grass seed. Water every other day for 1-2 weeks.

    Don't worry if you they are one or two not level, you can take a pry bar and easily pull a couple up and adjust the soil underneath. It will take a couple of weeks for the bricks to settle.

  7. giphy.gifI've been staying a nice guesthouse for the last 4 weeks and everything is good. Once and while there are some noisy guests but the usually leave soon. Now, the last few days this women moved in bellow me and wakes me up at least 2-3 time per night making weird noise with the chairs and banging things. She's looks like a zombie and sleeps during the day, she has white skin and hair, with big black bags under her eyes. She freaked out at me when i ask here to stop waking me up. I spoke to the owner who only seem to be interested in her rent money.

    Should i just move? What is your experience with these junkies? Should i call the tourist cops? I saw her today going into the drug bar i guess tonight will be the same....



  8. Well i think you guys are very wrong.

    1) The customer is always right. It is called buyer's remorse. In comparison, traveling in India or Nepal is very different, for example i spent 3.5 weeks in a guesthouse last year and never paid a rupee until i left when i paid the whole bill.  Staff always smiled and never look worried. Room was bit cheaper but a bit better too.


    2)  Think about buying RE in my country. A seller can be sued months after closing because of defects of house. So you can not expect someone to completely check out a guest house room in 5 minutes.   Yes perhaps i could have check the mattress thickness more closely. Still, if someone only spend 20 minutes in a room the smart owner will just refund and say sorry or face possible bad word of mouth advertising.



  9. I checking into a guesthouse in Krabi Town which seemed nice, i took a shower unpacked a bit then went out for a 2 hour came back at 3:00pm and sat in bed and realized it was hard as rock!  It was ridiculous and i realize i could not sleep and had to leave. The owner was indignant and only refunded 200 out of the 600 baht. Which i think is unfair. Do you think i can contact the tourist police and they would help get my money back?


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