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Posts posted by Media1

  1. 57 minutes ago, baboon said:

    You want a price put on the head of a former elected Prime Minister. By the leader of that country's military junta...?

    Well hey, why not? I mean, what could possibly be the downside?

    Rat her out and do what. Send superman lol. They have a not capable SOG team. Being a former US soldier and I doubt it very very much. Laughable actually wake me up if anything shape's up. Muppets 

  2. Prostitution ilegall in Thailand but 80% of woman on apps such as SKOUT BADOO THAI FRIENDLY are all hooked openly selling sex. The police do not do there jobs handing them to the courts. They could be infected with numerous viruses. No medical checks and no licence to sell sex to begin with. In my country pro gets a licence and number. Or your in big trouble. 

    The RTP need replacing not acceptable 

  3. 17 minutes ago, JAG said:


    Oh dear me, I am trying to imagine an "extraction team" operation in Dubai, or the UK, or Singapore, or anywhere to be frank....

    Let's leave aside the fact that the deployment of such a team into another sovereign country would be an act of war, and highly unlikely to go unpunished. Once the invaded country had stopped laughing.


    Please don't make me laugh. They would be shot dead in Dubai 

  4. 50 minutes ago, Jonmarleesco said:

    There were DNA samples. Unfortunately, the tests were questionable, carried out by less-than-qualified personnel - and when asked for the evidence so that tests could be conducted by better qualified people, the RTP claimed to have disposed of (lost, I believe was the term used) the samples. Yet the court didn't find this to be grounds for doubt.

    All courts in Thailand are on the paying end and very very racist, 4th world hence Thailand 4

  5. Was this man elected by the people at a election ?

    Did this man lead a coup to overthrow a elected PM ?

    Did this man make it possible to charge a elected PM with criminal charges ? 

    Has this man gained wealth and power since the coup ?


    Would you vote for a man that has not even began genuine reforms and what have the people got apart from a terrible economy and Chinese road wreckers. As for western countries they will not help you. Yingluck with be fine. The charges were a farce laughable.

  6. Have these so called police had there bank accounts audited based around salary ? I would have completed this immediately taking office as PM. As part of the ongoing corruption and raping the Thai nation. No of course not Prayut is in the action himself. Yingluck was not a criminal but you guys are arch crooks that should be jailed in general population.

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