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Posts posted by jenny2017

  1. 10 minutes ago, duanebigsby said:

    You've always assumed young Thai women who talk to you are whores?


    Not just that. Assumed that they also want to see his tiny room. 


    OP, rent a nice Lamborghini and you'll be successful. ?

    • Like 2
  2. 3 hours ago, Happy enough said:

    i always thought lumpini park was a bit like clapham common. gay pick up joint. heard it's been like that forever. well at least since that babylon sauna place had gay guys hitting sathorn and silom in their droves

    Then show him some video footage and take the cash. You might pay a 10 K fine, so still good money. And you'll be all over the social web. .....

  3. 5 hours ago, britishjohn said:

    So I meet up with 40 year Thai lady for drinks last night, foolishly letting her pick the venue and ending up with a bill of 2,700 bht for 4 drinks and a lump of cheddar on a board which she cheekily ordered when I went for a pee. I'd say she had a comfortable life with her farang ex husband before his business hit the rocks. Now she's looking for the next meal ticket. Her body is good but her looks decidedly average. Then she comes out with it and tells me it's 100k bht a month or nothing. I struggle to contain the laughter and pick up a burger on the way home…

    Without trying her wings before? 


         I'm still shocked by what has happened and truly hope that the 18-year old boy will survive and finally fully recover. A friend from another school just called me and wanted to know if it's true. Unfortunately, did it really happen and I hope that nobody will post an image or the video(s) some of his classmates have made. I had to see my dentist last week and we had an interesting chat. She spoke exactly about things what just happened only hours ago and said that the current regime is finally doing all to destroy the country. Coincidence? 


       She said that many teenagers who visit her, are suffering from the current self-made politician in power. Should anybody have images, or movies about the incident, please do not post them here, or on your Facebook, or any other social page. Please respect the boy's privacy. Let's hope that he'll make it and have a full recovery. 



    • Over-the-counter (OTC) antiperspirants: these can be applied to the hands and feet, as well as the armpits. Hyperhidrosis that's controllable by OTC treatment doesn't need a doctor's visit. Antiperspirants can even be used at bedtime.
    • Prescription antiperspirants: Most people with hyperhidrosis will sweat through OTC antiperspirants. A doctor can prescribe a higher-strength, aluminum salt-based antiperspirant. This can be effective for mild cases of excessive sweating.




      You should really make sure that your blood pressure, etc is okay, Eat a healthy diet, do some sport and smile more often. 


       I'm not a doctor, please take that with a pinch of salt. Get well soon, I can imagine that it's a strange phenomenon. 

    • Like 1
  5. On 7/7/2018 at 8:32 AM, DILLIGAD said:

    I suppose they wouldn’t have many adjustment problems fitting-in with the populace.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    The Nigerians have rapidly developed and are now well connected with the Italian mafia. Even countries like South Africa are somehow ruled by them. 

  6. 27 minutes ago, NonthaburiBear said:

    isn't polite to put elderly woman photo which you don't know  and let people having a laf on it.  Its ok to having fun , but this is not nice... or this is what you been taught at your home country

    A thread can sometimes become a bit dry. The one poster with his message that he's more into older ladies was in no way to make fun of older people. Is it not possible just to smile and go over to the next part of life? I thought it's funny, others might think different, but it was not to make fun out of anybody. 


      I'm sorry if I somehow offended you, it wasn't my intention. My apologies. 

  7. 3 hours ago, KhunFred said:

    I would not be so quick to make that judgement. I have been surprised at the professional women who have shown interest in me. Many have been definitely middle class and not at all desperate. Usually have at least one child. Some have had their own businesses. I will agree that it's much easier to cut a deal with a destitute girl. I generally shoot for older, attractive women, who have low-paying jobs. They DO get accustomed to having more options very quickly, though.

    It's your lucky day! No chance to meet her without this forum, methinks. Please message me for her details. Her smile is honest. 

    Looking for Farang.jpg

  8. 1 hour ago, maximillian said:


    Too dangerous to stop to let people cross the street. It's a No Go in LOS, unless there is a zebra crossing with a traffic light or a cop. Your politeness can be fatal.

    There's a zebra crossing, which is right in front of the local hospital, where plenty of people are trying to cross the road from both sides.

    But the "I have a bigger one mentality" doesn't seem to get it. These people are often patients with severe injuries, who can't run away from an idiot. Even if I don't see any changes in their behaviour, I'll continue doing so and let people cross the road. 


    But some of them who're coming from the other side sometimes do stop when they see me. No loss of face, the hidden education, without a lost face. 

  9. 18 hours ago, Aj Mick said:

    What does the military do........?


    Protect the borders against the neighbours?


    Protect the nation from distant foes?


    Protect the elite from the hoi polloi?

    Protect the people from educational nightmares and they protect them from getting a well-paid job that would only create jealousy.


    Protect foreigners from educated people.


    Protect locals to run their islands in a way they want to.


    Protect recreational and harder substances from being sold by Aliens. 


    Protect the protected protectors to make sure that protection is protected. 



    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  10. On 8/5/2018 at 11:15 AM, KhunBENQ said:

    Another variant of the "gas station" CCV/CVV scam thread of recently.

    Not much CM airport specific. Guess it's now everywhere.

    Remove/scratch off that crazy dangerous three digits.

    Handing over a CC/debit card with the magic number is like handing over the keys to your account.

    Sad is that almost nothing happens to these guys who make millions without actually working. 


    It's a great idea to get rid of the 3 digits, never thought about that. Then it's almost impossible for them to do that. 

  11. According to witnesses, Mr Robb became invovled in a confrontation with group of men, one of whom attacked him, throwing him across the room, punching him in his face and stomping on his head “10 to 15 times”.


    Witnesses recalled the group then laughing and taking photos of Mr Robb as he lay unconcious and severly injured on the floor.


    My sincere condolences to the family and friends of the poor guy, may he rest in peace.


       Stomping on his head 10 to 15 times? The group then laughing and taking photos of the victim?


    Something similar has happened to me by Thai people when one started an argument and five others jumped in. But when an American adult id doing that, there's no excuse, and no time in jail too long. 

  12. On 8/7/2018 at 8:49 PM, Esso49 said:

    Firstly rest in peace to this poor girl.  Whilst it is a sad event the headlines could well be misleading as it states it was a speeding pick-up, came from nowhere yet stopped 15 meters from the incident. Below are some OZ stopping distance based on average reaction times for both wet and dry road conditions.  Coming from nowhere would indicate the driver would have only have seen the victim at the last minute. Based on this it indicates a vehicle speed far far less than the speed limit and far less than 40 KPH,  the minimum speed correlated in the chart.  Now given the fact that most Thais reactions are ,  what should we say,  delayed,  the vehicle was under no circumstances speeding.   Now given that Thais generally drive with less than average due care and attention,   what are the bets (if it were legal) that the driver of the pick-up was not speeding but most probably on the phone talking or possibly sending SMS.  No excuse of course and in a civilised country he would get a life driving ban and possibly 7 years inside by causing death through dangerous driving.  I fear however that as usual the sickner will be for the Mother to accept some payment in return for her daughters death,  the driver will get a 500 baht fine and give a Wai all around before he goes back to driving as "business as usual".  

    Typical total stopping distances

    We already know that a huge number of factors affect this, but let’s assume a medium-sized car with good tyres on a dry road:

    Speed Reaction distance Braking distance Total stopping distance
    40km/h 17m 9m 26m
    50km/h 21m 14m 35m
    60km/h 25m 20m 45m
    70km/h 29m 27m 56m
    80km/h 33m 36m 69m
    90km/h 38m 45m 83m
    100km/h 42m 56m 98m
    110km/h 46m 67m 113m

    And now if we take the same car on a wet road:

    Speed Reaction distance Braking distance Total stopping distance
    40km/h 17m 13m 30m
    50km/h 21m 20m 41m
    60km/h 25m 29m 54m
    70km/h 29m 40m 69m
    80km/h 33m 52m 85m
    90km/h 38m 65m 103m
    100km/h 42m 80m 122m
    110km/h 46m 97m 143m

    The figures above are from the Queensland Government Department of Transport and Main Roads as NZ Transport Agency does not give any definitive figures.


    Poor  Chansiniee, may she rest in peace. I'm driving cars for over 40 years and I don't believe your statistic. 


      Let's take the first one:  How can the reaction distance be longer than the actual braking distance? I don't think that I'd need that long to react. It's sad that Thais do not care and drive fast at bus stops, at hospitals, at schools.


     I'm wondering why the cops don't check on those who don't give a rat's arse.  I always stop at the local hospital on my way to work to let people cross the road. And every time, people come from behind, take over and one time, an older lady almost got killed.


      One of them was a car with cops, doing the same mistake. It makes me angry and I don't know why they don't think why I stopped. 


    • Like 1
  13. 47 minutes ago, onlycw said:

    At the time of registration, the clerk took a photo. It reminded me of the TOEIC test... Looks like the Thai government is getting serious about scammers and impostors and "friends" taking the medical test.


    The cashier was adamant about taking only 50 B. Had to return and pay 300 B more...


    The blood drawing was done with a too thin needle, JMHO and by a bloke. Bet the girl would have done a better job...



    BTW, my school explains that OBEC bans any reimbursement of expenses for such tests, the WP fee ( 3,500 B ?) and the fee at Immigration. Q: is anyone getting any of these expenses  r e i m b u r s e d  at government schools?!???


    The WP should be the employers' duty, IMHO.

    Hogwash.  There's no official note from OBEC in regards of reimbursement of your expenses. It's only a very good excuse from your employer not to pay for. The work permit is 3,100 baht for one year, also if you only extend it. The fee at Immigration, usually an extension is 1,900 baht. 


     Paying for your expenses can hardly be part of OBEC's (Office of the Basic Education Commision) decisions regarding the employment of foreigners. 


    IMO, they should at least pay for the work permit, because that's something you need to do the job. A visa is something you'd have to have anyway.


       But a good school will pay for both. My agency pays for the WP in the second year of employment. 


    P.S. It's basically the doctor's decision on what he/she'll finally test you. Drug tests are common in some areas, usually meth tests. Some doctors X-Ray your lungs, but most don't.  Be happy when they take a thin needle! A larger one can cause a nice damage, when in the wrong hands. I had a guy at the local hospital who's trying seven times to draw some blood. My arms looked like I was a junkie when I left.               


         I've tried my clinic to add one field on the medical ( there's always space to add something) and they just wrote that a syphilis test was done. All in all 80 baht for two copies and the certificate was accepted.  ?


       Not all labour departments want to see the result from the laboratory. 


        Should they ask you how much you've paid, please remember that you've paid more than 500 baht. 

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