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Posts posted by ICELANDMAN

  1. 38 minutes ago, Sumarianson said:

    If he is responsible for the visa extension havok then it is justified. Keeping 800,000 Baht in the bank for 5 months without interest is extortion. Then a further 3 months with 400,000. Crazy. What are foreigners supposed to live on? They are painting everyone with the same brush. Agents should not be allowed to apply, especially for a retirement visa. It was a simple process. That is why I gave up doing the O family extension, too complicated snd repedative. Not reciprocal, EU and UK countries give you a right as soon as you are married or have children with a foreign national if the relationship is proved genuine. Thailand does not welcome foreign nationals but is happy to take their money and offer nothing in return.


    You are right but Europe lives in a democracy, here is all the difference


    • Thanks 1
  2. 59 minutes ago, ginjag said:

    Why would the UK want us ex pats back  ??   They would have to at least double my pension because of no increment increases for me for 12 years.   also they would have to pay for free TV, Hospital, transport for the elderly and housing.......   this seems to contradict your post. 

    After 12 years you may have bad surprises, there is also another more political reason that I don't write about which causes moderators ????

    • Confused 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Kerryd said:

    Actually, Immigration told the Embassies that they would not accept any income letters from them unless they were able to verify that the information in those letters was accurate. They told the Embassies that they may be held liable in the event Immigration found out the information was false.


    So some embassies decided to stop issuing the letters rather than go through the enormous hassle of trying to verify each and every person's statements (or leaving themselves liable).
    But of course, TV members not having a single clue about most things, figured that all embassies have this "magic button" that any clerk can simply push and have all their financial information displayed in an instant so that the clerk (that may actually be a foreign national) could simply stamp "verified" on their letter.


    Completely oblivious to the fact that even the police in their home countries would (normally) need a warrant in order to see that same information. They expect that some low level clerk at an Embassy could access it and when the Embassies (some of them) decided to stop issuing the letters - they get their knickers in a knot and whine about how the Embassies don't care about them.

    And has been mentioned, this came into effect before "Big Jok" (or "Joke" to Westerners) took over Immigration.


    I am convinced that the US GB  DK AU embassies were the first to annul the income letter, they want the repatriation of their retired emigrants for a matter of money spills while these countries have the budget in debt



    • Confused 1
    • Haha 2
  4. 22 hours ago, INV said:

    So this part is so important that is put in the headline?" My foreign husband wants to dump me"

    Its amazing what kind of crap news is allowed to write as long its attacking foreigners.

    Racist BS again, the article is about fraud, etc, what heck has the foreign husband to do with this? 

    It is not because of racism, it is only because in addition to having lost 680.OOO baths now if the husband leaves her, he also loses the money her receives from foreign husband, only business, not racism, only Thais lady thinks.....


  5. 1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

    Definitions of 'poor' are relative.

    I would define 'poor' as having less income than the official wage of a Thai immigration employee.

    That definition works for immigration officials and foreign residents in every country in the world. 

    I agree with this limit, Definitions of 'poor' are relative. many immigration agents easily return poor foreigners while bowing when rich foreigners arrive.
    The Big joke executes this order .... there are few illusions to make for the future for foreigners living in Thailand

  6. 39 minutes ago, madmen said:

    Well done Thailand for a civil election without violence. Sad that many farang who are guests in this country refuse to accept democracy

    Why you think this ?

    You must read the history of "farang" We foreigners have a long experience of democracy much more than Thailand and we do not like the dictatorship for which many have died to regain democracy and we struggle continuously for the future

    • Like 2
  7. 14 hours ago, Thaidream said:

    I agree and I believe  Thai Immigration  would be glad to accept new Income Letters from the US Embassy as it would make their life easier.  From simply an economic perspective- The Us Embassy in stopping the letters has most likely thrown away almost $300,000 worth of income per year in lost fees. Not a very smart way to do business especially since  virtually every other Embassy (except 4) are still issuing the letters.

    Who are these happy four embassies????

  8. Can you imagine the chaos that would ensue at the Immigration desks if they had to check each passengers 'Health Insurance document' written in the language of the passenger? Also, do they have any idea (or care) about old people who CANNOT get health insurance either due to pre-existing conditions or the extremely high costs of obtaining it. I for one would be more than willing to contribute to the Thai National health service on a monthly or yearly basis. I live in Hua-Hin and have had excellent service from the local hospitals here, at a fraction of the cost of the 'Farang' hospitals. Example:- A few years ago I had a brain bleed and I was quoted 1 million B for the operation and 1 million B for aftercare which I could not afford and eventually paid a grand total of 46,000B after being operated on at the local hospital with whom I was registered. I was transferred from the local Military Hospital to the HH General hospital on the advice of my doctor at the Military Hospital and arrived at about 1400 and was operated on at 2000 the same day. The Neurosurgeon that operated on me came every day including weekends to see how I was getting on, so I for one have only praise for the Thai National Health services. May I close by wishing all our members all the best for the coming year, especially your good health. 



      Perfectly agree with you, if the government of Thailand were smart, it would require all foreigners to pay health insurance for the state as for its citizens, private hospitals are sharks

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