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  1. What 1 year resident visas are you referring to? The only one that allows working is the DN visa which very few have. I don't think they have announced what the tax rates are for DTV visas are yet.
  2. How is putting the money in the bank any different from buying it outright? People are already complaining about the price of food going up.. even farangs. There is only so much you can raise before you start losing business. I don't think she is going to explain the details of buying sugar to a reporter. The point is that it has gotten expensive and this will help.
  3. If it is a bar with alcohol, it is likely a girl of at least drinking age. If the establishment is out in the open, they are likely legal. Of course there are no guarantees. They can use fake IDs or a "sister's ID." Know your environment!
  4. We don’t want him back either. Just toss him into a Thai prison!
  5. Changing laws is a bureaucratic nightmare in any country. That is why the Thais did a smart thing and made a temporary “emergency” 44 day measure that they could quickly push through. Changing the laws from 30 to 90 days, I suspect, will take just as long as in Vietnam. Who knows when it will actually be implemented.
  6. I just sent some money via Western Union to Colombia. No additional fees and better rates surprisingly.
  7. Yes, USD. Edit: I just checked on the Western Union website. 250 GBP XE: 11142.68 Wise: 11047.52 Western Union: 11111.85
  8. The 45 day change was a temporary change. They just let it expire (or need to keep renewing). Changing it permanently adds a lot more bureaucracy. The amount that tourists spend will far surpass the tiny amount they collect from visas.
  9. The simple solution is to charge 1900 for 60 days or 3800 for 90 days. For most it isn’t about the money but the hassle of having to going to immigration to file an extension.
  10. It’s already possible without a work permit (only tourist visa). The issue is that different banks have different rules and nothing is universal. It is a headache. Tell her to save hassle and hire an agent for 3500-5000 baht depending on where you are.
  11. I never knew you could that, but it takes 2-3 days correct?
  12. How do you get free ACH transfers? My ACH transfer is $2.60 for $2000.
  13. As previous poster just said, Western Union is much more competitive now. I just compared it myself. I am not sure when they changed but it was common knowledge that they have horrible exchange rates. Also, I am not sure if the physical booth is the same rates as online.
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