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Everything posted by up2you2

  1. Thank you. But could also be a wrong setting at the monitor. Did you check them? No how do I adjust the horizontal width please on my Dell monitor?
  2. On my Dell monitor display resolution 1920 x 1080, the right hand scroll bar is at times nearly impossible to see on some sites. Is it possible to reduce the horizontal width of this display, and if so could you please tell me how?
  3. Thanks for this, came as a shock.
  4. Trying to source the black inlay U shaped part in the attachment. Does anybody know of who trades BMW second hand parts in Thailand, or even those I could ask to find out please?
  5. My Xiaomi Smartphone Redmi Note 10 I have been told by the official repairers, that it needs a new Motherboard. This with a new camera lens cover is coming in at 6,200 THB. Does anybody know of a Xiaomi repairer that is good and reasonable, loathed to throw it away on the off chance there is someone?
  6. Here in Phuket I have found a guy at the Mission Hospital. Seems competent and they only charge 40,000 Baht per tooth. Prices vary wildly, but this is the cheapest I have found. Perhaps if you sent him pictures of your gums, as many as possible, he might commit himself without you having to make a wasted trip.
  7. Came up trumps this time on Chrome, thanks for the replies.
  8. Trying to order this product following excellent reviews: BELLEMOND - 2 SET - Japanese Smooth Kent Paper Screen Protector compatible with iPad Air 4 10.9" (2022/20) - Nobody seems to stock it, got as far as their web site in Japan: https://www.bellemond.jp/ but as it is all in Japanese this is as far as I can get. Hopefully somebody reads Japanese and could enquire for me please?
  9. My two tubes of Savlon Antiseptic Cream from England are nearly finished. Does anybody know of a stockist here in Thailand please? Failing that what is the best alternative here locally?
  10. Previously my Japanese chlorine tablets dissolved with no problem at all. Now I think with the Chinese ones (Poolchor?), blue flecks, they all seem to go into a solidified mass, not dissolving quickly. Has anybody else had such experiences, and if so what is now their preferred choice of tablets, performance and cost wise?
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