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Douggie Style

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Posts posted by Douggie Style

  1. The problem I have is the completely disproportionate use of force..Israel has a mighty military and uses it to crush a people collectively and disproportionally.

    This is a fact, not an argument.

    Not only do they crush them they deny them the right to concrete, a port, paralyse them economically, kidnap, extort and distort. Basically not treat the people as they themselves could accept.

    The only reason the West puts up with this is because Israeli is strategically important, has such a powerful disinformation machine including Hollywood and many unseen lobbyists with a long reach.

    It is a dangerous destabilizing situation for all peoples include the Jews, and many Jewish thinkers (who have given the world so much) recognize this but are getting shouted down by the use more force brigade.

    Using more force will only continue to escalate the situation and the demographics are not on Israels side, not only domestically but in many electorates in the West things are changing.

    This does not bode well for Israels long term future and indeed this protest is exactly what is needed to introduce a counter point to the myopic polices continued by Netanyhu et al.

    • Like 2
  2. To be frank I think your attitude is the problem not him.

    When you take someone on you take on the whole enchilada, in Thai families the Mum and Dad rank far higher than you, the parents are part of the deal.

    If you love her why don't you show some understanding and generosity towards her father? He is a senior and not in his productive age.

    If the roles were reversed and your mother came to live how would you feel if you wife displayed the same attitude?

    Perhaps you don't love her perhaps its just a user/user type relationship which then makes sense as you are not comfortable with the extra work.

    • Like 1
  3. On the figures from the article about 1 in 24 Australians are on a DSP.. that means 1 in every 24 is not working and getting a support payment because, according to the criteria, they are too disabled to work.

    It would be interesting to compare this to figures from another first world country.

    Personally I know of a gent who has been on this payment or the predecessor for decades..

    It started after he left his wife and two kids to fend for themselves in a messy breakup, he boasted to all and sundry she would not see a cent and he would go on the dole to circumvent any payment, which he promptly did.

    He was a panel beater and claimed his hands hurt from the constant battering so then went onto a DSP.

    We saw him the other day, he told us he has a house provided by the government, was riding a bicycle towing a large boat (boat trailer made by him) and his current project is restoring a car...he looks strong and healthy

    Again a civilized society and my personal belief and I think most people is we have to look after the genuinely disabled.

    BTW the super guarantee is a minimum, government workers get paid 15%, Samran's right the Aust super system is effectively privatizing the pension, this strengthens the whole economy and deals with the boomer bulge, the figures of 40 years and 20% are highly arbitrary based on an average, each case is different.

  4. Collect your evidences, get some advice (on jurisdiction) and issue a statement of claim (not hard or expensive to do) in Sydney, you will either be successful or not, either way it will be noted a claim has issued..that has repercussions (credit agencies pick up on a claim once issued)..some small redress

  5. Not involved. And certainly won't be asked for money. My girl makes good coin and pay half of all our expenses here in Phuket. Just amazed Thai logic. Imagine in a western country if your kid was riding unlicensed on an unregistered bike and hit a neighbours dog. Would you have the gall to hit the neighbour up for compensation?

    Yep in a western country same same, perhaps damages reduced but similar principle with negligence..

  6. I think the day of the dole bludger vanished starting in the mid 90s onwards. While not ungenerous Australia's welfare system is one of the most targeted in the world and still one of the most modest.

    For me this move is simply another measure you'd expect from one of the most ideological right wing conservative governments in a generation and kicking the most needy when they are down in part and parcel of what they do.

    And I'm an economist and that is saying a lot, cause I am a genuine economic conservative.

    Where costs have blown out in Australia is the middle class welfare stuff. Why government needs to subsidise the private health insurance industry to the tune of 30% of premiums is beyond me. Why we need to subsidise diesel fuel for mining companies is perplexing.

    Moves like this disability pension restriction is going to pay for paid maternity leave schemes for mums earning $150k.

    Again, this is simply another low blow from our current government.

    Unfortunately the DSP has blown out, a civilized society must support the genuinely disabled, however it has become an unsustainable rort..


    Data from the Department of Social Services shows as of June 2013, 821,738 people were on the DSP out of a total population of about 23.5 million.

    The DSP pays $766 a fortnight for a single person.

  7. That urine technique just doesn't work..maybe the warmth feels good for a minute but it does nothing after..I get stung by these suckers every summer and really hate them so keep trying to find a better solution....how bad it is going to be and if you get scarred will depend on what you do when first stung..if you immediately stop and carefully pick then off without activating the cysts then usually just swimming in the salt water will cure within 10-15 mins.

    if you rub and fire them off you may get scarred, the experience can be intensely painful and take up to 3-4 hours to go (thats even with a bath)..

    if someone finds a better method happy to try, really hate these things...wait to you get stung on the finger tips! only thing worse was once got stung by a small lagoon ray on the finger..again tried everything until the bait shop lady brought a bowl of very hot water..pain went in 10 seconds..

    i asked my doctor why, he said heat often breaks down the poisons

    • Like 2
  8. Hi Guys..

    been stung by these many times..particularly painful on the fingers...lots of nerve endings

    tried many things..its absolutely crucial to not brush or rub the tentacle (its very sticky), try to gently remove lift it off, then swim around in the salt water for as long as you can, if a bad sting that needs to be followed by a very hot bath..

    most just disappear in 5 mins but have had some really bad ones that left me gasping for 30 mins..only thing that helped on those was a very hot bath and a coupla of pain killers

    in recent years they seem to have got a lot more potent...

    again whatever you do don't rub it

    • Like 1
  9. Hi Simon..

    Had something similar..in my case it was to do with working in a/c all day..guessing it dried out the soft tissues..which then let infection in...it stopped when on holidays at a non a/c house

    the only solution I found was ocean swimming and snorting the salt water right up into my sinusus..

    however a few weeks ago read something on the 'net' about placing bowls of rock salt around the house...so placed about 5 small saucers of rock salt in my room..gotta say works extremely well so far..smile.png

  10. I am finally in Bangkok after a very pleasant flight on Thai's A380. The service in first class was impeccable and the in-flight entertainment was high quality. I was able to see two films that I enjoyed: Riddick and The Butler. When we got to the gate, it took the ground crew some time to line the portal up with the door so we didn't step off the plane until 11:00. The golf cart whisked us to immigration and it only took five minutes to get through. A ground hostess and a porter accompanied me to carousel 7 and my bags were among the first ten on the belt. The porter loaded up my bags and we hurried through customs and got to Meeting Point 3 twenty minutes late for my 11:00 appointment with Blacklane. Nobody was there holding up a sign with my name on it. We searched out each and every sign there. Nothing. We then retraced our steps to the exit from immigration, carefully looking at each sign. Nothing. We then slowly worked our way back to Meeting Point 3, carefully looking at each sign along the way. Nothing. The porter then asked me if I had a phone number but all I had was the one in Germany since no number had reached me before I left Tokyo. It was now 11:40 and I was wondering whether I should just give up and go to the meter-taxi stand. The porter stopped to consult with a man at the tourist information booth. After a few minutes, I decided to make one more pass through the sign-holders and discovered a slim young woman holding a sign with my name on it. She looked irritated and said that she had been waiting for me. I guess that she thought that she could get away with her lie since I came from the direction of the exit from customs. She said that she had been waiting for a long time. She hadn't. I called the porter who had now spent 30 minutes with me and had taken calls to pick up other passengers' luggage. She then lead us out of the terminal to an oldish Mercedes in the far lane of traffic passing the terminal. As I had expected, there was no help with my luggage and if I hadn't had the help of the Thai Airways porter, I would have been struggling with the three large bags and my carry-on myself. There was nary a word of apology from the young woman or the driver. At least I got to my hotel without delay. The protestors kindly opened the barriers to let us through. So once again I paid three to four times the cost of a meter-taxi for a slightly better looking car but much worse service. In my opinion, Blacklane is HIGHLY UNPROFESSIONAL. I recommend that TVers not give even a passing thought to using a Blacklane car. If you must have a limousine, then take one of the cars at the airport that is ready to go. Better yet, take a meter taxi. Avoid Blacklane at all costs. Save yourself the higher cost and greater aggravation.

    Well you came out top dog in one respect..dullest and most self absorbed posting for 2014..

  11. Some great honest comments here..(rare occurrence lol)

    I feel a foreigner gets an opportunity to move through different classes ...perhaps an opportunity not open at home

    this can be exciting....but after the gloss fades, it boils down to the quality of the person and how you conduct yourself in your own life...

    more so the point of life is to make a nice life/environment around you and for those you care about...

    i feel the west has well and truly lost the plot and lost the value of the human connections ..in the end this is what we are..who really cares what stuff you have?

    all the hiso stuff is just a bit of fluff that soon passes...

    through luck i am in a position where I can mix with people across the board and do see both sides...more similar than different

    PS i was in pattaya for this new year, with my family, we were graciously and kindly treated as guests by the owners of many famous businesses.... and they were extremely lovely classy people btw...justr hanging out with their families enjoying NYD...that surreal experience was contrasted by seeing a lot of guys on bar stools staring across at a beach long since covered in those tarp covered stalls... it seemed they have no connections.. that may be wrong...but why travel across the world to do this....we each make our own life...it crystallized a theme...we seem to have become so fearful and paranoid we have lost the joy of connecting with other humans for simple friendship..

  12. Hi Mobi,

    truly sorry to hear about this...i'm not a doctor or have any medical knowledge

    but as a practical matter i find a low diversity low GI fruit and low protein diet works well in a similar situation...(home remedy)

    eg just papaya, rock melon or mango for breakfast (no other fruits or yoghurts keep it simple to one type)..along with a yakult or betagen (helps digest)

    it seems very soothing on the guts..

    then a smoothy with lots of veges for lunch..you may be able to blend in some almond meal etc

    for dinner a small bit of protein only fish and tofu...unless you get a craving then a small slice of meat..

    with your diabetes obviously you would have to watch your fruit intake..

    just another option and something i find works well with the trots

    hope you perserve and find a way to get through this

  13. I have to say this is one of the better topics and thank all the posters particularly
    those contrary to my views..

    My mother and a friend at work are taking the standard anti cholesterol
    meds, they are both experiencing an obvious reduction in mental capacity and
    have other very severe side effects.

    This is the point to me, it may or may not be these drugs help some people
    however the consequences may not be worth it.

    It seems counter intuitive to broadly and crudely block a system of
    transporting important nutrients and 'brain fats' around the body and may ultimately
    damage the brain. These may be long term effects that may not be apparent in a
    short term study.

    The brain requires a good dose of the right 'fats' to be healthy and
    function well along with a few other nutrients (pls see John B Arden a researchers
    researcher in 'Rewire your Brain) the long term effects of interfering
    with this system (really crudely through reducing ‘cholesterol’) may not yet be
    fully apparent.

    One of the problems with the scientific method and 'studies' is that they
    are often time or number limited and may not have sufficient controls. Few authorities
    actually go back into the studies and understand the parameters and therefore
    what weight to give these studies.

    Further there is certainly an industry of paying good money for a study
    where the outcome is intended to support a particular outcome. Money does talk
    to researchers; there are guns to hire who need to pay for their degrees. Some
    of these studies are better used as toilet paper but can get picked up and
    widely distributed by the media.

    For this reason relying heavily on these studies either for or against is
    misguided, better to research how to interpret the worth of a study, read it
    yourself and therefore give it the appropriate weight.

    Each to their own but lets stay open and get all views out there as it may
    help someone have a quality life.

    • Like 1

    The referenced article is a mixture of fact, half fact and complete nonsense.

    The author is a multi-millionaire who has several times been cited for making unfound claims for the "alternative" products he hawks.


    With respect I don't agree with you Sheryl. The article is one of the more balanced on cholesterol and confirms other research I have read.

    If you have a cholesterol problem you should read this and any mainstream literature, more knowledge is good, it is up to you to filter and research further.

    Few GP's have little understanding of the complexity of the blood lipids and are trained to deal with a problem through a corresponding standard drug treatment. For high cholesterol prescribe anti cholesterol drugs.

    What is increasingly obvious is that the medical fraternity are influenced by uncritical dogma and receive large inducements to prescribe cholesterol. This dogma is picked up by the media and repeated until everyone is an expert on cholesterol.

    Some 50-70% of cholesterol produced by the body and is recycled . It also has many functions including hormone effects eg

    For these reasons, cholesterol intake in food has little, if any, effect on total body cholesterol content or concentrations of cholesterol in the blood.

    Cholesterol is recycled. The liver excretes it in a non-esterified form (via bile) into the digestive tract. Typically about 50% of the excreted cholesterol is reabsorbed by the small bowel back into the bloodstream.

    < http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cholesterol >

    It may turn out that inflammation is the root cause behind heart disease and stroke and the relationship to cholesterol is indirect and less significant.

    The inflammation is possibly from a massive change in the EFA3 to EFA6 essential fatty acids ratio, caused through widespread introduction of oils not typically found in the diet eg such as sunflower, and canola. Further farmed salmon present in sushi may also upset this ratio.

    This results in a large increases In arachidonic acid and inflammation causing secondary problems. If you are interested in the subject read Chilton, and for a brief background;


    However the chemistry is complex. What is clear is that along with many other changes we have radically changed the EFA 3:6 profile and general fat profile in our diet over the last few decades, returning that profile to where it was post food industrialization may not be a bad thing.

    Canola oil is a case in point, try to find a processed food product without it however where was it in the 60s? it was apparently originally rapeseed oil and used as an industrial lubricant, only after WWII with a market glut did its later form find use as a food;


    Many people have this problem and are looking for a solution, I do not think there are any experts only more knowledge to be gained and applied thorough trial and error.

    For this reason I feel the best approach is to stay open to new knowledge and avoid falling in love with any theory and vehemently opposing or supporting any theory.

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  15. My partner is a Thai/Western businesswoman and gets treated with utmost respect by both cultures...she makes it clear she can't be trifled with

    there are many things you can't control like the local culture but you can set firm boundries and behave in manner that generates respect..and I'm not talking about the sexes but the basics like being polite and a good person, approriate dress for the forum, developing a strength of will

    My partner often gets stared at by Chinese men, she simply out stares them, it is funny to see..

    I still vividly remeber being ostracised by the local playgroup when I primarily cared for my little baby girl (all women who congregated on the other side and not one made any effort and yes I did try to talk with them and no had no other motives) ...in the end I just read a newspaper in the corner...nice people individually, as a group the behaviour was nasty..women are certainily experts at making one feel not wanted...anyways week after week I turned up and said hello politely...then went and twiddled my thumbs in the corner..there was no one to complain too as everyone would have laughed...so learned to zone out

    i am glad for the experience as made me stronger, maybe this is your opportunity to become stronger..

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