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Posts posted by TheBrain

  1. 1 minute ago, dbrenn said:

    Soi dogs are a menace, especially at night. I don't blame the OP for wanting rid of them.

    When i was living in Pattaya before i had no serious issues with soi dogs, just small annoyance. When i moved in rural Thailand it became a serious issue. Day time they sleep in jungles or under cars, sometimes go to drink water from our swimming pool. Night time they become active and go hunting in big pack. As a farang i cannot carry gun or knife here, walking to tesco lotus with big rake is just over-complicated.

  2. 12 hours ago, wildewillie89 said:

    To us it may not be that complicated, but to the country it is. You have people who have the exact same beliefs as us of what should be done. But then you have a big section of do-gooders who have an interpretation of Buddhism, that yes, they don't even follow themselves, who campaign to put these restrictions in. 

    Soi dog issue has no connection to religion. Japan and Korea are Buddhist too, but they eat dogs and dispose them in gaz chambers. I tend to think some one in goverment or parliament like to feed soy dogs and let them roam streets, and this person just do not care about everything else.

  3. 1 hour ago, ELVIS123456 said:

    ...........the dog came out of a house three doors down as his daughter was playing in the street. It always looked threatening but had never bitten anyone , he said.


    Live near a violent aggressive dog and dont do anything about it, then it is your fault if that dog attacks your children.


    What father could do, poison or shoot dog and go for jail for animal cruelty? I have an impression what thai parliament members are hot humans but dogs.

  4. On 3/21/2016 at 9:59 AM, Thian said:

    It would be nice if we had a phonenumber from the government which we can call to report agressive dogs.

    Also would be nice if we can report to which owner they belong (in case we know that) or who feeds them.

    Even better would be if the government just gets them all off the streets. They also come into moobaans where children play or people have dogs in their own fenced garden.

    They have no such a phone number. The only phone number they have is to report against animal cruelty.

  5. On 7/19/2015 at 7:30 AM, impulse said:

    Having been tagged by a couple of dogs in Thailand, I'm 100% in favor of being able to defend yourself from them. But the laws don't really agree with me:



    What... pepper spray is not legal against dogs... let's thai parliament cry me a river. When i was living in Russia before I have big shotgun with anti bear and anti wolf bullets, I have hunter license and shot every stray dog i saw with zero legal issues. I could not use shotgun in cities and towns, but  on garbage fields in countryside  it was sweet:)

  6. 5 hours ago, wildewillie89 said:

    I think you will find you have probably over simplified it. I'm of the belief the government vet in the area has to approve these things and then other sections within the public health ministry can carry them out (which almost never happens with some governments to please do-gooders). If your every day Joe decides to kill a dog then they will be punished, like we all know they are numerous times every day. 


    And where the hell did 80% rabies come from?

    Government does not do anything about removing street dogs from the street and at the same time it prosecutes people who do that themselves, even thought we have right to kill stray dogs in case of self defense or to prevent decease to spread. This is disgusting!!!


     I live near pack of dangerous and big stray dogs. No police no locale authorities did not do anything to remove them, no matter how many times i complained. I suspect i will have serious problems with law if i go and kill these dogs my self,  even thought i can do it according to law. If stray dogs with no owner stay near my home, they bitten my small dog few times, i have full right to kill them all.

  7. I want to show here translation of animal cruelty law section 20, which states what is not considered as a cruelty.

    Section 21   Actions are as follows. No animal cruelty under Section 20

    (1) the killing of animals for use as food;   Only pets for food.

    (2) slaughtering under the law governing the slaughtering and distribution of meat;

    (3) the killing of animals for the control of epidemics under the law on animal epidemics;

    (4) slaughtering in the event that the veterinarian considers that the animal is diseased or injured and can not heal or cure it without suffering.

    (5) the killing of animals by ritual or religious beliefs;

    (6) killing animals in case of necessity to prevent harm to human or animal life or body; Or prevent damage to property.

    (7) Any action on the animal body, which the nature of the profession of veterinarian by profession a veterinary or who are exempt from the act without having registered and licensed as a professional. veterinarians from the Veterinary Medical Council under the veterinary profession.

    (8) cut his tail feathers, tusks or with reasonable cause and not harmful to animals or the lives of animals.

    (9) the availability of animal fighting, according to local tradition.

    (10) any other action that is required by law to be made specifically.

    (11) Any other action prescribed by the Minister, with the approval of the Board.


    So... according to this law there are legal ways to kill soi dogs not being a part of animal cruelty charge. For example killing soi dog as a religious ritual is ok according to this law. Also killing soi dog  as control of epidemics is also OK, cause 80% of soi dogs have rabbies. Killing soi dog to prevent damage to property is ok too. They did no specified what type of animal you can eat, so you can legally kill and eat soi dog.


    My question is if this law legally allow killing soig dogs especially to control epidemic  and to eat according to what document g-ment prosecute killing dogs for eat and do not dispose soi dogs for the epidemic control?

  8. Stray dogs problem was not solved with previous government, with current government and won't be solved with next government. This is dead end, there is no legal way to solve this problem at the moment. Government intentionally do everything to increase soi dog population and remove from people any opportunities to defend.

    Before 10 years ago they collect dogs and dispose them. They do not do that anymore. They had dog trade to Vietnam, now they banned it.  Before 2014 it was no law against poisoning and killing stray dogs, now they have.

    The only legal and highly inefficient way is sterilization, government for sure stopped financing all sterilization programs.  I can only guess why they introduces laws like that, may be some parliament members like to feed soi dogs, may be pharmaceutical companies lobbying, may be it is a conspiracy. One thing am 100% sure it is not because pressure from animal rights activists. I saw one animal activists protest involved 20 people only, mostly young girls, old woman and few ill looking man. Sure government afraid these protests and passed laws under pressure.


    In few words government do not do anything to solve that problem and at the same time it prosecutes volunteers trying to reduce dog population. You know when there is no solution and only dead end then sparks of revolution start lighting in people hearts.



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